Weak Shape Changer? My Posture Is Full Of God Form!

Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Blasphemy Whip

[You have obtained the exclusive natural weapon of the Flesh Defiler - Blasphemy Whip]

[blasphemy whip]

[Equipment level: 14 (equal to your current level)]

[Physical value +5000]

[Effect: The normal attack comes with additional damage equal to the physical value, your normal attack comes with a "mutation" effect, the enemy hit by the attack will randomly mutate (you can't get a benign mutation)]

"The Flesh Defiler also has his own weapon."

Lu Cang felt in his hands.

A squirming long whip appeared.

This long whip is like the spine of a creature.

But the difference is that this is an extremely soft spine.

Meanwhile, Lu Cang found out.

In his own flesh and blood defiler form, he also acquired brand new skills.

"That's right. I haven't transformed into a flesh and blood blasphemer after I entered the second-level God's Chosen posture."

"I didn't even notice that my form has gained new abilities."

[Innate Ability: Vicious Spread]

[Skill: Touch of Corruption]

[Vicious spread: Increase the spread of your flesh and blood curse, and accelerate the spread of your curse. 】

[The spread range of all your epidemic diseases will be calculated by an additional 0.1x constitution value (meters), and the spread interval will be reduced to half of the original. 】

【Touch of Corruption】

[Effect: Cause 3X physical damage, and cause permanent malignant changes to the parts you touch. 】

This is the change that the defiler of flesh and blood received after the second level of mythology.

Around, countless creatures look up to Lu Cang.

After the second level of the Lu Cang Myth, the form of the Flesh Defiler also changed again.

Huge monster body.

Let them just look up.

"Curse of flesh and blood."


A bloody curse spread!

Curses are also spread among monsters.

The vast majority of monsters here are entities with flesh and blood.

Although the curse of flesh and blood is strong.

But the only drawback is that it is ineffective against fleshless creatures.

But in this dungeon, the wraiths are only a small part after all.

Most of them are witches.

Ghost witches, beholders and the like.

Puff puff--

It is different from the one-time damage skill, Soul Shock.

The damage caused by the curse of flesh and blood is continuous.









One monster after another was killed by Lu Cang.

Then, it was refreshed near Lu Cang.

As soon as these monsters were refreshed, they were infected with the curse.

And directly the flesh and blood festered and died.

Under [Vicious Spread].

The speed at which the curse spreads has been greatly increased.

At the same time, the scope of diffusion has also become larger.

Curse, not only happened around Lu Cang.

It also gradually spread to the depths of the dungeon.

The spread range of Lu Cang has been improved by an additional 0.1X constitution value.

This also means that the transmission range of Lu Cang has directly increased to a radius of more than 2000 meters.

At this time, the physical value of Lu Cang's flesh and blood defiler form has already reached 20,000 points.

The most frightening thing is that this is spreading.

rather than a one-off.

This means that after spreading to a range of two kilometers.

The spread enemy will cause spread to a longer distance.

Unless, isolate an open area within a radius of two kilometers without any monsters at all.

Otherwise, it will face the disaster of being spread.








On large-scale group attack skills.

Compared with the form of the fantasy form and the form of the defiler of flesh and blood, it is still a big difference.

Lu Cang couldn't help sighing.

The soul is shocked, but it is still weak.

After all, it is still not as good as the curse of flesh and blood of the flesh and blood defiler.

But if others know what Lu Cang thinks.

Afraid to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Instant kill all within a radius of 2500 meters.

Tell me, is this group of attackers weak?

A normal job changer, let alone group attack damage, who can have a group attack with a radius of 2500 meters at level 10.

A frozen nova of other mages is now within a radius of 25 meters.

Moreover, it is also a group attack with 0.1 times the damage of the mental value.

Your group attack with 0.3 times mental damage has a range that is 10,000 times that of others.

Still feel weak?

If this is weak, there will be no other strong group attack in the world.

The curse of flesh and blood is raging inside the copy.

The monsters in the entire dungeon were constantly brushed by Lu Cang.


[Congratulations on your upgrade to level: 16]

[Congratulations on your upgrade to level: 17]

[Congratulations on your upgrade to level: 18]

[Congratulations on your upgrade to level: 19]


A series of level-up prompts popped up in front of Lu Cang.

[Congratulations on your upgrade to level: 20]

【You have reached your level cap】

[You no longer get experience points]

[You have received a new reminder about the inheritance]

Just a few minutes.

Lu Cang's level has been raised to level 20.

Afterwards, Lu Cang looked directly at the prompt for obtaining the inheritance.

See where the inheritance is refreshed.

Just in case, it happens to be in this copy of myself.

Wouldn't that save trouble?

Afterwards, Lu Cang looked at the reminder of the location of the inheritance.


This place where the heritage is refreshed.

But it's a bit speechless.

[You have activated the location of the new legacy: Sakura Country]

[Please go to the Sakura Country to obtain the inheritance of your next mythical posture]

Sakura Country...

Originally, I thought that I would be able to find inheritances only in my own country.

did not expect.

To run so far.


Just after a while, there was a cross-border exchange meeting.

Unexpectedly, this incident was quite a coincidence.

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