When the aircraft driven by the driver appeared in the sky above Neon Country.

Everyone was completely shocked by this scene.

Liu Guang stuttered a little when he spoke.

"this.. this.. What happened?"

At this time, the entire island was torn apart.

There were volcanic ash everywhere and magma flowing everywhere.

Even the moonlight was obscured by the dark smoke.

It was a scene of purgatory on earth.

Lu Xiao was stunned when he saw this scene.

He He pushed the driver next to him who was flying the aircraft.

"Mr. Dante did it?"

The driver nodded heavily.

A burst of intense light burst out from Lu Xiao's dead eyes.

"So damn exciting!"

At this moment, the pendant transformed from the Mirror of Omniscience trembled slightly.

The driver noticed this scene and hurriedly added

"The respected Mirror of Omniscient also participated, and the Neon Kingdom was swallowed up by him."

After witnessing the world-destroying scene with his own eyes, the driver's attitude toward the Mirror of Omniscience changed to one of awe.

It was as if he was in awe of the gods.

Who would have thought that this scene, which was like a natural disaster, would actually look harmless to humans and animals.

Lu Xiao didn't notice the driver's words, but took off three fingernails.

"I didn't expect you to have this ability. No, I’ll reward you!"

He threw his fingernails to the Omniscient Mirror.

A human face appeared on the surface of the small mirror.

The human face was full of flattered expressions.

Lu Xiao connected the whole thing together and soon understood.

"Did Mr. Doctor exchange answers with you?"

The face nodded.

Lu Xiao pinched his chin

"Now that I know the name of that god, the next step should be to sacrifice that god in exchange for the answer to breakthrough human technology!"

"Can't you just tell the doctor the answer?"

Hearing this, the man immediately shook his head.

"The process still needs to be followed. Lu

Xiao frowned and said

"Give me back my fingernails!"

The human face shook his head again

"This is really not enough."

After that, he still added

"Otherwise, you can ask me three questions."

Lu Xiao pondered for a while and thought this would be fine.

"Okay, my first question"

"Can Mr. Dante be cured in the end?"

The human face nodded.

"The answer is: yes!"

Hearing this, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Xiao then asked the second question

"How can I kill that guy completely?"

He pointed at S297, which was squatting on the ground motionless.

Regarding S297, Lu Xiao also felt a headache.

This guy couldn't be killed at all.

Lu Xiao couldn't eat it as fast as it could recover.

Originally, he wanted to treat it as a buffet, but Lu Xiao felt that he was tired of eating it.

There was no meat on it. When the novelty wore off, Lu Xiao felt that it was not even as delicious as those vampires.. Although those vampires taste sour and smelly, they are not meat at all. Human Face replied immediately.

"You can feed it to the S302-car."

Hearing the answer from the Mirror of Omniscient, Lu Xiao's eyes lit up.

"Doesn’t that mean unlimited motivation?"

The man nodded with a flattering look on his face, and at the end he didn't forget to add

"This is your own guessed answer, not a question."

Lu Xiao made an instant decision.

"Take it back and let the doctor study it, and then feed it to the car after the study is completed."

S297 still has Lu Xiao's bone spur stuck in his head. Lu Xiao will definitely get this thing back.

And if the bone spur is pulled out, S297 will immediately fall into mania, and then fight to the death with Lu Xiao who sees his face.

This is also Lu Xiao had a headache.

Compared to the unlimited but not very tasty buffet, Lu Xiao then asked the last question.

"my last question"

"Did we finally succeed in sacrificing that god?"

The human face nodded again.

"The answer to this question is already a foregone conclusion."

After hearing the answer from the Mirror of All-Knowing, Lu Xiao was confused.

"No, I remember what you told Mr. Doctor"

"You humans cannot afford this price."

The Mirror of All Knowledge replied without hesitation.

"Humanity really cannot afford this price!"


It has to be said that the aircraft obtained by the driver after asking the Mirror of Omniscience was indeed very fast.

He flew back to China at supersonic speed throughout the entire journey.

It was countless times faster than the small civil aviation plane they took when they arrived.

When he returned to the C03 containment room, Dante was still warm.

Lu Xiao asked the driver to drive directly to the door of the prison doctor's holding room.

Then he jumped out of the car and rang the doorbell.

Soon, the door opened.

When the prison doctor saw Lu Xiao standing at the door, there was some surprise in his voice.

"Lu, it seems that you had a lot of fun outside this time."

Lu Xiao nodded first, then pointed at Dante who was carried out of the car by Liu Guang and Hua Tou.

"Mr. Prison Doctor, this friend of mine is dying and needs you to perform an emergency treatment!"

"Of course, treating illnesses and saving lives is my job!"

The prison doctor's voice was a little excited.

The last time the doctor came to see him, the prison doctor regretted it for a long time due to his poor health.

He even dreamed of cutting open the doctor and taking a look.

But the prison doctor felt that he was a A doctor with medical ethics cannot do that.

Now that he saw Lu Xiao bringing a dying patient, the prison doctor's fingers were trembling. Soon, Dante was thrown onto the operating table.

"Oh, what a poor sick man!"

"Look at his shredded internal organs, just like the offal soup my grandma made!"

The reason why Dante's internal organs were shattered was precisely because of the impact of the missile explosion. It was with such injuries that he completed the task assigned by the doctor.

Slippery wanted to complain at this time, but considering that now was not the time He was afraid that the person lying on the operating table would change from Dante to him.

Lu Xiao, who had already received the answer from the Mirror of Omniscience, was as calm as an old dog and did not forget to remind the prison doctor.

"Mr. Prison Doctor, this friend of mine told me before he died that he was afraid of pain."

"Let me supervise you to use the best anesthetic for him."

The beak on the prison doctor's face opened and closed.

"Of course, I will use the best anesthetic for him to ensure that he does not feel any pain."

After that, he rummaged through the medical box and found a lot of bottles and cans.

As the anesthetic was injected, Dante lay motionless on the operating table.

Although he had already been motionless.

The prison doctor first cut open the He cut out Dante's chest and cut out a pair of lungs that were as smokey as bacon.

"This patient really doesn't care about his body at all."

Lu Xiao nodded in approval.

"He has promised me that he will quit smoking after he recovers this time."

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