The weak and worried tone, anyone who heard it would think that this was a loyal servant who disregarded his own life and death for the benefit of his master.

However, Fang Xiu didn't buy it. He clearly remembered that Kunlun Maggot fainted after he captured Zhoulong, so he was asking knowingly.

"Kunlun Maggot, do you know this black lotus?"

Kunlun Maggot cursed in his heart, thinking that he was putting on a show for the blind, cold-blooded! Ruthless! Damn human! Colder-blooded than weird!

Although he cursed in his heart, he didn't dare to neglect it: "Okay, Master, let me take a look."

He looked at the black lotus and was shocked: "Higanbana! This is Higanbana!"

Fang Xiu's eyes moved slightly. A flower named after the other shore? For a moment, he had many associations. Could this flower represent the other shore? What kind of existence is the black lotus of the weird god's tentacles?

"What is the other shore flower?"

"My Lord, the other shore flower is a flower that is all over the other shore. It is the avatar of the strange god, the other shore black lotus."

The other shore black lotus?

Is this the name of the tentacle black lotus?

"It can be named after the other shore. Does it mean that it can represent the other shore? What is special about this strange god?"

The Kunlun maggot shook his head: "It is indeed quite special, but it does not represent the other shore. It is named after the other shore because its avatars are all over the other shore, just like the grass in the world, which can be seen everywhere.

As for its specialness, it is probably because of its immortality. Among all the strange gods, the other shore black lotus and Taotie are the most difficult to kill.

Taotie is difficult to kill because of its terrifying recovery ability. It can almost devour everything to replenish itself.

As for the other shore black lotus, it has many avatars. It is rumored that in order to kill the other shore black lotus, all the other shore flowers in the world must be eliminated."

"Is his ability related to evil thoughts?" Fang Xiu suddenly asked.

"That's right, the red spider lily is also called the flower of extreme evil. Its fragrance will induce the evil thoughts hidden in people's hearts. Even people with high moral standards will become unforgivable villains once they inhale the fragrance of the red spider lily."

The reason why Fang Xiu asked this question is because the report says that all people who pass by the red spider lily will change their temperament and eventually kill each other. There is also a photo attached below.

In the photo, seven or eight ordinary people died miserably, as if they had experienced a tragic fight, and finally fell around the red spider lily in a mess, with blood scattered on the flower, making the petals more charming.

When he was polluted by the strange gods before, he also asked the black lotus of the other shore to come down and sit as a guest. The other party also came down, but when he was polluted, he didn't feel how special he was, and how evil the so-called evil thoughts were.

Now that I think about it carefully, it seems that hatred is also a kind of evil thought. Could it be that this is the reason why he didn't notice the pollution of evil thoughts at that time?

"My Lord, the appearance of red spider lilies in the world is not a good sign. It means that the other shore is about to invade.

Red spider lilies bloom, flowers bloom on the other shore, where there are red spider lilies, that is the other shore!"

"Well, I already knew it." Fang Xiu nodded calmly. He had already learned from Zhou Qingfeng that the other shore would invade in a month. Oh, by the way, it has been several days now, less than a month.

He was thinking, where there are red spider lilies is the other shore, then why when he mistakenly entered the other shore, he only saw the gluttons and snakes and insects wreaking havoc, but no red spider lilies?

After thinking about it, there are probably only two possibilities. Either the red spider lilies are not everywhere. Although they are very common in the other shore, they are not everywhere.

When walking in the city, you may not see grass at any time.

Or they are all eaten by gluttons. Where the gluttons are, no grass grows. This is reasonable.

After a while, Fang Xiu picked up the phone.

"Notify them to bring me a black lotus from Report No. 108."

Soon, a staff member wearing white gloves came in with a transparent box.

In the box, a black lotus lay quietly, and under its rhizome, there were countless tiny purple-black tentacles, wriggling like maggots, and even making that slippery, sticky sizzling sound.

"Captain, the things have been brought." The staff member placed the transparent box on Fang Xiu's desk.

"Well, open it." Fang Xiu said lightly.

A look of embarrassment flashed across the staff member's face: "Captain, this flower will spread evil thoughts. Of course, I know you will definitely not be attacked by evil thoughts, but I am afraid that I will do something out of line..."

"Open it."

"Yes, Captain." The staff member was startled and quickly opened the box.

The moment he opened it, Fang Xiu could feel a faint fragrance filling the office. The fragrance was like musk and orchid, fragrant and elegant, and seemed to be better than any perfume in the world.

However, he did not sense the so-called evil thoughts.

However, the staff in front of him changed. He was originally respectful, but gradually a ferocious look appeared on his face. His black and white eyes were full of evil thoughts. He raised his head and stared at Fang Xiu.

"Why can you be so high up and have a pretty little..."

"Huh?" Fang Xiu glanced at him lightly, his extremely deep eyes were like a bottomless abyss, an extremely evil hell!

Endless fear instantly struck the staff's heart, directly dispelling the evil thoughts.

The staff who came back to his senses was sweating profusely, and hurriedly bowed his head to apologize: "Captain, I..."

"It doesn't matter, no matter how evil a person is, he will be afraid, so leave."

"Yes... Captain."

The staff hurriedly said goodbye.

Fang Xiu picked up the red spider lily on the table. Countless maggot-like tentacles wrapped around his palm, as if they wanted to take root in it, but they could not pierce his skin no matter what.

"Why can't I feel evil thoughts?"

He murmured to himself.

The loyal old slave Kunlun Maggot gave a timely answer.

"Master, how could a mere red spider lily have even the slightest impact on you, the great man? This degree can only affect ordinary people at best."

Kunlun Maggot's answer was irrelevant. Fang Xiu knew that a red spider lily could not affect him. What he wondered was why he could not sense any evil thoughts?

A person is not afraid of bad smells, and cannot smell bad smells are two concepts.

"Can red spider lilies grow in the human body?"

"Yes, Master, red spider lilies can be placed in the heart."

As soon as Kunlun Maggot finished speaking, a crack suddenly appeared on Fang Xiu's palm, exposing scarlet flesh and blood.

He released the restraints on the red spider lily, and the tentacles of the red spider lily surged, like a shark smelling blood, and drilled into the wound.

Fang Xiu did not stop it, but just watched quietly. After a moment, the red spider lily disappeared and appeared in his mind.

Then, there was nothing else.

Because the moment it entered the mind, it saw countless strange gods, which were unimaginable sources of pollution, and it was not something a small flower could bear.

But the magical thing was that after the red spider lily was broken, it turned into dots of dim light and merged into the phantom of the black lotus on the other side of the shore in the spiritual space.

Those strange gods were actually the evolution of Fang Xiu's mind after he was polluted. Strictly speaking, that was his mind, but it was transformed into the shape of countless strange gods.

It is impossible that the strange gods would enter the depths of his mind one by one, leaving no trace, right? As long as it goes deep, there will be traces.

The mind seems fragile, but it is actually very plastic. It will become what shape it experiences, and once it is stimulated, it is difficult to change back.

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