The video came to an end with the surprise and shock of various dynasties!

On the sky, the children crawled slowly in the dirty, muddy and filthy yellow mud pit!

Their little faces were dirty with splashed mud and water, mixed with hard sweat, forming stains.

However, they did not retreat, but gritted their teeth and continued to move forward.

At the same time, the instructor standing aside did not seem to be satisfied with the current training intensity.

As soon as he gave an order, several high-pressure water guns were immediately erected next to him, and the cold and piercing water poured down on the children like a rainstorm.

Faced with this sudden challenge, the children were not afraid and still moved forward firmly.

Turning to another corner, a group of vigorous students were concentrating on practicing military boxing and bare-handed fighting skills.

Their movements were vigorous and powerful, and every punch and kick was full of power; the shouts were deafening, as if they wanted to release all the endless energy in their bodies.

When the group of children finally climbed to the finish line with difficulty, everyone had turned into a complete little mud man.

Their bodies, faces, and hair were covered with mud, and some even had mud in their mouths, making it almost impossible to tell what they originally looked like.

However, in this muddy land, one thing was still clearly visible - that was their eyes.

The eyes of these children flashed with a firm and unyielding light, as if announcing to the world:

"We will not be defeated by any difficulties!" "

They completely ignored the harsh environment around them and devoted themselves to the fight with the mud and water.

No one complained, no one retreated, there was only endless persistence and hard work.

At this moment, they used their actions to interpret what it means to fight tenaciously and never give up.

At this moment, they are soldiers!

On the other side!

On the broad water surface, a row of strong boys hugged a thick log tightly. They were soaked in the water, their bodies trembling slightly, but their eyes were firm.

Everyone gritted their teeth and tried to hold on, as if fighting with their own physical strength and perseverance.

And it was not just the boys who were being tested. Opposite them, another row of brave girls also held logs and challenged themselves without showing any weakness!

Although these girls are relatively petite, their determination and courage are not Inferior to boys.

They gritted their teeth, held the logs tightly with both hands, and used all their strength to keep their balance.

Sweat slid down their foreheads and merged with the lake water, but they had no intention of retreating.

On the contrary, they encouraged each other and overcame difficulties together.

The whole scene was full of tension and excitement, and a silent tacit understanding and competitive atmosphere formed between boys and girls.

They all knew that only through constant training could they improve their strength and endurance.

In this arduous training process, no one gave up easily, let alone deserters.

Finally, the sky screen turned again!

[The students were like a strict army, with classes as squares, standing neatly on the playground, as tall as pine and cypress, with gentle temperament like a breeze, and young faces full of vitality like the morning light. 】

All time and space planes changed from surprise to shock!

"You call this a scholar? Scholars are so fierce? ”

At the end of the video, the comments floated by one by one!

“A cousin from Guangxi, please tell me!”

“I’m from Guangxi, this is all true!”

“I was injured in military training and was sent home, and then my mother dragged me over to play the role of a wounded soldier!”

“Why is our military training different?”

“Guangxi deserves to be the eternal war preparation area of ​​China, and high school students are so hardcore!”

“Why are my seniors doing my military training?”

At the same time, the narration appeared in the sky.

[The reason why Guangxi’s military training is so strict.]

[First: “Guangxi is located on the border, backed by the southwest, and has a long border line. The people of Guangxi shoulder the mission of guarding the southern gate of the motherland! ”]

[Second: "Guangxi has experienced nearly ten years of counterattacks against Vietnam, which makes the people of Guangxi always maintain a "war consciousness"]

[The Chinese people are not warlike but not afraid of war, just as Sun Tzu's Art of War said, "Even if the world is at peace, forgetting war will lead to danger!""]

[Third: "Guangxi people are more serious

, It is precisely because of this kind of persistent and serious spirit that they cannot tolerate any adulteration when it comes to the education of future generations! "]

[Fourth: "That is the problem of Guangxi folk customs. Guangxi people have always been tough. If it is just simple training, there is no pressure for them at all!"]

[Fifth: "Guangxi parents do not want their children to be weak, and do not want the tragic scene of the past to happen again."]

[Sixth: "Guangxi attaches great importance to military training. This emphasis is from top to bottom. From leaders to teachers to parents, they all attach great importance to it!"]

[Finally, in order to uphold national interests, Guangxi has all soldiers!]

[If there is a war, they will be called back!]

[Come when called, fight when you come, and win the war!]


Every era is shocked by this kind of thought in the future!

Daqin plane.

"If everyone in the future is like this, then the future China will definitely stand on the top of the world! "Qin Shi Huang said with a confident look!

Just like the old Qin people like him, it took six generations of struggle to have the Great Qin Empire today!

It was the efforts of the old Qin people for six generations that led to his emperor who swept the world!

Otherwise, no matter how strong he was, it would be useless without an army!

The Han plane.

"Haha... good, good, good, a good one to fight as soon as you come, and win as soon as you fight!" Emperor Wu of Han was so excited that he said three good!

The generals below were also excited by this sentence from later generations!

"Pass on my order, from today on, the border of the Han Dynasty must also learn from the people of later generations!"

"We must also do it, come as soon as you are called, and fight as soon as you come!"


The officials below also clenched their fists tightly. After all, who doesn't want their country to prosper?

"I am very happy today, Wei Qing and Qu Bing are leaving, accompany me to fight the Huns! "Emperor Wu of Han Liu Che led his two bodyguards out of the hall!

Tang Dynasty.

Emperor Taizong Li Shimin clenched his fists excitedly!

"What a Guangxi wolf soldier, what a "not warlike, not afraid of war"

"With this awareness, my China will be invincible!"

Ming Dynasty.

Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang

Looking at the performance of the kids in the sky who were no weaker than his own Ming army!

I couldn't help but be shocked!

I secretly thought: These people in the future are all indomitable, unyielding, and not easy to mess with.

In the shock of each dynasty, a new video appeared on the sky [Heroes who sacrificed for the construction of the Chinese Air Force! ]

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