The last time I saw a man, I was so tired.

At the end of the video, a bullet comment floated across the sky.

"Indeed, the blogger said it well. I often go to that store. The beef there is really unique."

"It sounds delicious. I will definitely try it if I have a chance!"

"Is there anyone who wants to go there to check in together?"

Just as the various planes were talking, a bullet comment hit the chest of the emperor and the people who were already envious of the life in the future!

"This store is near my home. I have been going there for a week and have gained almost ten pounds. I will not go there this time. I want to lose weight. Don't tempt me anymore!"

The mentality of each door in the sky suddenly exploded!

"I want to eat but can't, and you still want to lose weight?"

"What the hell? Someone can gain 10 pounds? I don't know how many days a week is, but I guess he must be a rich family."

"Such delicious food, but you don't eat it because you are afraid of getting fat?"

"It's so pissing me off!"

"I really envy these people in later generations!"

The three Liu Bei brothers are eating big pancakes at this moment

Looking at the delicious food in the sky.

Instantly feel that the taste of the pancake in your hand has changed today.

However, when they saw the comment about weight loss, the three brothers were so angry that they slammed the table!

"Yanren Zhang Yide is here..."

Zhang Fei was so angry that he screamed!

Liu Bei sighed helplessly!

This video makes people in all planes feel uneasy.

In the war-torn era, let alone the delicious food in the sky, even having enough food is a luxury!

There are even many refugees who starved to death, and in many dynasties, the situation of exchanging children for food is more frequent!

Looking at the delicious food in the sky, this undoubtedly sprinkled salt on their already bleeding wounds.

As Zhang Yang's fingers slid, a video appeared on the sky again.

Zhang Yang looked at the video introduction and said what the top three rebels were, and he couldn't help but be interested.

Zhang Yang originally studied history and was also interested in these historical texts.

"Interesting!" Zhang Yang murmured.

[This video will reveal the top three rebels in Chinese history]

The Ming plane.

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned. The word "rebellion" was extremely sensitive to the emperor.

"What's there to say about this rebellion? It's just a traitor."

"There will never be such a rebellion in our Ming Dynasty!"

Just as the emperors of various planes condemned the rebels, the sky began to play with the majestic BJM.

[Third place: Liu Yu, the Emperor Wu of Song, established himself in place of the Jin Dynasty, established the Liu Song Dynasty, unified the south, and had outstanding political achievements. He was known as a professional dragon slayer. ]

[Next, let us get closer to Liu Yu's life! ]

[Liu Yu is the 22nd generation grandson of Liu Bang's younger brother, King of Chu Yuan, Liu Jiao. ]


Liu Che, watching the introduction of the video, was a little surprised!

I didn't expect that this Liu was related to me!

[Although Liu Yu had the blood of a royal relative, he was already a lonely phoenix worse than a chicken at that time. ]

[When Liu Yu was born, his family was very poor, and his mother died of dystocia when she gave birth to Liu Yu. ]

[Father Liu Qiao was so poor that he had no money to hire a wet nurse to feed Liu Yu. He thought about it and planned to throw the child away. ]

[After all, if he couldn't even eat enough and brought a burden with him, it would be a disaster! ]

[Fortunately, he survived with the help of his adoptive mother. He was named Ji Nu, which means living under someone else's roof. ]

[Liu Yu, who finally grew up alive, was also very poor. He could only inherit his ancestral craftsmanship and sell straw sandals for a living. ]

["It feels like flying when you put on straw sandals!" This is the slogan Liu Yu gave himself. ]

[Although life was hard, he could still make it. However, Liu Yu did not do anything serious with the little money he earned from selling straw sandals. He always gambled and squandered it. This perfectly inherited the quality of Liu Bang, the first emperor of the Han Dynasty. ]

[When he ran out of money, he borrowed foreign debts. It was okay at first, but after a long time, no one liked Liu Yu anymore, and even his straw sandals were no longer bought. ]

Three Kingdoms.

"Brother, is selling straw sandals a ancestral tradition of your Liu family?" Zhang Fei laughed.

"It feels like flying when you put on straw sandals. Why didn't I see you use this slogan at that time?" Zhang Fei asked in confusion.

Guan Yu beside him also blushed.

"Um... Actually I had it originally, but I forgot to bring it when I was in a hurry that day." Liu Bei replied in an awkward voice.

Liu Bei was also a little surprised, thinking

It's ok for this kid to learn to sell straw sandals, but he also learned to gamble like his ancestors?

What? Are you going to learn from your ancestors to kill the white snake and start an uprising?


The Hongwu plane of the Ming Dynasty.

"We thought he was so awesome. His background is much better than ours, but how did he end up like this?"

"We started with a bowl. Are we proud? I still say that such a rebellion and emperorship will never happen in our Ming Dynasty."

"Sister, do you believe me?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked proudly.

Empress Ma also said confidently: "Biao'er, it's impossible in this generation anyway. As for future generations, the emperors of future generations will decide."

"Chongba, of course I believe you, and I also believe that Biao'er will be a good emperor!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was even more proud when he saw Empress Ma mention Zhu Biao. After all, he cultivated this successor.

But this kid just refused to succeed to the throne!

If someone else rebelled, Zhu Yuanzhang might kill them, but if Zhu Biao rebelled, Zhu Yuanzhang might be so excited that he couldn't sleep, and might even ask if he had enough people.

This was Zhu Biao's position in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart. No one could replace him. The brothers knew this, so they didn't dare to compete with Zhu Biao for the position of crown prince. Moreover, these brothers were basically raised by Zhu Biao, the big brother, so they believed in him.

Empress Ma knew this very well, so she was very confident about the future.

The sky screen was still playing.

[Liu Yu knew that he couldn't make it in his hometown, so he went to the army with nowhere to go. After joining the army, Liu Yu had good luck. ]

[He became a subordinate of Liu Laozhi, a famous general of the Northern Army. The Northern Army was at its peak at that time. ]

[Once, Liu Yu took a dozen people out for inspection, but his luck was bad. When Liu Yu was leading his troops around, he suddenly met the enemy. ]

[When Liu Yu saw it, my god! The enemy was a huge mass, at least a thousand of them. Looking at the dozen or so people we had, any normal person would turn around and run in such a situation. 】

【Even if we didn't run, we could at least hide in a forest or a cave to save our lives. If we met a coward, we could just surrender to the enemy. 】


【But who is our Liu Yu? He is obviously not a normal person. He is a dragon slayer. 】

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