Tony opened his mouth and eyes widened.

You know, Jarvis poured all his efforts into creating artificial intelligence.

It represents the highest level of technology in the world and can analyze anything.

But now, Tony feels that he is wrong.

He is so wrong!

In front of this weird statue, Jarvis can't even analyze his movement trajectory.

Jarvis didn't even see it clearly!

Thinking of this, Tony couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

If this statue came to this world...

At this speed, it would only take a moment to kill a city!

"No, it must have a weakness, there must be a way to control it!"

Tony kept muttering, forcing himself to calm down.

Captain America saw Tony's fear and said righteously:"Don't worry, Tony, as long as we unite, we will find a way!"


"I'm afraid this is not something that can be solved by unity."Tony said softly.

The atmosphere was a little tense, and it was Thor who broke the awkwardness.

"I mean, is there a possibility that if you just stare at it, it won't move?"

Everyone was stunned at the same time, and then they felt a little embarrassed.

The answer was right there on the puzzle, but they had overlooked it!

Unexpectedly, the arrogant Thor saw it.

"There are two people left in the room now. As long as they stare at the statue alternately, they can escape danger temporarily!"

Nick Fury said excitedly.

Tony's eyes flashed with a trace of worry:"I hope so."


Three-body World

"Can't you analyze it at this speed?"

Chang Weisi held the report he had just printed out, his face extremely solemn.

Analyzed with the top-level high-speed camera.

In the previous frame, the statue was still in place.

In the next frame, the statue was already stained with blood.

There was not even the movement of the statue when it attacked!

This terrifying speed, this ability to kill in seconds.

Even fully armed soldiers can't stop it.

"General Chang, it seems that it is better to maintain eye contact and not blink."Colonel Stanton said solemnly

"There are still two people inside. As long as they cooperate with each other, they will survive."

Unconsciously, everyone put themselves in the shoes of the two D-class personnel in the room.


Bears in the World

"Wait, this isn't right, this has to be wrong!"

"Brother Qiang, I have already resigned!"

Looking at the D-class personnel whose neck had been broken on the screen, Guangtou Qiang was very panicked.

This is risking his life, this is really risking his life!

Even if you can get money and a house after working for a full month, you have to be alive to get it!

In the video of"Instructions for D-class Personnel" just now, it was said that D-class personnel establish connections with interesting creatures.

In the end, this is how they establish connections, right!

After thinking about it, Guangtou Qiang still picked up the phone

"Hello, Boss Li, I'm Qiangzi."

"I just want to ask you, my job……"

Before he could finish his words, a roar came from the other end of the microphone.

"Baldy, you are dreaming!"

"You have been fired, find another job!"

"Drip, drip, drip……"

Boss Li has hung up the phone.

Only the frozen smile of Bald Qiang is left.

"Hahahaha, Baldy Qiang, you got humiliated again this time!" Xiong Er laughed.

"This is not a good thing. Baldy Qiang is easy to bully. If he were replaced by a stronger lumberjack, our forest would be in danger."

Big Xiong said with a serious face, full of worry.


DC World

"Is it okay to just maintain eye contact? What if one person turns a blind eye?"

"Is it possible to restrain the movement of this statue?"

Batman looked solemn, as if there was a high-speed machine running in his head, constantly analyzing the situation.

"One of the two people was very calm. He must be a veteran employee. I wonder if he can escape.……"


【"Damn it! It killed him!" a gasped heavily, his eyes couldn't help but look at the corpse on the ground.】

【"Don't blink, it can't move when we look at it!"】

【At B's reminder, A quickly turned his gaze towards the statue and asked loudly,"Okay! Then how should I blink?"】

【"Tell me when you want to blink and I'll keep an eye on him for you"】

【B's calmness infected A,"I'm going to blink now, are you ready?"】

【Hearing what B said, A's eyes widened, not daring to relax at all.】


【Time passed slowly, and with the cooperation of the two, nothing happened.】

【But the danger is not over yet, the terrifying statue in the corner is still there, they have to get out】

【"Hey! When can we get out? We want to get out!"a yelled】

【This time a voice came from the monitor:"Stay focused, make sure you're watching it... Zizzizi... They're coming in! SCP... Oh my God!"】

【"Hey! What happened?"Listening to the chaotic sound coming from the monitor, A's back was soaked with cold sweat.】

【Apparently, something unexpected happened in the Foundation.】

【"What happened? What on earth happened?"a collapsed a little, crying in his tone】

【"I know, this thing is scp173, just like them"】

【B panted, stared at SCP173, and tried his best to control his emotions.】

【"What do you mean?!"a panicked, shaking all over】

【"What this means is that we are going to be locked up here forever!"】

【"I didn't do anything wrong, why am I here?!"a yelled】

【"I don't want to either, my family is waiting for me to return. But the point now is to keep an eye on this thing!"】

【B adjusted his breathing and continued:"Listen, I'm staring at it now, you turn around and open the door, then we can leave!"】

【a turned around and took a look, then turned back in an instant】

【"I don't care, you can watch it by yourself!" a turned around and turned his back to the statue.】

【At this moment, A is like a drowning man. Fear has cut off his thoughts and occupied his body.】

【Now he just wants to give up】

【"What the hell are you doing?!!!!!"】

【B's mentality collapsed】

【What a stupid teammate! I can’t even lead him!】

【"I beg you! Turn around! My eyes can't hold up!"】

【a didn't turn around】

【I don't know how long it took, maybe just a moment】

【b couldn't hold it anymore, tears were flowing uncontrollably】

【You have to blink!】

【b roared, closed his eyes, and ran towards the corner】

【The next moment, when he set his eyes on the statue, he saw a】

【There is no doubt that a is dead】

【He is the only one left in the room now.】

【And he can no longer hold on.】

【"Boom, boom, boom"】

【The only sound in the room was B's heartbeat.】

【Now there is only one way. Although B has thought of it a long time ago, he dare not gamble.】

【Now, he had to gamble.】

【b Maintain eye contact with your right eye and slowly close your left eye】


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