At this time, Immortal Venerable Wu Chou was fighting fiercely, killing his wife and making her scream. However, after a while, the wife also resisted and suppressed Immortal Venerable Wu Chou.

The five strong and sturdy bodies sat down one after another, and this time it was Immortal Venerable Wu Chou who screamed.

Although his wife was not an Immortal Venerable, she was at least a true immortal. It stands to reason that those who can cultivate to become immortals and condense immortal bodies will basically not be too ugly, but his wife is an exception.

Because his wife took the path of body refining, she did not have enough talent, so she took the path of body refining and cultivated the immortal body, which led to her particularly strong figure.

Fang Xiu watched for a while and then left. The virtual transformation consumed too much energy. He would not keep the virtual transformation on to watch the two people fighting, so he went to the quiet room where Immortal Venerable Wu Chou was practicing in advance, lifted the virtual transformation and waited, and recovered his strength by the way.

After a long time, Immortal Venerable Wu Chou finally fed his wife and went to the quiet room with the help of the wall.

"Damn bitch, you found more than a dozen lovers behind my back, but you still hold on to me. The body-refining cultivators are really vulgar!"

Wu Chouxianzun came to the quiet room cursing. He first looked at the time and found that it was almost midnight. He couldn't help but sneer: "Zi Shi is a demon? I want to see if what you Zhou Qingfeng said is correct!"

In fact, he didn't plan to practice today, after all, he was too tired just now, but thinking of what the Tianji Master named Zhou Qingfeng said, he didn't believe in evil and wanted to practice.

He sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and began to visualize the gods.

The technique he practiced was called Liuyun Xian Jue, which was also the inherited technique of Liuyun Xian Dynasty. He visualized the supreme god worshipped by Liuyun Xian Dynasty, Yuntian God!

Yuntian God controls the avenue of clouds, and his power is extraordinary. He can call rain, thunder, and burn the sky.

Therefore, it is divided into three veins, the rain cloud vein, the thunder cloud vein, and the fire cloud vein.

They correspond to the three forms of clouds, rain clouds, thunder clouds, and fire clouds.

And the Immortal Wu Chou practiced the rain cloud vein.

He began to visualize the God of Clouds as usual and practiced the secret method of the rain cloud vein. Everything was calm, just like his previous practice.

This made him sneer in his heart: "Going crazy? How is it possible! I practice the mildest rain cloud. Although it is not as domineering as thunder clouds, nor as fierce as fire clouds, it is the mildest. Anyone can go crazy, but I who practice rain clouds can't!

Zhou Qingfeng? Just a charlatan."

Fang Xiu opened the virtualization and hid in the dark, successfully avoiding the perception of the Immortal Wu Chou. He calmly looked at the other party and observed carefully. He found that just like in the future picture, there was no sign of going crazy at all.

The other party's breath was peaceful, like a calm mirror lake.

What exactly caused him to go crazy? Or is the future I saw wrong?

After all, the calculated future is far less accurate than the future experienced in person, such as the death rollback.

But it is unlikely to be wrong. After all, it is under the blessing of the two supreme forces of time and fate, and it is difficult to make mistakes in the calculated future.

Time passed by minute by minute, and finally came to midnight, which was the time when Wu Chou Xianzun went crazy.

Before this, his breath was still neutral and peaceful, but as midnight arrived, a sudden change occurred!

I saw that Wu Chou Xianzun's breath suddenly became disordered, as if someone threw a huge rock into a calm lake.

His face began to become hideous, and the blue veins on his face bulged, like earthworms crawling under his skin.

Fang Xiu frowned. What was going on? There was no sign. It stands to reason that there would be some signs of going crazy, but Wu Chou Xianzun seemed to have gone crazy all of a sudden.


An inhuman roar erupted from the mouth of Wu Chou Xianzun, his eyes suddenly opened, filled with thick bloodshot, his body swelled rapidly, his muscles grew like a balloon, and his once smooth skin began to grow red hairs, which grew longer and longer, each of which was almost half a meter long.

In just a moment, he turned into a five-meter-tall, red-haired weirdo, and the breath of terror and ominousness spread like a tide.

This scene was exactly the same as the future scene.

Fang Xiu, who witnessed all this, still did not find the reason why the other party was possessed.

After being possessed, Wu Chou Xianzun had completely lost his mind. Strictly speaking, he was dead. If a person loses self-awareness, it is equivalent to death.

He destroyed the quiet room crazily, and the violent attack directly smashed the quiet room. Then, like a weirdo, he relied on instinctive killing and cannibalism to wreak havoc in his own mansion.

The whole mansion was in chaos for a while, and beams of immortal light came in an instant and began to besiege Wu Chou Xianzun.

"Damn it! Where did this evil demon come from? How could it suddenly appear in the Xianzun mansion?"

"Where is the Xianzun? Why can't I see the Xianzun?"

"Quick, quickly seek support, this evil demon is too strong!"

Countless guards exclaimed, and Wu Chou Xianzun entered the mode of not recognizing his relatives, jumped into the crowd and started killing.

"Ah!" A woman's exclamation sounded: "Husband! Husband, where are you!"

It was Wu Chou Xianzun's Taoist partner.

Her call allowed Wu Chou Xianzun to find the target, and successfully called her husband. Perhaps because of resentment in his heart, Wu Chou Xianzun actually put down the guards in his hands and prioritized the target on his wife.

He teleported over, and then punched down, smashing the opponent's sturdy body into a pool of mud, dead and dead.

As the noise made by Immortal Wu Chou grew louder and louder, people from the Law Enforcement Hall soon came. This time, the leader was the Hall Master of the Law Enforcement Hall, Zhou Bai!

The reason why the Hall Master of the Law Enforcement Hall came in person was because Wu Chou lived in the inner city area, which was also the area where the dignitaries lived. If something happened here, the Hall Master of the Law Enforcement Hall would naturally pay attention to it.

After Zhou Bai arrived with a large group of people, he immediately locked his target on Immortal Wu Chou and frowned: "Evil demons actually appeared in the inner city area. How do you usually do things!"

He cursed his men. If he hurt the family members of some immortal officials, then his job as the Hall Master of the Law Enforcement Hall would be over.

"Where is Wu Chou! Why did this evil demon appear in his house?"

At this time, a servant hurriedly said: "Master, since the appearance of this evil demon, my master has disappeared."

Zhou Bai's brows were getting deeper and deeper. Could it be that Wu Chou was killed?

He immediately took out a bronze token, which was the order of the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall. It recorded the soul breath of the members of the Law Enforcement Hall and could be used to find people.

But when he used the token, his pupils suddenly shrank, because the token showed Wu Chou's location, which was the red-haired evil demon that was rampant in the field.

"This... How is this possible!? Could this evil demon be Wu Chou?"

His men also saw the display of the token and were shocked. Only one person in the team seemed to realize something and exclaimed.

"What! Is what Zhou Qingfeng said true!?"

The man's exclamation immediately attracted Zhou Bai's attention, and he immediately asked: "Do you know the inside story? Who is Zhou Qingfeng? What did he say?"

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