58 – Labyrinth Subjugation Week_First Group_2

After the breakup, I often went alone.

I want to be the focal point and lead the party! It’s not that I didn’t think of it at all.

It was only because I was more accustomed to seeing the reality right in front of me than just dreaming.

I don’t have the confidence to run a group like Rain.

I lacked what was necessary to subdue the conflict that had arisen.

There is no power to press others by force. They do not have the intellect to resolve the conflict. You don’t have the charisma to mediate a fight and make others follow you.

I can’t believe it from the outside in the first place. Who would believe and follow an adventurer who gave up his eyesight, an important element of labyrinth exploration?

There are no unusual or special rumors there, and the adventurer rank has stopped at the silver rank. It was a situation where I had to be suspicious of someone who approached me saying that I believed.

Even if I said ‘I’m looking for a colleague’, it was obvious that several adventurers of the same seniority or same level would approach. Or did you give money and find a mercenary?

..To be honest, while living with Lane, I got used to their skills.

After the disbandment, I collaborated with ordinary adventurers a few times, but I kept comparing myself saying, ‘I’m not as good as them’.

In the end, I became aloof with the thought, ‘I’m not in a position to evaluate in the first place’.

Anyway, such a subtle disappointment was repeated.

I’ve never taken a slam at all, but rumor has it that it’s full of chaos, such as the warrior being scared to stay behind or the wizard not charging in.

But aren’t humans originally like that?

The worst case is imagined by itself, and it remains in my head, and before I do anything, I keep thinking, ‘What if that happens to me too’.

So I decided to go alone.

Traveling alone was more fun than I thought. I moved my body before I thought, so I focused all my nerves on the new sights and experiences.

In particular, when I discovered things I hadn’t seen and played the role of various occupational groups by myself, and accumulated fatigue in my body, my simmering emotions naturally subsided.

In terms of stimuli alone, even these unique friends had a sigh of relief at first, but it wasn’t bad.

Maybe my thoughts have changed thanks to their attitude that has changed quite positively.

It was an extreme composition of three scouts, so it was a bit of a mistake that one person could be injured or killed if it went wrong, but I think it would be fun as it is.

Time passed, and we entered the new labyrinth of the mountain range.

Solar grunted, ‘Why do I have to be treated like this transportation tool?’ and sent each group to the entrance of the labyrinth assigned to them. I’ll have to say thank you later.

The wolf did not forget and prepared the necessary items well.

He whimpered while carrying a huge backpack and grumbled, ‘Brother, I think you’re getting obsessive-compulsive disorder’, but he seemed to have taken everything without forgetting anything.

In line with the main purpose of ‘not being seen’, all of them are armed with light weights.

We don’t have enough strength to move heavily armed anyway.

That’s why I, who was in charge of the forefront of the formation, didn’t arm myself that hard. Because not being heard is the most important thing.

The backpack I brought with me will be moved little by little whenever safety is confirmed.

“Huh.. everything.. everything.. what if I get hurt.. it must hurt..”

“It’s fortunate that the saintess is supporting us, but… I’m a bit nervous too.”

“How is your brother? No matter how new a labyrinth is, it seems a bit nervous to have a scout stand at the forefront…”

An unbalanced profession in a situation where there are only beginners.

Certainly, there are not many unusual cases like this in actual combat, so shaking is a natural step.


However, in real life as an adventurer, such a fun team is not formed. It is because the number of people who want to participate determines whether or not to enter by first looking at the job groups of those who have been saved in advance.

It’s already interesting.

At the thought of seeing the level of the aspiring scouts at the academy, and at the thought of going around the labyrinth with this member, it seemed that his body was trembling, wanting new stimulation.

“You know that moderate tension is helpful in real battles, right? Let’s just start now.”

It was the perfect timing for the heart rate to rise moderately, blood flow to the extremities, and the feeling to feel a little thicker.

I said that with just the right amount of tension in the actual battle, but the other friends, who were the first to go around the labyrinth with only first-year students, didn’t seem to think so.

“Um… Um… my body is shaking so much… can’t I just rest for a while and then go…? Why… I feel a strange, strong magic power…”

The fingertips of the gloomy man who said that were trembling just like his own words. The other friends didn’t open their mouths, but they kept their mouths shut to see if they agreed.

If I rest here more, I think the tension will be relieved, but if I push my opinion for no reason and a dangerous situation arises, the situation will become a little annoying.

great. I’ll give you a concession. If it was the first time you guys were like that, you would have dragged them by force, but they look after you because you do some pretty things.

I said I would understand while thinking like a kkondae. At my words, the gloomy breathed a sigh of relief and sank down on its fur-tucked seat.

I don’t know why I naturally became the center, but I wasn’t in a bad mood. Feel like a mother duck carrying baby ducks.

“Still, it’s good that there aren’t any monsters around here.”

A wolf that says

Unfortunately, that’s wrong. It seems that the sound of the leaves shaking is mistaken for the wind, but if you listen a little more, you can hear the sound shaking differently in the middle.

It is the artificial sound of the leaves shaking according to the movement of a being.

I didn’t have any hostility, so I just let it go. My role right now is not a scout, but a vanguard, so there’s no need to look far.

To follow Odrox’s words, ‘a warrior just moves forward’. I don’t have those dense muscles, but I still have to be faithful as long as I’m given a role.


“Huh? What’s wrong with you all of a sudden?”

I shouted once as if to drive away the monster that seemed to be watching this side, and to boost morale before Odrox went into battle, but only a worried reaction came back.

It’s a bit awkward. Well, if a person who doesn’t look very reassuring suddenly shouts, I think I’ll be more worried than trusting.

Still, thanks to that sudden shout, the atmosphere that was more than necessary seems to have loosened up a little. The chuckle of the asshole echoes very softly.

“I think I’m feeling better. I think I can start?”

“I feel better than before. At least I don’t think I’ll be holding my ankle.”

“I… I… I…”

you speak right! I’d like to say, but it was obvious that if I pressed on like that, my already timid heart would shrink even more. Still, seeing that the trembling of the gloomy hand had subsided, it seemed that his condition was not bad.

If these friends had some experience, if they were from a wealthy family and had gone through a lot of labyrinths, even if it was a bridesmaid role, I would have taken off my feet and danced to relieve tension, but these guys were really new to the labyrinth experience.

I have seen many adventurers who entered the labyrinth in a relaxed state and never returned. I don’t know about the academy, but from my point of view, it’s the right tension to keep emphasizing.

“Let’s go in.”

You can’t make others relax just because of one person’s physical condition.

I’m sorry to say that, but be sure to stay alert even in the labyrinth.

“Huh.. Uh.. Uh.. Yes..”

Leaving behind that very frustrating tone, two scouts stepped inside first.

The two of them spent some time inside the dark labyrinth to darken, and then began to infiltrate by killing the presence.

It was quite agile and agile.

Buttko held his breath and focused on the presence of another being to the extent that his mischievous attitude seemed like a lie, and the wolf was moving as fast as a wolf, but not hearing footsteps.

Even though there were two scouts, the part where there was no overlap was also very impressive. It was like a silver adventurer who had been working together for a long time.

When did you even stay together without me? But for that kind of thing, the movement of the gloomy is too unusual…

At the scout’s signal, he moved slowly and glanced behind him. Darkness was barely able to move one step while holding onto the staff with both hands.

He’s just a landmine. But fortunately, I haven’t felt any sign of the monster yet.

“Hyung. I think this side is right.” “I think this is the right way.”


Voices overlap as they point in different directions.

I had never been to a party with a lot of scouts, and I was the one taking the lead on the road, so this was the first time I had been in this situation.

It is a labyrinth in the form of an echo if you raise your voice, so you cannot even raise your voice.

Two people claiming to be right use their hands and feet to ask, ‘I’m sure I’m right?’ is claiming

“So..! There’s a place on this side that’s supposed to be a collection of loot? The end of the labyrinth is the loot, right? Our goal is to subdue the labyrinth, so it’s the right choice to sneak up on the loot and tear down the inside!”

“The most important thing in a labyrinth is survival. Where there is loot, there will always be strong monsters. Even if you are sleeping, we won’t be able to secretly bring loot with our skills. Just take it and run away.”

“That… that… just… just tear it down and go back…”

“That can’t be done. You said you’d come back and check if you’ve brought any loot. You’ve got to get something.”

When I cut it off and said it, the gloomy man who barely managed to express his opinion lowered his head again and lost his confidence. I’m sorry for nothing, but you have to tell me that it’s not wrong so that you can recognize it.

The voice of speech is not getting louder, but the verbal fight using hand gestures continues.

FYI, neither was the right way. It’s funny to see the two of them wriggling their hands and feet, so I won’t say anything.

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