There are only two ways in front of him now. One is to continue trying, and the other is to go back and accumulate strength. If the Son of Angel does not come in advance, it will take another month for the normal birth. Choosing the second way means that he needs to gain the strength to defeat the eighth-level complete Son of Angel with the status of a strange god within a month. ♦♦  ♞♦

The second way is not realistic at all. In a month, he can only break through the fifth level at best.

He seems to be able to control the sixth level at the fourth level, but in fact, he does not rely on his own strength at all.

The fourth level can't beat the sixth level, let alone the fifth level against the eighth level, especially this is not an ordinary eighth level, but an eighth level with the status of a strange god. The two are completely different concepts.

At this point, there is only the first way to go, that is, to stop the Son of Angel before he comes!

However, as far as it seems, the first way is also a dead end. After all, the power gap is too large, and it is impossible to stop the Son of Angel from coming.

Both ways are dead ends, one will die now, and the other will die a month later.

This is probably the reason for the warning from destiny. When the Son of Angel comes, the world will be completely destroyed, so destiny will warn.

Faced with this inevitable death situation, Fang Xiu's heart was not disturbed at all. He had expected that he would fall into a dead file and would always encounter a crisis that could not be solved by death rollback, but he did not expect it to happen so soon.

Now, the inevitable death situation has taken shape, but he found that he did not feel much. Perhaps he had long been indifferent to death, but this did not mean that he was going to give up.

He could try ten thousand ways to break the situation, but he would never try to give up.

After leaving the paint pool, Fang Xiu began to think, thinking about any clues, trying to find a way out.

Hundreds of memories of death flashed through his mind, like a movie screen playing back frame by frame.

A moment later, boom!

A loud noise interrupted Fang Xiu's train of thought.

The entire church was razed to the ground.

"Fang Xiu! Don't think about destroying the arrival of the Son of Angel!" The figure of the black God appeared out of thin air. He was in a mess, and the wings behind him were cut off, but he was furious and murderous.

Fang Xiu looked at the Black God who came and suddenly realized something.

You don't want to destroy the coming of the Son of Angel! ?

If the coming of the Son of Angel cannot be destroyed, why is the Black God so nervous?

There is only one reason for his nervousness, that is, there must be some way to destroy it!

With this thought, Fang Xiu's mind was completely opened. He no longer thought about how to destroy the painting, but took another approach.

He remembered the first time he came to the pigment pool, when the Black God's body had melted more than half, and he entered the faith barrier alone and attacked the Black God.

At that time, he first used a scalpel, because at that time, he thought that the Black God had melted more than half, and must have dedicated his power to the Son of Angel, so he was very weak, and it should be enough to use the power of pain.

But the fact is that the strength of the Black God has not weakened at all. Not only did he defend against the scalpel blessed by the power of pain, but he also took the blow of the Holy Eye without dying.

This is illogical!

If the Black God really sacrificed his own power, why did he still have such a strong power?


The Black God is not sacrificing at all, but merging!

Suddenly, Fang Xiu thought of the full moon when the Son of Angel appeared. At that time, the Black God could still make clear sounds, but he gradually fell into madness.

If he completely turned into the nourishment of the Son of Angel, how could he still have consciousness?

Because the Black God is powerful?

No, not really. Even the seventh-level forbidden heart was melted. The mere sixth-level God could not do this at all.

All this shows one thing, the Black God is the Son of Angel! ! To be precise, he is the consciousness, soul, and brain of the Son of Angel!

The Godhead is the heart, faith and life are transformed into flesh and blood, and the powerful sealing power of the forbidden strangeness wraps everything, which is equivalent to the body, and the only thing missing is consciousness. The Son of Angel without consciousness is an empty shell, so the Black God will blend into the pool water and control the Son of Angel with his own consciousness.

This can explain why the Son of Angel has descended, and the Black God is still conscious, because he is the Son of Angel!

There was no sound afterwards because his consciousness could not resist the pollution of the Godhead, gradually became crazy, and was finally completely assimilated by the Godhead.

Now the question is how to kill the consciousness of the Son of Angel, that is, the Black God.

The two sixth-level holding Xuanyuan Swords can't do it, and I'm afraid no one in the world today can do it.

This is probably the reason why Zhou Qingfeng secretly protects the Black God, and the consciousness cannot be lost.

After sorting out the logic, the deadlock has not been solved, and it is still a deadlock. Zhou Qingfeng's secret move makes everything go in the direction he wants.

The real obstacle to preventing the arrival of the Son of Angel this time is not the Black God. The Black God is just a chess piece. The real chess player is Zhou Qingfeng, and it is a game with Zhou Qingfeng.

It is a game between the strongest of the last era and the prophet of the current era.

However, the game is not equal. Zhou Qingfeng has reached the top, while Fang Xiu is still halfway up the mountain.

At this time, the Black God rushed over, and a holy light bombarded Fang Xiu's body, intending to completely annihilate him.

However, the holy light went straight through Fang Xiu, and he was unharmed.

"What! How is this possible!" The Black God was shocked and could not understand Fang Xiu's virtualization. This was the first time he saw virtualization.

Fang Xiu looked at him calmly and said lightly: "What are you afraid of?"

"Fear?" The Black God was stunned at first, then sneered: "I am God, what do I have to fear?"

"Let me guess, are you afraid that I will take the painting at the bottom of the pool?"

The Black God's face changed instantly: "How did you know there was a painting at the bottom of the pool!?"

Fang Xiu looked at the Black God's expression and shook his head: "It seems not, then you are afraid that you can't become the dominant consciousness of the Son of Angel?"

The Black God's eyes were cold: "I don't understand what you are talking about at all, but it seems that you do know many secrets that you shouldn't know."

"Oh, so this is the reason for your fear." Fang Xiu instantly locked the answer.

The acting skills trained by his wife and the experience accumulated from often deceiving people told him that this was what the Black God was afraid of.

After being exposed, the Black God was still acting.

"Still talking nonsense when death is imminent!"


He blasted out another holy light, intending to defeat Fang Xiu, but it was still useless.

Knowing the true intention of the Black God, Fang Xiu slowly walked to the edge of the pool and opened the mouth of Taotie.

"Stop! What are you doing!" The Black God roared, blocking in front of Fang Xiu, reaching out to grab, but only caught a ball of air.

"Don't be nervous, just a little experiment."

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