Weird and hard to kill? Sorry, I am truly immortal

Chapter 419 Just because I don’t agree to your request, you are going to destroy the world! ?

It is not in Fang Xiu's interests that Kong Jian's spirituality is out of control. After learning that Kong Jian can deduce the secrets of heaven, he already has a new plan in his mind. He can achieve his goal without death at all, but once Kong Jian loses control, the plan will be destroyed. will be declared a complete failure.


Fang Xiu suddenly slapped Kong Jian's face with a big blow.

Kong Jian opened his eyes, there was no anger on his face, only endless fear and confusion.

"Abbott, you're obsessed."

Kong Jian seemed to have not heard anything, and was still trembling: "Buddha...Bliss in the West...Fake! It's all fake!"

"You try to deduce the secret one more time. Maybe you deduced it wrong."

This sentence made Kong Jian feel as if he had grasped the last life-saving straw, and the last light burst out in his eyes: "Yes, yes, yes! My deduction must be wrong, because I am not good at studying... "

He hurriedly closed his eyes tightly and kept turning the beads to deduce the secret again.

After a moment, his consciousness rose into the sky again, as if he had entered another dimension. This time, he saw a completely different scene.

In the infinite void, I saw a strange god standing, an angel with white wings covering the sky and the sun, a rabbit-headed god wearing a red robe, a huge and eerie statue of a clay body, and a gray-white slime with eyeballs. A huge body, a black mist with countless human faces embedded in the invisible material, a giant snake with no head and no tail that can't be seen at a glance...

These strange gods came to the world together, and a more terrifying doomsday appeared than before.


Sora Jian screamed and lay straight on the ground. The corners of his mouth twitched and he rolled his eyes. His face was full of fear, as if he was scared out of his body.

But it was precisely because of this fear that his spiritual loss of control was dispelled.

When a person is hit by greater fear, even the feeling of collapse of faith is diluted.

"What the hell is this!!?" he shouted in disbelief.

"It seems that the abbot's spiritual loss of control has been cured. Don't make a fuss over these trivial things in the future. Without the Buddha, wouldn't it be better if you become a Buddha yourself?"

For the sake of Kong Jian's mental health, Fang Xiu even began to offer words of comfort.

Become a Buddha yourself! ?

These words sounded like a thunder in Kong Jian's heart. After his faith was shattered, these words seemed to vaguely establish a new order for him in the ruins.

At this time, Fang Xiu said again: "But before you become a Buddha, you'd better agree to my request, otherwise the world will be destroyed as you saw."

Hearing the words "World Destruction", Kong Jian's new hope that had just been ignited in his heart was directly extinguished by a basin of cold water.

The world is about to end, why the hell do you want to become a Buddha?

"Who are you, and why can you summon the God of Deception to come to the world? Is it true that you are the agent of the Deception God in the human world, as the rumors say!"

Fang Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly, with a cold light floating in his dark eyes: "It seems that the abbot hasn't figured out the situation yet. Now is not the time for you to ask me questions. Since you don't agree with my request, forget it and destroy it. "

When Fang Xiu finished speaking the word "destruction", Kong Jian immediately felt something strange, as if some kind of great terror was about to happen in the next second. This feeling was like an animal sensing the uneasiness before an earthquake in advance.


He stood up suddenly and roared in disbelief: "Just because I don't agree to your request, you are going to destroy the world!?"



Kong Jian's throat seemed to be blocked by some foreign object, and he couldn't say a word, so he could only stare at Fang Xiu.

madman! This is a complete lunatic! He actually threatened me with the whole world! ?

This guy is not only crazy, he's also really sick! ?

In order to force Buddhism to change its name, will it involve the whole world?

For the first time, he felt that the ideological gap between people was so huge. Even if he wanted to break his head and try his best to embody it, he could not understand what Fang Xiu was thinking.

Kong Jian can only deduce the destruction of the world, but he cannot deduce the recovery of death after the destruction. Therefore, in his opinion, Fang Xiu is an out-and-out lunatic, and his methods are so extreme that he is outrageous.

At this age, the most severe threat he has ever heard is just to kill your whole family, but this person in front of him is just going to drag the whole world into his body. Is this really an idea that a human being can have?

"What good will the destruction of the world do to you! You shouldn't be Weird. Otherwise, if you have this kind of ability, why would you want to be the captain of Xia Kingdom? The world would have been destroyed long ago. This means that you are not on the same side as Weird.

In this case, after you summon the strange god to come, I'm afraid you won't be able to protect yourself, right? "

"Of course, I will die too." Fang Xiu said very calmly.

Kong Jian's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Fang Xiu as if he were looking at another madman. He said in such an understatement that he would die and would destroy the world. With his calm tone, it sounded like a joke to anyone.

But the future that Yan Tianji saw reminded him all the time that Fang Xiu was not joking, he would really destroy the world. Although he didn't know why he could do such a terrifying thing, but the world's destruction was imminent, who would do it? Care about why.

At this thought, Kong Jian broke out in cold sweat. For the first time, he realized how important he was. Even if he was a sixth-level powerhouse, he was not arrogant enough to think that he could influence the whole world.

But now, every move he makes involves the survival of the world.

"I.........I agree, I am willing to change the name, from now on Lingshan is the Buddhist office of the Xiaguo Investigation Bureau."

After agreeing, Kong Jian hurriedly deduced the secret, and found that the terrifying scene of the strange god coming to the world in the future did not appear.

This made him more and more panicked. Sure enough, his words and deeds determined the survival of the world.

"Very good, it seems that the abbot really cares about the people of the world. The next requirement is that the Buddhist sect must not only change its name, but also completely join the headquarters and obey my orders. Buddhist disciples must also join the various action teams of the headquarters."

"What!? This is impossible!" Kong Jian resisted subconsciously. The name change was nothing. Although it damaged the reputation of Buddhism, it was not unprecedented in history. Buddhism in many dynasties had to be conferred by the court.

But completely obeying the orders of the headquarters and even joining various action teams was simply digging up the roots of Buddhism. Will Buddhism still exist in the future?

Facing Kong Jian's resistance, Fang Xiu nodded calmly: "Well, then destroy it."

His tone was calm as if he was discussing what to eat tonight.

But Kong Jian felt inexplicably palpitating again. Although he was not proficient in the art of deducing the secrets of heaven, the strong sense of crisis of destroying the world was too strong, like a thorn in the back!

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