However, the opposite happened. The strange mist confused Xing's eyes when it appeared. She stumbled as she ran towards Liuying!

As Xing stumbled, everyone's heart rose to their throats. At this critical moment, the mist actually attacked Xing!

The next moment, a creepy shadow quietly emerged from the strange mist. It turned out to be a hideous and terrifying insect-shaped monster!

The [Memory Domain Meme], which is formed by the accumulation of subconscious fragments in the memory domain and is regarded as "death" that should not exist in dreams!

"Its evil shadow wanders around the twelve hours. Wherever it touches, there will be unexpected disasters. It spreads bad news with a sharp blade and shrouds beautiful dreams with the shadow of death..."

Even though she had never been to the dream, the knowledgeable Jizi still recognized the name of the hideous monster.

It was a notorious horror that should not exist in a paradise like [Pinoconi]!

Why did that kind of horror appear in the picture? !

At this tense moment, everyone could not guess, and could only watch the [Memory Domain Meme] in the light screen rush out from the strange fog!

The ferocious existence moved extremely quickly, and the strong wind even covered Xing's eyes!

In this trance before she came to her senses, the ferocious insect beast still rushed close to Liuying!

Xing screamed when she saw the beast in front of her, gritted her teeth and ran forward with all her strength!

She tried to reach out to save Liuying, who was close at hand, but the beast's terrifying claws were one step faster!

Under Xing's angry and desperate eyes, the insect beast swept Liuying into the air!

Time seemed to freeze at this moment. In this suffocating despair, every second seemed so long and tormenting...

The powerless Liuying was swept up into the air by the hideous and terrifying [Memory Domain Meme]. With nowhere to escape, she was entangled by the "death that should not exist in the dream"...

Liuying, who always smiled beside Xing, showed fear and help on her face at this moment. Tears in the corners of her eyes sparkled, hoping that Xing could save her——

But the next moment, the ruthless claws pierced through the girl's chest

Liuying's frightened eyes trembled violently, and the coldness of death quickly enveloped her body

"I'm sorry... Pioneer..."

In the face of death, Liuying could only shed two lines of tears and squeezed out a weak voice from her mouth

At this moment of death, the only last words of the girl were to apologize to Xing, sorry that she could not meet Xing again, sorry that she could not play with Xing again, enjoy food, and appreciate the shooting stars in the sky together again...

Xing's eyes also trembled sharply. Although Liuying was close at hand, she still couldn't change what was happening in front of her.

She could only watch the girl who had spent happy times with her being pierced through the chest by a sharp blade in front of her.

As the girl cried weakly, the sharp blade penetrated deeper into her chest.

Liuying's lips trembled weakly, and she lost the strength to wail.

As [Memory Domain Meme] took away the sharp blade, the sharp blade splashed water as it left the chamber, and Liuying's life passed away.

The girl's body fell weakly from the air. In a hurry, Xing even dropped the bat in her hand to the ground and rushed to meet her anxiously.

Although Xing caught Liuying and finally hugged her tightly, it was too late.

Liuying, who was pierced through the chest, had no chance of survival. Even in this dreamland where death is impossible, the appearance of [Memory Domain Meme] is a symbol of despair.

If a person dies in a dream, his brain will also die. [Memory Domain Meme] is such a terrifying existence.

Even if Xing tried her best to save it, Liuying's body in her arms was still like water that could not be stopped from flowing away by her fingertips

In the end, in Xing's rapidly enlarged eyes, there was no longer Liuying's figure reflected

Only the desperate and heartbreaking splashes of water splashed all over the ground...

Liuying, the girl who accompanied her to travel all over the paradise, the girl who was willing to empty her savings for her, in the end, only a photo with her was left...



Even if Huangquan and Black Swan stared at the [Memory Domain Meme] vigilantly, the hideous and terrifying insect beast did not give the slightest chance, as if it had completed its mission after killing Liuying and left...

The terrifying figure slowly retreated into the strange fog, and the hideous figure disappeared together with the gradually dissipating fog...

The picture froze at this moment, staying at the scene where Xing was staring at the pool of water transformed by Liuying in front of him helplessly

Everyone was stunned, unable to recover from the death of Liuying

The aftereffects of Liuying's death were so strong that everyone could not accept this scene for a while.

Was that beautiful girl stabbed in the chest?

There should not be death in that blissful dreamland. Why was Liuying targeted and why did she die like this?

What secrets are hidden behind Liuying's sudden death? What details have not been disclosed?

At the moment when everyone was stunned, the light screen kept showing the next title in front of them -

[Liuying Diary]

Chapter 96: Loss of Entropy

"Liuying Diary..."

The moment the title appeared, everyone's heart was tightened.

What would the girl who just met Xing for the first time and spent a day with her write in her diary?

Xing clenched her fists. Will the girl she failed to save complain about her in her diary?

Even if she saw any dissatisfaction with her in the diary, Xing would silently accept it because she watched the girl die in front of her and was helpless.

Right before her eyes, just within reach of her, Liu Ying was killed...

Xing stared closely at the light screen, waiting for the "Liu Ying Diary" in the painting to be revealed



The diary was opened page by page, and the first sentence that caught everyone's eyes was shocking——

"The doctor said that my anentropy syndrome is incurable, and I can only wait for death in the medical cabin... Hmm... In this case, I might as well go find something fun in my dreams."

"The medical bay is too cold..."



"Anentropy syndrome..."

When these three big characters appeared, people who knew about this disease couldn't help but take a breath...

On the Star Dome Train, under Xing's confused and incomprehensible eyes, Ji Zi, Dan Heng, March Qi and Walter Yang had complicated expressions, with intolerance, sympathy, and sadness on their faces.

The glances between them and Xing revealed emotions that Xing didn't quite understand.

In this doubt, Himeko’s mother sighed softly and told Xing about the terrible disease [Anentropy Syndrome]——

"It is a strange disease... The physical structure of people suffering from this disease will fall into irreversible chronic dissociation, which means that the patient will slowly disappear..."

"This kind of disappearance is even difficult to detect in the eyes of others... Although the patients can still live like normal people, they will always be a little slower than others..."

"That little bit of slowness will gradually be magnified, and eventually the patient will become slower and slower, until the outline of the patient and the entire world becomes blurred, and it is impossible to distinguish between reality and dreams..."

"Because in the eyes of the patient, both reality and dreams are equally broken."

Listening to Jizi's explanation, Xing fell into a daze. In other words, Liuying was an unfortunate person who fell into an incurable disease and had a short life.

Xing doesn't quite understand the cause of "Anentropy Syndrome", but why would a girl encounter such a thing at such a beautiful age...

While Xing was puzzled, Liu Ying's diary was still turning page by page in the light curtain.

The girl's thoughts recorded in the diary are revealed in front of everyone scene by scene.


“Today I saw Pinoconi for the first time. That place is so amazing.”

"I can actually leave that cold medical cabin, treat the doctor's words as air, and use my body to listen, see, and feel this beautiful world as I wish."

"Although the world I touch, think, and understand is not real, it is precious enough for me who can only be in the medical cabin."

Liuying seems to have experienced [Pinoconi] personally. The writing in the diary is like a little girl who has discovered a new toy in the new world and a brand new secret base. The words are filled with excitement and joy...

There is also a pity hidden behind this joy that makes people feel pain.

What kind of misfortune would make a beautiful girl write such heartbreaking words, and even "false dreams" can be regarded as the happiest thing?

For a girl who can only sleep in a cold medical cabin, even if it is just a false world...

Is it enough to be able to touch and feel this "false happiness and beauty"?

"There are a lot of toys, a lot of food, and a lot of people."

"I have never seen so many people, except doctors."

Another line of Liu Ying's thoughts appeared in the diary, making everyone's hearts tremble.

"Sleeping Beauty", who can only sleep in the medical cabin due to terminal illness, can only see the lively world and other people in false dreams...

This is a kind of happiness for Liu Ying who can only stay in the medical cabin, but it is also a kind of cruelty.

She couldn't witness it in person, so she could only place it in her dreams...

However, what is even more heartbreaking is the blessing the girl wrote in her diary:

"I hope everyone can laugh so happily in real life and not be like me..."

This false beauty, which is so precious in Liu Ying's eyes, is revealed in the text as a treasure, which breaks the hearts of the viewers outside the light screen.

However, as I flipped through the diary, even more breathtaking words appeared in front of me——


"The doctor said that my anentropy syndrome is getting worse and I have completely lost my sense of taste... Maybe this is the last time I will fall asleep..."

The four characters "The Last Time" are like a mountain that can make people breathless, weighing heavily on everyone's hearts.

"Will the world outside the medical bay be the same as Pinoconi's world?"

"I really want to see..."

Chapter 97: The Trail Blazers are the best

The girl's words lost the joyful color that she had seen Pinoconi before. It seemed that as the doctor sentenced her to death, the vitality of Liuying was also gone.

Her diary contains her longing for the outside world. Although she has seen the blissful dreamland and the prosperity and happiness she has never seen in the medical cabin, Liu Ying still looks forward to the outside of the medical cabin. the real world

That is a real world that is different from "false dreams". Liu Ying wants to know if there is such beauty, prosperity and excitement outside?

But unfortunately... Liuying didn't have the chance to see it.

She will die in the medical cabin after her last dream.

However, the next moment, as the diary turned the pages, the girl's sorrow seemed to turn the page, and the words on the paper revealed her forced vitality-

"But I saved a little money today, and I can eat my favorite oak cake roll again"


The handwriting on the diary stopped here, as if Liuying recorded her thoughts for the last time before entering the dream.

As the girl died in front of Xing, the diary with only a few pages written on it was left with a large blank page, which seemed to be the same as the next few decades of life that Liuying did not experience.

"The last time I dreamed", is this the last trace left by the firefly...

At the moment when everyone was feeling melancholy, the diary that no longer had an owner actually moved miraculously

The beautiful handwriting was exactly the same as the firefly, but it should have been written by someone who no longer had an owner

This bizarre scene was incomprehensible, but what really mattered was the new handwriting in the diary that everyone witnessed in person -

"I met a very strange person, she was holding a baseball bat, and she called herself the Galaxy Batman...?"

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