As a Valkyrie and a warrior fighting against Honkai, Kiana has no shirking responsibility!

"Come on! I'll hold this thing back!"

Kiana tried her best to block the spear of the temple-level Honkaimon. It was easy for her to deal with this level of Honkaimon, but her hands holding the bat were trembling.

Even so, even though she gritted her teeth, Kiana still stood in front of the mother and daughter!

It wasn't until the mother and daughter thanked each other and ran away in panic that Kiana finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, what she faced was another siege from a group of Honkai beasts

Kiana tried her best to delay time so that the mother and daughter could leave safely. The price of doing so was that she was once again in a desperate situation and was surrounded by Honkai Beasts.

Surrounded by a group of bone-like Honkai beasts, Kiana's situation is undoubtedly made worse.

As Fu Hua said, she can no longer touch Honkai energy

Just using the bat to block the temple-level Honkai Beast's spear already made Kiana feel that her body almost collapsed.

Kiana knows that she can't collapse now. Once she collapses, her body will be taken away by Sirin.

She can't let Ji Zi down, she can't let everyone down...

Facing such a large number of Honkai Beasts, Kiana gritted her teeth and finally chose to dodge and give in.

Kiana, who once had an easy time dealing with this group of Honkai beasts, is now reduced to a prodigal dog running away in embarrassment.

Just when Kiana struggled to move around, and used her bodywork that was much slower than usual to avoid the attack of the Honkaimon, the voice hidden in her body appeared in her ears again——

"Why are you running away? Kiana?"

Xilin, who had been suppressed just now, seemed to have found a flaw, and she mocked Kiana in a joking voice.

"You are the hunter, they are the prey"

Siren's voice was like a demon lingering in Kiana's ears. Her soft whispers induced Kiana to get closer to the cliff of death.

Facing the Honkai beasts that kept coming one after another, Kiana, who was close to losing her strength, finally failed to escape from the siege. Her eyes reflected the figure of the Honkai beasts in despair.

"I...I can't die here..."

"Come on, use the power of Herrscher of the Sky"

In response to Kiana's murmur, Sirin's voice emerged from the bottom of her heart——

In an instant, Kiana's unyielding will seemed to have become a flaw in Siren's invasion. The power of the Herrscher of the Sky, which had been suppressed by the [God-killing Spear], once again emerged!

In the painful cry, Kiana's face showed traces of Honkai energy erosion, and one eye showed the starlight of the Herrscher of the Sky's power!

"Hehe, this body...just leave it to me☆"

In Xilin's triumphant chuckle, the voice of Fu Hua accompanying Kiana rang out quickly!




The girl once heard that when a person is about to die, the scenes he has experienced in his life will reappear and fly before his eyes like a revolving lantern.

But now, in front of her eyes, there is only a deep darkness.

She...shouldn't she have been pierced by Honkaimon's spear?

The girl's heart was in chaos. She should be like those victims who could not escape, watching helplessly as the Honkai Beast pierced, trampled, and slaughtered her...


"Why am I still alive..."

The girl's murmur revealed confusion, but more of it was regret, regret that she didn't die like that.

She clearly carries irredeemable sins, but because she has carried so many sins, she must live and accept the punishment of fate.

She thought she could resist the Herrscher's erosion? Do you think there is still a chance to save everything?

She thought that after the class bell rang, she could return to her previous peaceful life. Did she think this was just a nightmare?

At the moment when the girl was suffering and struggling, a nightmare-like sneer sounded——

"Those friends who keep saying they want to take you home, after seeing your true face, are they still willing to let you get close to them?"


Chapter 107 (4k 2-in-1) Stand up, Kiana

"In their eyes, the girl named Kiana no longer exists, and all that remains is a monster named Herrscher."

When Kiana woke up again in the light curtain, she fell into a nightmare theater corridor in a trance

Opposite the girl stood her most trusted Mei and her aunt Theresa.

It used to be Kiana's most trustworthy relative and friend, but Sirin's whisper hurt Kiana's heart——

"As a monster, let alone whether they are willing or not... do you dare to approach them yourself?"

In the picture, Kiana stared blankly at Mei and Theresa who were so close in front of her, but she still didn't dare to take even one step forward.

The closest friends and elders to her have now become a girl’s nightmare.

Xilin's heart-wrenching words were like a sharp knife thrust into Kiana's heart, making her afraid of seeing her former relatives and friends again.


Kiana, who was outside the light curtain, watched all this, biting her lips and clenching her fists without any trace.

She could understand the version of herself in the picture, and why Kiana in the picture did not dare to approach Mei and Theresa...


She is afraid, she feels inferior

She was afraid that as a monster, she would hurt Mei and Theresa, and she was also afraid that... they would show hostile looks.

Kiana couldn't imagine if her former partners would treat her as a monster...

Kiana did not dare to look at the relatives and friends around her at this moment. Her usually confident and energetic eyes were lowered.

Kiana in the picture was the same as her, trembling her lips and involuntarily stepping back.

However, Siren's sarcasm that stabbed into her heart like a knife continued.

"The only way to deal with you now is... to eliminate you."

"Look, they are going to hunt you down~"

As if echoing Xilin's statement, the shadows of Mei and Theresa in the picture suddenly moved.

But they were not as kind as before, and the weapons in their hands were aimed at Kiana.

"Sorry Kiana, we have to do this"

Whether it was Kiana in the picture or Kiana in front of the light screen, her eyes were shaking violently at the same time!

Kiana felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar. She stared blankly at herself in the light curtain, being chased by Mei and Theresa, and escaping. She could only be embarrassed and stabbed at by relatives and friends who had laughed together in the past.

Just when Kiana's heart was trembling in front of the light screen, Mei's shout suddenly woke her up!


Kiana stared blankly at Mei Yi next to her. Mei Yi's eyes were full of worry, and her own dazed look was reflected in her eyes.

Mei gently touched Kiana's forehead to soothe her mind.

Fu Hua on the side opened his mouth to explain, telling Kiana that the picture was not real.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a nightmare that Xilin is bewitching you to make you collapse."

"That's right, we will never attack you, Kiana."

Mei Yi and Theresa firmly promised Kiana:

"We will always be your partner and always stand behind you"

For Theresa, Kiana is the lovely niece entrusted to her by Cecilia and her student as the dean of the college.

As a warrior fighting against Honkai, how could she take action against Kiana who was fighting against Herrscher?

For Mei, Kiana's existence is self-evidently important.

"Kiana...have you forgotten what happened in Changkong City?"

Meiyi held Kiana's hand tightly, looked into her eyes, and recalled the past

"You saved me who was bullied by everyone, and you also saved me who wanted to commit suicide."

"At that time, I also thought I was a monster and hurt innocent lives."

"But you still grabbed my hand and rescued me from the abyss."

Meiyi doesn't want to recall that sad past. That suffocating past is simply a hellish nightmare for her.

However, even in such a nightmare, there is a white-haired idiot who is like the sunshine that breaks in, driving away the bad darkness for her.

"Didn't we make a promise to become stronger together in St. Freya Academy, to become Valkyrie against Honkai, and to control the power of Herrscher together?"

"You said that as long as we face it together, even the Herrscher will be nothing more than a defeated general."

"You saved me as a Herrscher. Even if you become a Herrscher, how could I give up on you?"

Kiana stared blankly at Theresa and Mei, who firmly believed in her and stood beside her, her lips trembling slightly.

"Aunt...Mei Yi..."

In fact, she was just like herself in the light curtain. She was afraid and inferior, for fear that her most trusted relatives and friends would regard her as a monster.

But Theresa and Mei are standing here now, using their actual actions to tell Kiana that they are companions

Recalling the promise she had made with Mei, Kiana couldn't help but smile.

Yes, she had said so firmly before that she would stand behind Mei Yi, face the Herrscher with her, and defeat the Herrscher. Why was she so timid when it was her turn?

How could she look down upon Mei and Theresa so badly and think that she would be abandoned by them if she became a Herrscher?

Just as Himeko wants to save her at the risk of her own life, Teresa and Mei are also her most trustworthy companions.

"Idiot, we are all standing behind you, there is no need to be afraid."

Jizi also gently stroked the idiot's head and smiled in greeting.

Kiana looked at Mei, Bronya, Himeko, Fu Hua and Theresa in front of her, and most of her uneasiness disappeared.

With everyone's encouragement, Kiana squeezed Mei's hand and mustered up the courage to continue looking at the light curtain.



In the picture, Kiana staggered as she was being chased by Mei and Theresa. After she fell, the person in front of her turned into the strict and serious squad leader Fu Hua in training uniform.

"Do you still remember this hateful face, Kiana?"

Xilin sneered and seemed to have a particularly bad attitude towards Fu Hua.

Xilin complained to Kiana about Fu Hua's crimes, which seemed to be much more intense than before. It was almost like she was accusing an old enemy.

"She has been very strict with you in the academy. She keeps saying that it is the monitor's duty. Do you think she just has a cold personality?"

"No, that's not the case

"It's because she knew your true identity as a monster early on. She treated you as a monster from the beginning and was always monitoring and guarding you.

"In the end, she ruined your life with her own hands."

In Xilin's mouth, Fu Hua has become a heinous villain. She wishes she could tear Fu Hua to pieces with her own hands.

She poured this hatred into Kiana, trying to make Kiana regard Fu Hua as her enemy——

"Look, she is coming to hunt you again now."

The image of Fu Hua in the nightmare corridor actually swung her fists and feet and launched a fierce attack on Kiana!

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