"You were obviously very thin at that time!"

Femini, who was standing by, was laughing while listening to the quarrel between the two stupid siblings. Linni found that this guy was actually gloating and blushed on the spot!

"Femini, don't be so quick to laugh! You just appeared in the light screen. You will have this day sooner or later!"

"Hmph, do you think I am you two stupid siblings?"

Facing the angry glares from Linni and Linnette, Femini shrugged with complete disdain, indicating that she did not believe the alarmist words of these two guys at all.

"How could I possibly let my father worry so much? I am..."

However, what made Femini's face as painful as being slapped was the picture played on the light screen immediately afterwards



The servant finally settled Linnette who fell into the river and Linni who was captured by the monster, and suddenly found that Femini, who was playing in the mud obediently, was also missing? ?

Then, a plain-looking Navelette passed by and shuddered as if she was being watched

Chapter 220: There are many servant sisters

With the servant's ominous premonition, she looked around and finally saw the tearful Femini on the high roof

"Femini climbed up to the roof and can't get down?"

The servant's voice was a little helpless, but as a "father", she couldn't just sit back and watch

Although I don't know why this idiot can't get down after climbing up to the roof, I always have to save this naughty child...

"There is no ladder nearby, how can I get up here..."

The servant's chubby stick figure swayed and swung very elastically to look for the surrounding tools, although she could fly directly with her own strength

According to everyone's guess, the servant should be a handsome flyer, who could directly rescue Femini trapped on the roof, and then land gracefully with a sharp explosion

However, this white bird that can fly was sweating profusely looking for a "ladder" until she found a cone-faced double-door refrigerator that looked ordinary and ordinary passing by...

Take a closer look at the silver-gray long hair and the elegant judge's clothes. Isn't that the Dragon King of Fontaine, Villette, who is the focus of everyone's attention? ?

Navrette, who was famous for his seriousness and fairness, turned out to be a double-door refrigerator in the light curtain...

I don't know what role this ordinary-looking Water Dragon King who was just passing by would play

Then, under the frowning gaze of the viewers outside the light curtain, the servant, as a cadre of the Fatui, actually took the initiative to approach

Amidst many doubts and puzzled eyes, the elastic sketch of this cold and beautiful big sister swayed around Navrette, twisting and turning, as if she was brewing something mean

Then, I saw this cold and beautiful big sister made a sound of "obviously gentle and caring, but it seems like a knife stabbed into the heart"

"Navrette~ I hope you like the role that has belonged to you for hundreds of years~"

The servant's chubby head with an expressionless face, and the action of trying to cover his mouth to lower the sound to prevent others from hearing this "secret", made him look like a bad green tea.

Obviously such a handsome cold and beautiful big sister, how could she do such a thing?

Everyone's doubts disappeared in an instant, and another doubt turned into another one. With the servant's "whispering" "congratulations", the serious and fair Water Dragon King actually...

He actually? !

"Woo wow wow wow wow wow wow wow..."

Under the dumbfounded gaze of the audience outside the light screen, the handsome-looking double-door refrigerator in the picture actually covered his face and cried loudly on the spot! ?

That Villette's cry sounded like a baby's howling, more like the strange screams of frogs and toads

Like a child who couldn't stop crying because of a sad thing, like a girl crying bitterly? !

"Happy buffalo~ Spring maggots dancing~"

"Only~ all over the ground~ intoxicating spring wind~"

With the magical music that sounded for no reason, water gushed out from the gaps between Villette's fingers covering his face!

Although Villette is the "Water Dragon King", he has too much water, right? !

Seeing the waves gushing out from the gaps between Villette's fingers, the viewers outside the light screen felt that their eyes were attacked.

They had never thought that the serious, fair, and handsome Water Dragon King Villette, who was almost a dream lover, would collapse like this because of a short sentence from the servant.

What weakness of Villette did the servant hold in his hand, making this guy as sensitive as if his GPA was hit, and burst into a flood like crazy? ? ?

Villette is worthy of being the human form of the "Dragon King". His water is really like a flood from a mountain lake, and even forms a unique fountain-like scenery that makes people on the roadside stop and watch.

The news that Villette is an artificial fountain began to spread in Fontaine, and at this moment the servant was very satisfied with Villette's performance, and he seemed to be quietly waiting for something with his arms folded.

Everyone was puzzled about what the servant's plan was. Was it a manifestation of amazing wisdom to turn Villette into an artificial fountain?

It was not until the tears of the Dragon King formed a rainbow that everyone had a new understanding of the three words "Water Dragon King".

It was also at this time that everyone finally understood why the servants specifically caught and persecuted this ordinary Navilette who was just passing by, and why they wanted to poke at Navilette's sadness and make him spray water——

Seeing Villette's gushing tears falling in the sky, it lasted for a long time and even formed a rainbow, becoming a road for the servant to walk on...

"It turns out that the water sprayed by Dragon King Navilette is to pave the way for his servants~"

The humorous and heartwarming music that came from nowhere, accompanied by the narration that was as serious as telling a fairy tale but with a smile, pointed out the next development for the confused viewers——

Under everyone's shocked eyes, the servant actually stepped on the rainbow as a road, leading all the way to the roof where Femini was trapped! ?

The servant stepped on the rainbow formed by Villette's tears, opened his arms towards Femini, coaxed the tearful little cat with his lips, and walked towards her firmly like a "father"

Amid everyone's disbelieving and mixed emotions, the servant successfully rescued Femini who was trapped on the roof with Navilette's "voluntary and enthusiastic help"!

"With the cooperation of the brave servant and the enthusiastic Navilet, Femini, who was trapped on the roof and could not get down, fell into the arms of "father"~"

The servant carried the teary-eyed Femini back the same way, scolding and admonishing him as if he were his own stupid child, and also asked whether Femini was injured.

"Don't climb so high again, do you hear me?"

"I heard it, father, 嘤嘤嘤嘤嘤~"

They were still stepping on the rainbow formed by Villette's tears. It wasn't until they returned to the ground safely that Villette finally stopped crying in the storm.

As if he had completed his mission, when he saw the servant successfully rescued the child, Villette also stopped crying, no longer spewing tears like a flood, and then the rainbow path formed by the tears disappeared.

Other people in Fontaine who heard the news and came to see the artificial fountain and artificial rainbow rushed in vain with regrets on their faces.

However, after hearing the good news that just happened, the people in Fontaine burst into warm applause——

An ordinary servant of Fontaine, her child was trapped on the roof because of her naughtiness. Fortunately, she had the enthusiastic help of the passing inquisitor Navilette.

Villette's willingness to help others allowed the servant to successfully rescue his lively little child. How could this beautiful thing not make everyone burst into applause!

"This legendary story praises the wisdom and bravery of the servant of "Father", but it also praises the helpfulness of Judge Navilette~

"Because Navilette passed by, the smart servant was able to seize this rare opportunity and let Navilette contribute!"

The fairy tale-like narration popped up again at this time, telling the beauty of this story in a gentle and serious tone. At the same time, his voice was trembling a little, making it sound like he was holding back a laugh:

"Similarly, it also praises the fact that Villette's belly can hold a boat——

"Because Villette really cried out a rainbow, it's hard not to doubt that there really is a bottomless lake in Villette's belly.

"After all, he is the Water Dragon King, so a little more water is normal, right?

"Therefore, a beautiful artificial fountain was added to Fontaine. The servants and children returned home happily. The people of Fontaine saw the beautiful scene of the harmonious coexistence of the inquisitor and the ordinary people, and decided to learn from Navilette. This helpfulness and enthusiasm…

"So, every day you can see people in Fontaine imitating the Water Dragon King's storm cry, trying to imitate Villette by spewing tears like a flood to form an artificial rainbow..."

"Although it is unlikely that the people in Fontaine can really imitate Navilette, this sincere enthusiasm shows that the people in Fontaine have the good quality of being willing to help others."

While the narrator of the fairy tale was singing the praises of another beautiful story about Villette, the servant hugged the three children in front of him who were crying and making noise again, and gently and patiently comforted Linnet, Linny and Femini.


"Father, father, father, father!"

"Wow wow wow wow wow!!"

"Eh! Uh!"

The three tearful kittens let out shrill coquettish cries again and began to roll on the ground.

Because they know that the servant in front of them is their most trustworthy and reliable "father"

And the servant really showed a warmth that was completely different from her cold appearance, using the hidden but warm ardor to take care of these lovely children.

In the arms of the servant, three tearful, crying, and rolling kittens finally stopped crying after feeling the warmth of "Father". Instead, they showed silly smiles and happily looked at "Father" Playing coquettishly in my arms

The servant just hugged her children and introduced herself again to end the story.

"I am a servant, the fourth among fools."

"At the same time, he is also the 'father' of his children."

As the fairy tale-like narration sounded again, the story seemed to have come to an end.

"In this way, the servant lived happily with her children, and the people of Fontaine also had a more worthy goal.

"Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations..."

The servant’s round face seemed to have an imperceptible smile, and then the screen freezes with the warm scene of the servant hugging the children



Is this a fairy tale storybook unique to Teyvat?

No, are fairy tales in Teyvat so crazy?

Everyone outside the light curtain is really worried about the mental state of the children in Teyvat, and also worried about the mental state of the author who wrote this story

How can it be so abstract and so against the sky? ? ?

Let the water dragon king spray water to turn into a rainbow? ? Is this something that people can think of? ?

Just when everyone outside the light curtain breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this inexplicably crazy fairy tale could finally end...

The expressions of surprise on the faces of the viewers, as if they had seen a ghost, just disappeared, and they frowned again in an instant

Because they heard that as the picture gradually disappeared...

It seemed that they could still faintly hear the narration of the fairy tale, and finally couldn’t hold back their laughter "Hahahahahahaha"? ! !

In everyone's suspicious eyes, the conversation of the voice could still be heard faintly in the light curtain:

"I thought that Violet was going to burst into tears, and then let Femini's ice element freeze her tears, so that Femini could slide down like a slide"

"When I saw the rainbow bridge appear, I realized that I was still too conservative"

"It seems that I am still not crazy enough hahahahahaha"

"Me too, I thought that Violet's tears flooded Fontaine City, and Femini swam down by herself hahahahaha"

"I thought that the servants would spray directly on Violet's tears, so that they could fly up and pick Femini up"

It's not known who the narrator of the story was talking to, but their respective guesses were not guessed correctly

They also seemed to be glad that they didn't really guess such a crazy story development, and burst into laughter again


The audience listened to the laughter of several people in the light curtain who were unaware that their conversation was exposed, and fell into silence.

Don't destroy the beautiful fairy tale in the hearts of children!

Although this story is not very fairy-tale or beautiful, but at least it is a little heartwarming, right?!

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