Fang Xiu did not reply, but was communicating with Kunlun Maggot.

Xu Ruohai frowned: "It's not easy for the True God to defeat your methods. I'm really curious, why do you still not believe that he is the True God?"

"Of course it's because...because..." Jiang Mengyue remembered what Fang Xiu did to her before, and he threatened to take off his clothes at every turn. Can such a person be a true god? Whose true god thinks about taking off women’s clothes every day?

"Anyway, he must not be a true god. When I met him before, he didn't know anything at all."

Xu Ruohai nodded: "That's because the True God has lost his memory."

"How could God lose his memory?"

"You are not a god, how do you know that a god will not lose his memory?"

One sentence left Jiang Mengyue speechless. The only other sentence was, you are not me, how do you know that I don't know that God will not lose his memory?

At this time, Li Xinghe suddenly interjected: "Fellow Taoist, you must have been deceived by this little beast. What kind of true god is he? He is clearly a liar who uses the power of artifacts to deceive."

He has also been cool for a long time and has gotten used to it. Now he has the nerve to talk instead of pretending to be an ostrich all the time.

"The power of the divine weapon?" Xu Ruohai frowned slightly: "You mean he can ignore the divine prohibition and rely on the divine weapon? Impossible, I didn't sense the second divine weapon from him. Besides, the true god's methods can be Not only that, he can even control time."

"Manipulate time?" Li Xinghe was stunned, "How do you say this?"

So Xu Ruohai told them another example of Fang Xiu's manipulation of time.

Fang Xiu was talking to Kunlun Maggot.

"You can only be in the moon wheel now?"

"Yes, my lord, after all, the old slave has become the weapon spirit of the moon wheel."

"Give you three seconds to come out of the moon wheel immediately, otherwise..."


In less than a second, the Kunlun maggot flew out of the moon wheel and returned to Fang Xiu's spiritual space again.



A set of cruel torture was given to Kunlun Maggot.

Fang Xiu didn't believe what Kunlun Maggot said at all. After all, Kunlun Maggot could even enter and exit the Kunlun Mirror freely before, but now he is trapped as a tool spirit of the moon wheel?

Apparently he was afraid of being tortured, so he didn't dare to come back.

It has to be said that Fang Xiu guessed Kunlun Maggot's little thoughts accurately.

In fact, Kunlun Maggot now feels that the moon wheel is quite good, at least better than in Fang Xiu's spiritual space. Although it is not as good as the tender and smooth body before, at least he doesn't have to suffer.

After being tortured for a while, Fang Xiu asked: "Kunlun maggot, what would happen if my original order was the order of God?"

"Probably, maybe, probably...will die."

Fang Xiu frowned: "Why?"

"Because your body is too weak to withstand the laws of God. You must know that the body of a demigod is tempered by ordinary laws for a long time. You have no foundation of laws. If you condense the laws of God as soon as you come up, your physical body will definitely collapse. , after all, the Law of God is composed of a complete set of basic laws.

And even if you can withstand the law of God, it will be difficult to exert one hundred thousandth of its power. In the end, it will not be as good as the ordinary law. "

Hearing this, Fang Xiu gave up the idea of ​​condensing God's laws.

"It seems that the only choice is the Basic Law, so what should I choose?"

"Lord, you'd better choose an order that best suits you. Sometimes the stronger the order is, the better, but it must be the most suitable for you. Otherwise, the foundation will definitely be unstable in the later stage and it will be difficult to maximize your performance. You don't have to worry about your own strength, because you don't have just one Law Order, you have to gather many Law Orders in the future.

Of course, this command often determines the subsequent path. For example, if you condense the Law of Fire, then the subsequent path will basically be the Law of Fire, the Law of the Sun, etc. At most, you can add some Law of Wood or something, which must be combined with the Law of Fire. The laws and orders must be consistent with each other, otherwise once the laws and orders conflict, the strength will be reduced at worst, and the body and soul will be destroyed at worst. "

"The one that suits me best?" Fang Xiu's first thought was pain.

Because his ability is pain, it would be perfect to condense the Law of Pain.

However, there are two difficulties involved. First, the power of pain is quite extreme and does not have the ability to embrace all rivers. He can integrate many laws. Once he chooses pain, his future path may be narrowed.

The second is that only the law of pain is not ready-made and needs to be understood from the power of pain.

At this time, Kunlun Maggot said again: "Otherwise, this order of law condenses the kind of law that does not conflict with most laws, the law of ten thousand gold oil, like the law of strength, the law of speed, etc., but this kind of law is initially weak.

In fact, the best thing is to integrate those special laws. Special laws exist completely independently and will not conflict with other laws. "

"What is a special order?"

"Things like time, space, fate, cause and effect, reincarnation, etc... are all considered special laws. These laws are not only powerful, but they will not affect the subsequent formation of new laws."


Fang Xiu's heart moved slightly: "Can time also condense basic laws?"

Kunlun Maggot hesitated slightly: "This old slave really doesn't know that the power of time is supreme. From ancient times to the present, I have never heard of anyone taking the Law of Time as his own order. I suggest you not to choose the Law of Time. Even if you can use part of the power of time, time is too vast. Using time and controlling time are two different concepts. "

Fang Xiu nodded. He understood this principle. For example, an experienced driver can drive smoothly on all kinds of broken roads, but it is obviously unrealistic for him to build a car by himself.

Making a car requires a huge industrial base. Otherwise, even if an automobile manufacturer travels through ancient times, he will never be able to build a car.

"My Lord, it is probably more difficult to condense a law of time than to condense a law of God. In fact, I suggest that you choose the law of swallowing. Don't you have the law of Taotie? The law of swallowing is the basic component of the law of Taotie. You can completely comprehend the law of swallowing from the law of Taotie. When you break through to the demigod, you can also use the law of Taotie as the foundation for you to become a demigod. Moreover, the law of swallowing is also a special law. With the law of swallowing as the foundation, you are not afraid of conflicts. Various laws can be swallowed. Fusion.

The most important thing is that this road is easy to walk on, it is a straight road, but once you choose the Law of Time, you have to explore your future path by yourself. If you are not careful, you will be doomed. You will not forget the experience of sinking in the long river of time last time, right? "

"Okay, you can go away."

"Okay, I will lead you to go away."

Fang Xiu has made up his mind at this time, that is, to treat the Law of Time as his own life law, not only because the Law of Time is very strong, but also because of his wife!

He clearly remembers that his wife's body can not be affected by death rollback. Death rollback is the embodiment of the power of time, and his wife is not affected, which means that she must also master the power of time.

And the only thing that can deal with time is time!

In order to get revenge, he has no other choice!

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