Weird and hard to kill? Sorry, I am truly immortal

Chapter 423: The Spirit Master's Method of the Last Era

Sora is lying!

In other words, Kong Jian's memory is false, which is not impossible, because Kong Jian has never really met Zhou Qingfeng, and everything he knows is told by the Buddhist seniors in his memory.

Who can be sure that the Buddhist senior is really a Buddhist senior?

Or, when Kong Jian met Zhou Qingfeng when he was a child, some kind of trick had already been left on him.

This method can be easily accomplished by myself now, such as burying the power of nightmares in someone's heart.

"What is a prophet?" Fang Xiu suddenly asked.

Kong Jian glanced at Fang Xiu doubtfully and thought to himself, you are a prophet and you don’t know what a prophet is?

But he still patiently explained: "It is probably similar to your ability to predict the future. However, although this ability is rare, it is not unique. It's just that everyone who predicts the future is different. Some can only predict the future. A few seconds into the future, some can see fragments of the distant future, while others can only see the occurrence of certain major events, which is similar to the art of deducing the secrets of heaven. "

Fang Xiu nodded calmly, no longer entangled in this issue, but continued to ask: "What else do you know about the past era?"

"Captain, actually I don't know too much, and most of it I heard from my senior Buddhists. Most of them are trivial things. Although I was born in the previous era, I was too old at that time. Small, don't remember anything at all.

Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. After Zhou Qingfeng led the peak human beings to the other side, before he died, my Buddhist senior used a secret method to send news from the other side. Due to the two worlds apart, most of the information was lost and changed. It was in pieces, but one sentence was passed down completely. "

"What words?"

Kong Jian's expression became slightly solemn, and he said solemnly: "Never set foot on the other side."

Fang Xiu's eyes moved slightly. It seemed that the peak human beings were frightened out of their wits on the other side. How strong is the Cunning God? Seventh level? Eighth level? Or ninth level?

Although he had faced Taotie directly, due to the huge gap in strength between the two sides, he could not sense the strength of the other side at all.

Just like an ant being crushed by a human finger, no matter how much force the human uses, it can easily crush the ant to death, so that the ant cannot estimate how powerful human beings are.

This is the case with Fang Xiu and Taotie.

"By the way, in the previous battle with Buddhism, I found that you never used your abilities from the beginning to the end, but always used Buddhist methods. Why is this? Could it be that the spiritual masters of the previous era were different from this era?"

Sora Jian nodded: "It is indeed different. The spiritual masters of the previous era were actually called the spiritual masters, but there is no big deal about calling such things. They all have the same meaning. But in the previous era, the spiritual masters There are two categories in total, one is those with inheritance like Taoism and Buddha, and the other is wild... um... growing independently like you.

Those who grow independently like you will awaken their own abilities based on spiritual reflections, but our Buddhist spiritual masters do not have this ability.

Or to be precise, our ability is Dharma. "

Fang Xiu frowned, not quite understanding the meaning of this sentence. The ability of a spiritual master is obviously necessary, and due to the difference in mind, everyone is unique. Why is it that in Buddhism, everyone's abilities are the same? Dharma?


"Because the ways to become a spiritual master are different. You are exposed to strange things and experience life and death crises. The spirituality you light up is the ultimate expression of your own soul. But those of us with inheritance light up our spirituality through practice. In other words, we There is no need to experience life and death, you can absorb the strange atmosphere independently and light up your spirituality.

As for why everyone has the same abilities, it also has something to do with the cultivation method. "

Sora Jian said, and then took out an ancient parchment roll from the wardrobe in the room and handed it to Fang Xiu.

"Captain, this is the Buddhist contemplation method, which has been passed down from ancient times. It records the visualization diagrams of the Buddha. Buddhist disciples use the visualization of the Buddha to mobilize their minds, guide strange power into their bodies, and light up their spirituality."

Fang Xiu immediately opened the visualization diagram and saw a Buddha statue drawn on a simple parchment paper. The style was very ordinary and there seemed to be nothing magical about it. However, when he stared at it for more than two seconds, he felt an inexplicable irritation in his heart. Feeling of disgust.

The feeling is just like when incense is lit. The voices of hundreds of millions of believers reciting Buddhist scriptures devoutly seem to be heard in the dark. It makes people upset and makes them want to kill!

A portrait actually has this ability?

He entered the spiritual search and found that it was an ordinary picture.

This makes Fang Xiu a little incredible. All the things that go against common sense that he has come into contact with so far must have the blessing of spirituality or strange power behind them. However, this portrait of Buddha is an ordinary portrait, and the material is ordinary parchment, but it has something similar to The power of spiritual incense.

Perhaps, what is magical is not the portrait itself, but...Buddha!

He put away the Buddhist visualization chart and said calmly: "What are the differences between the two ways of becoming a spiritual master?"

Kong Jian respectfully replied: "Although trained spiritual masters like my subordinates will not awaken their own abilities, they can use the Buddha's ability, which is the Buddha's Dharma. If the Dharma is used well, it can basically crush him. Most of the abilities, and because of the protection of Buddha, the risk of spiritual loss is very low. "

Hearing this, Fang Xiu felt vaguely that something was wrong. Is there such a cheap thing in the world?

Just by listening to Kong Jian's remarks, a fool would know that orthodox spiritual masters are better than wild spiritual masters. They don't have to worry about losing control of their spirituality, and they don't have to worry about awakening too rubbish abilities.

But after dealing with the weird for so long, Fang Xiu knows very well that the power of the weird cannot be easily controlled by humans, otherwise everyone in the world would be a spiritual master.

Why can a strange power that is difficult to control and can pollute the soul be easily controlled by an orthodox spiritual master?

There is only one possibility, that is, someone is carrying the burden for them. Obviously, this person is Buddha!

The power gained by visualizing the Buddha will eventually be limited by the Buddha.

"Tell me the cultivation method." Fang Xiu said calmly. He decided to try it himself to feel the difference between the two paths of a spiritual master.

Faced with Fang Xiu's request, Kong Jian naturally would not refuse to agree. After all, Buddhism and the headquarters have long been "one family".

But Kong Jian did not teach him immediately, but reminded him: "Captain, you are now at the fourth level. If you try to practice Buddhism at this time, it may be too late, and you may be in danger of becoming possessed, that is, spiritual loss of control."

In fact, he wished that Fang Xiu would die quickly, but he was also afraid that Fang Xiu, who was already crazy, would become even crazier after losing control of his spirituality and directly destroy the world, so he still reminded him quickly.

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