Wealthy Child Bride: Hello, Mr. President

Chapter 478: Mo Qi is here too

   At this moment, h city airport.

   A handsome and sunny guy with a face that wanted to die, got rid of the crazy fans who were madly following him, and quickly got into the nanny car parked beside him.

   The black nanny van moved quickly and drove out before the large army caught up. Mo Qi breathed a sigh of relief when he got rid of the fans and reporters' cars. Painful, he turned his head from the car window and looked at the man sitting in the car.

   "That, Si Nanqing, do you really want to go to the anniversary with me?"

  God knows how unlucky she is, didn't she just think that the former idol wanted to unspoken rules for her, so she asked a friend for help? As for being a **** nanny? Not only eating and drinking, but also sleeping with him! The reason is that this genius who can't take care of himself has social anxiety disorder and is injured again. In order to avoid him falling to death when he wants to drink the toilet in the middle of the night, she is obliged to sleep with him at night.

   For the first time, Mo Qi lived a life like cohabitation with someone, and the other person was still a man! It's okay to sleep with her, the key is that she sacrifices the time she spends watching pornographic movies every night to sleep with her, or let her sleep on the sofa alone!

  Five meters away is Simmons' big bed, a luxurious size of 2.2 meters, and a sickly handsome guy lying on it waved to her and told her that he would not mind sleeping together. But she could only hold a quilt by herself, and in the big winter, her forced boyfriend refused with overwhelming force.

   Damn, if it wasn't for the fact that she spent the night with ****** and the others, her blood would boil at night, she would have caught a cold long ago.

  Si Nanqing didn't seem to see the tangle on her face, blinked her beautiful psychedelic eyes, and asked, "I can't go?"

   "It's not that you can't go." Mo Qi didn't know what to say, "The question is do you want to go with me?"


  Mo Qi really wanted to die, so he confirmed again, "You really want to go with me?"

   "Can't I go with you?"

  Mo Qi took care of him for a few days. Knowing that he is the kind of person who doesn't know much about human relationships, he hesitated and said euphemistically, "We are two big men."

   "You're a woman." Sinanqing was puzzled.

Mo Qi raised the person in the air and put it down depressed, "I know I'm a woman, but many people don't know. In the eyes of others, I'm a man, you know? A male star. You and I will participate. I can't imagine the effect of walking on the red carpet for the anniversary."

  Two big men walk the red carpet, the picture is beyond imagination. What's even more frustrating is that one of them is a popular idol, and the other is a great **** who has lived in seclusion for many years. As soon as their combination comes out, they can sweep the entire front page headlines without thinking. The problem is that Shanni still doesn't know that she and Sinanqing got involved. For Shanni to see that she is so tired these days, she needs to rest and adjust, in fact, she is secretly 'living together' with a man, and she definitely picks up a kitchen knife and hacks her to death.

   "You don't like being chased by people, do you?" Mo Qi put it another way.

  Si Nanqing frowned, he really hates people making noise around him.

   "Then don't walk the red carpet with me, let's walk separately."

   "But..." Sinanqing wanted to say that he hated such crowded occasions very much, but when it touched her anxious eyes, he swallowed his words again.

   Xiao Zifan, who was driving in front, could hear the conversation between the two clearly and couldn't help but smirk.

   When he didn't know that Mo Qi was a woman before, he deeply sympathized with Mo Qi being spotted by the boss who was 'sexually oriented'. Now I think the two are a perfect match.

   One has a quiet personality because of social anxiety disorder and face blindness, and the other has a happy personality because he looks like a man in the entertainment industry. A perfect match.

   The point is, the boss of his family, who has never been enlightened for thousands of years, actually took the initiative to favor a person. Chi Chi.

   Xiao Zifan decided to give the boss a chance, and tried his best to sound serious, "Miss Mo."

  Mo Qizheng breathed a sigh of relief in order to persuade Si Nanqing not to walk the red carpet with her. Hearing Xiao Zifan calling her in front, he answered indifferently, "Ah, what's the matter?"

"After I accompany Mr. Si in, there are other people who need to do it, Mr. Si will trouble Miss Mo to take care of it." As if he knew what she was going to say, Xiao Zifan said with a straight face, "It is a very important matter, there is no way to do it. Delayed. President Secretary also knows that it is inconvenient to say what specific matters involve commercial secrets."

   "You know Mr. Secretary very well. When I'm not here, I hope Miss Mo can help watch Mr. Diian. Miss Mo, I'm sorry to bother you."

  "..." Mo Qibei was completely blocked, so he could only bite the bullet and smile without laughing, "No trouble."


  Haohan Entertainment is a first-class company in the industry, and it mainly invests in film and television dramas. Movies and TV dramas are big, so Haohan Entertainment has gathered many top stars to help out.

  Starting at 5:00 pm, there are stars arriving one after another.

   In accordance with the consistent principle.

  The first ones to go are some small coffee, irrelevant people. The further back you go, the bigger the cards will be. Zhou Haonan, who was in charge of the co-ordination of the anniversary celebration of Haohan Entertainment, was very busy, constantly checking the process with the staff on the scene. On the one hand, he had to let people take care of the reporters and media friends who came to him. We communicate, trivial things are more terrible. Zhou Haonan was busy going round and round, wishing he could be divided into two people. In such a busy situation, he was still worried about the mess he encountered at YG Entertainment this afternoon. He had to take some time to worry about how to regain the goodwill of Mr. Fu.

   "Manager." The deputy coordinator, who is also the manager of Haohan's entertainment business department, hurried over.

   Zhou Haonan's fat body was covered in sweat, and his mood was irritable, "If you have something to say, hurry up and let your fart go. I'm not dead yet, you are my soul!"

   Surrounded by the employees of the company, he gave people an inexplicable training without giving face. The skinny woman in her 40s held back her breath and said competently, "The one from the Si family will come as soon as I get the call, but that one won't walk the red carpet. Do we need to notify the directors to pick him up?"

   "Si Family? What Si Family?" Zhou Haonan's voice was naturally loud, but it was even louder now.

  The business manager of the strong woman endured it again and said, "The one from the Si family, who is the number one in the IT industry, was the genius who had a car accident and was crippled. Remember?"

  Si Nanqing's family is in the Internet business. The most profitable business in the 21st century is the Internet. The Internet bosses are similar to Fu Zhiyan, a traditional business group boss. It's not bad money anyway. Sinan Qing's family is not only not bad for money, but also has something to do with it because of the world's top Internet technology. It can be said that there is no shortage of money and contacts, so just now the deputy coordinator asked if the directors should be notified.

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