Just killed by the idiot Kiana? ? ? Returned to the same person as this idiot? ?

Silin couldn't stand it, but she couldn't let go of what Kiana mentioned in the picture.

Cecilia, the woman who was not her mother...

Did she...really miss the woman who was not her mother? She wanted to return to that warm embrace countless times?

Kiana, this guy who was a fool in her eyes, was the extension of her own desire for maternal love?


Cecilia and Siegfried saw the scene in the future light curtain, saw the conversation between Kiana and Silin, and held each other's hands.

They once formed a family with Silin in the dream constructed by Yu Duchen during the second collapse.

Although it was just a false memory, the family of four composed of Cecilia, Siegfried, Kiana, and Silin did spend such a warm and happy time.

Cecilia knew from the beginning that Sirin was not her daughter, and that it was a false dream, but she still gave Sirin the motherly love she could give as much as possible.

In the Collapse, Sirin was the unforgivable Second Herrscher who caused the catastrophe, but outside the Collapse...

She was just a little girl, a child who had not grown up yet and needed the love of her parents and the warmth of her family.

Cecilia didn't know what Sirin had suffered that made her hate humans so strongly, but she knew that such a young child should not bear such hatred.

So she tried her best to give Sirin the same love that belonged only to Kiana.

At least in that false dream, let Sirin feel a little love from her parents and the warmth of her family.

And the maternal love she gave at the beginning blossomed and bore fruit in the past ten years, and finally became K423... This "daughter" who was named after their biological daughter and called "Kiana" by them?

The former mortal enemy became their daughter, with the contradiction of love for them and hatred for humans in her heart, and finally split into two personalities...?

The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh, and now they can only hope that K423 and Xilin can choose the right path.

They also don't want to turn their knives against K423, who they already regard as a child in their hearts.



In the golden courtyard, Hua fell into deep silence when she saw the plague gem.

Her mentor Himiko, who saved her from the ruins destroyed by the collapse and led her to enter the fire-chasing moth to become a warrior, died after becoming the Herrscher of Flame.

The plague gem contains the core of the power of the Herrscher of Flame. This gem is the most dazzling existence for Hua.

In that disaster, Himiko seemed to still maintain her consciousness, but she was eventually ordered to be annihilated and died on the orders of Kevin and Alicia.

Hua didn't understand. If the Herrschers of the next civilization era could regain their humanity because of Alicia's power as the Herrscher of Humanity, then the civilization era she was in...

Could Himiko have regained her humanity at the beginning?

Unfortunately, the matter was done. Himiko had passed away, and she couldn't verify whether her mentor could be saved.

She could only offer her blessings to Kiana and the people of the next civilization era, hoping that they would not experience the same thing as herself.

I hope that the Herrschers of the next civilization era can be like Kiana and Sirin, maintaining their humanity, and no longer have to experience the scene of witnessing the death of relatives and friends and being powerless.


Otto was very satisfied with the "peace talks" between Kiana and Sirin in the screen. Although it was slightly different from what he had imagined, it all came down to those two words -


Because of Sirin's desire for Cecilia's maternal love, she gave birth to "Kiana", that is, the personality of k423, which symbolized her instinctive desire as a little girl that she was unwilling to admit.

After Kiana had experienced enough ups and downs, she did indeed defeat the Herrscher and truly became a human who controlled the power of the Herrscher.

This was the second stage of Otto's plan. This big game that had lasted for more than ten years could finally enter the third stage.



Everyone had no time to pay attention to the struggle between Kiana and Sirin in the light curtain. The next moment, the light curtain once again showed the fourth Herrscher of St. Freya Academy

[Elegy for the Sinner]

Chapter 67: Domestic Violence Scene

With the appearance of the title [Elegy for the Sinner], Kiana, who had reached a "reconciliation" with Sirin in the screen, disappeared and turned into the figure of Mei.

However, the Meiyi that appeared in the picture was the Meiyi who had already mastered the power of the Herrscher in the future.

Her gentle face in the past was now cold, and the crimson armor of the B-class Valkyrie had been replaced by armor wrapped in red lightning.

The power of the Herrscher of Thunder overflowed from her body, and the power of lightning had undoubtedly become Meiyi's power.

Meiyi was very happy to see that the one in the picture had such a strong power, because this probably meant that she would have enough power to protect the people she loved in the future.

She didn't have to watch Kiana being taken away, forced to revive as Sirin by the experiment, and then forced to bear the burden of the Herrscher like she did at the headquarters of the Destiny.

It's just...

What price did she pay?

Meiyi didn't know how she would control the power of the Herrscher of Thunder in the future, but seeing how Kiana and Sirin had struggled so hard before, she probably wouldn't have it easy either.

Their attention was quickly drawn to the building behind Meiyi in the picture -

"Is that... Changkong City?"

"The place where our story begins..."

Kiana and Meiyi looked at each other, and both read a bad premonition in each other's eyes.

侕 They met in Changkong City, met each other in Qianyu Academy, and then in the third collapse, Meiyi was redeemed by Kiana...

Why did they return to the original Changkong City?

What everyone didn't expect was that another person appeared in the picture -


When Meiyi saw the tired Kiana and the cold self looking at each other but confronting each other, her heart tightened.

She seemed to understand what price her future self had paid to control the power of the Herrscher.

And everyone's eyes were focused on Kiana in the picture.

To be precise, it was Kiana who had not yet mastered the power of the Herrscher, and it was Kiana who had not yet reconciled with Sirin.

The sweater on Kiana who appeared in the light screen was already torn, and it seemed that she had experienced unimaginable hardships with her.

There was no perseverance and determination in Kiana's eyes and face as seen before. She was full of panic and confusion.

Compared with the Kiana who had previously chosen her own path unswervingly and finally subdued Queen Sirin, the Kiana in the picture was like a puppy shivering after being caught in the rain.

According to the state of Kiana in the picture, the timeline in the picture...

It was probably after the headquarters of the destiny was forced to revive and become Sirin, but before defeating Sirin.

Just to fill in the gap for everyone, what made Kiana regain her perseverance and ignite the fire that could defeat Sirin during this period?

The next moment, in the surprised eyes of everyone, Kiana and Mei, who were once close friends who talked about everything, actually fought!

In the picture, the dusty Kiana is obviously no match for Mei. She doesn't even have the strength to use the power of the Herrscher. She is forced to retreat in a very embarrassing way by Mei's hand knives.

Kiana failed to show the power of the Herrscher of the Sky. Mei, with a cold face, also showed her "gentleness" without a trace, and also did not use lightning.

The two girls only used their fists and their physical skills to fight.

But even so, Kiana still couldn't gain the slightest advantage in front of Mei. Countless attacks were easily disintegrated, and she was knocked out by Mei in a blink of an eye!

Mei's attack was merciless, and it was even difficult to connect the cold girl in the picture with the gentle and considerate Japanese girl.

Her attack on Kiana didn't show the close friendship between them at all, as if they were mortal enemies.


"What happened?"

This question emerged in the minds of most viewers.

Why did the two who had become close friends at Qianyu Academy and who had redeemed each other fight at the beginning of the story?

Among the many people, only those who had rich experience in fighting against Houkai and Herrscher could see the clues

Otto tapped his fingers and stared at Kiana in the light screen

"Kiana's physical condition is so bad that it is unimaginable. According to estimates... she probably has less than two months to live."


Otto's eyes narrowed slightly. In his plan, after Kiana awakens as Herrscher Sirin at the Destiny Headquarters, she should take away the Conquest Gem in Mei's body.

In this way, Kiana becomes a Herrscher with three Herrscher Gems. Although her strength is not as good as the heyday of the second Houkai, she has nearly half of her strength.

In the light screen played earlier, Sirin did take away the Conquest Gem from Mei, but was interrupted by the anti-entropy troops before strangling Mei.

And now, in the picture played on the light screen...

In Kiana's body, the conquest gem that she had taken from Mei at the headquarters of the destiny has disappeared

The power of the Herrscher of Thunder has returned to Mei, which is enough to prove many things.

"I see..."

Otto murmured thoughtfully, chuckled and shook his head.

"What a touching friendship."

He probably understood the reason why Mei and Kiana fought each other. Although he admired her a little, he was still thinking about the plan-

The deeper the bond between Mei and Kiana, the higher the success rate of his plan.

As the light screen played before, Kiana did solve the hidden danger of Sirin in the future and became a human who completely controlled the Herrscher.

Among them, Mei's actions played on the light screen must have played a big role.


Others also roughly understood why Kiana was so determined to fight Sirin and successfully defeated her in the light screen played before.

It is because of the sacrifice Mei made for Kiana in the light screen that is playing now.

"In order to reduce Kiana's burden and to allow her to survive, Mei took the initiative to choose the Herrscher?"

"Take away the Conquest Gem from Kiana and take on the power of the Herrscher of Thunder on your shoulders"

The anti-entropy Tesla and Einstein saw Kiana's terrible physical condition.

Kiana is different from a natural Herrscher. Tesla and Einstein have seen the original Walter Joyce. She is the product of a transplanted gem.

Regardless of the physical strength of the artificial human, the gems in Kiana alone are enough to be a fatal talisman.

They also saw that Kiana's life was coming to an end, and they also saw the source of Mei's power.

Walter Yang in the Starry Sky Train witnessed the mutual dedication and sacrifice between the two best friends, and sighed:

"Mei...poor child."

Although he was a person who had experienced everything and knew that Kiana and Mei had become Herrschers.

However, Walter Yang did not know about their personal affairs and how they controlled their Herrscher power.

Now that he saw that Mei became the Herrscher of Thunder for the life of her best friend, he also understood why the two fought in the light curtain.



In the Golden Courtyard, the Thirteen Heroes, who had extensive experience in fighting Honkai and Herrscher, had basically figured out what was going on.

Among them, Mobius, who was the smartest and best at this, narrowed his eyes

“I see… I didn’t expect the origin of the Thunder Mouse to be so touching.”

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