Doraemon World

"What? Bigfoot can be contained, what a joke!"Fat Tiger snorted coldly, his face full of disdain

"Bigfoot is really stupid, even stupider than me, how can it be a containment creature?"Nobita rarely shows off his intelligence.

"Yes, yes, we have fooled all the Bigfoots we have encountered."Suneo also began to sneer.

It's not their fault that they look down on Bigfoot, it's just because they have really encountered Bigfoot!

After all, with Doraemon, they have experienced too many adventures, including Bigfoot.

At first, it really felt scary, with big feet and long hair all over the body.

But after actually encountering it, I found that its IQ is worrying, even Nobita's IQ can fool it.

"Yes, this containment is a bit too bad.

Even Doraemon looked relaxed at this time.


Holy Lord World

"If humans are not the most primates of all creatures, then who is the most primate of all creatures?" Chen Long rubbed his chin and asked in confusion.

"It can't be Bigfoot, right?" Xiaoyu asked tentatively.

"Xiaoyu, how is this possible?"Chen Long shook his head firmly,"Bigfoot is actually a wild man. When we humans had already begun to evolve, they were still wandering in the mountains."

"Over time, we and they have become two species"

"And their IQ is not high, their genes are different from ours"

"In short, we are much more evolved than them."

Hearing this, the people in District 13 nodded.

They all knew something about supernatural phenomena, so they knew more about Bigfoot than ordinary people.

They were just wild men, and they had already parted ways with humans on the road of evolution millions of years ago.

How could they be the most primates of all creatures?


Alien World

"Aren't humans the most intelligent creatures in the world?" Zhao Fangxu frowned.

He picked up the phone,"Lao Gao, ask Erzhuang to check if there is any relevant information?"

"……Boss, Erzhuang checked and there is no news that Bigfoot is the most primate of all creatures."

"So that's it, thank you for your hard work."

Zhao Fangxu hung up the phone and suddenly laughed.

What happened to him? He even went to Erzhuang to check the information in person.

Bigfoot is the primate of all creatures, it's impossible to think about it!


【A doctor in a white coat slowly walked into the corridor】

【"Sorry, Doc, we need a routine checkup."】

【Instead of nodding and letting the staff check the items on him】

【"Have you heard? SCP1000 is actually Bigfoot? Is this true?"】

【Several members of the Mobile Task Force standing on duty nearby were chatting casually.】

【"Even Bigfoot is in the Foundation's custody. Next time, should we catch those little bats?"】

【"I really don't know what's so good about containing Bigfoot? I'll just shoot him!"】

【The task force member smiled disdainfully and casually lit a cigarette.】

【The smoke was thick, and the doctor frowned slightly, with a look of disgust on his face.】

【"Please don't smoke here... and what does the Foundation want me to do?" asked the doctor】

【"The mission of the Foundation is to make you become SCP1000-6. We don't know the details yet. You need to enter the room alone to receive the information before you can know."】

【The staff put on a professional fake smile】

【"alright, I got it"】

【Seeing that these people didn't know the situation, the doctor could only sigh and walked into the room at the end of the corridor helplessly.】

【There was only a small TV in the room with only one button: Play.】

【The doctor was a little surprised. He thought that the information was transferred between people, but he didn't expect it to be transferred through electronic devices.】

【But these are small things, not pressing the play button】

【After a wave of fluctuations】

【In the video, a man in a black robe sits at the table】

【His voice is deep and low】

【"Hello, my successor"】

【"If I'm not mistaken, you should have inherited my serial number scp1000-6"】

【"This means that you have become an appendage of SCP1000 and a containment object."】

【"But don't worry, this job is not as difficult as you think, and it will not restrict your personal freedom"】

【"You just need to remember what I'm going to say next and never tell anyone, then you've completed your mission perfectly."】

【"At some point in the future, you will trust and then record this video like me and pass it on to the next successor"】

【"Then your memory will be erased by the Foundation, and you will receive a large bonus and go home to retire. It's that simple."】

【The man in black robe spread out his hands and spoke in a relaxed tone.】

【"You see, it's so easy. It's hard to find such an easy job in the foundation."】

【"So please listen carefully to what I'm going to say next."】

【"These words will definitely subvert your cognition"】

【The man in black robe lit a cigarette. Seeing this, the doctor frowned slightly, but when he thought that this was a video, his brows relaxed again.】

【"You may have heard the recent rumors."】

【"Even those who don't know the truth want to get involved"】

【"They said SCP1000 was Bigfoot, and they were surprised that Bigfoot was actually contained by the Foundation."】

【"Although they rarely guess right, I have to admit that they really guessed right."】

【"Yes, SCP1000 is Bigfoot"】

【"I believe you are laughing, don't worry"】

【"Contrary to rumors, we don't actually point fingers at people for funny things.���You are a keter task"】

【"You think Bigfoot is funny because we want you to think Bigfoot is funny】

【"We fund comedies and hilarious documentaries in Hollywood"】

【"Hire people to wear gorilla suits and play pranks"】

【"Pay off cartoonists and brainwash them into making Bigfoot look stupid on children's shows"】

【"Even the word Bigfoot was invented by us and introduced to the media in 1958. People thought it was more outrageous than Sasquatch and could not be taken seriously."】


American comic world

""Huh?!" Tony couldn't help but exclaim in shock.

In his memory, Bigfoot was stupid and silly, and was always a funny character.

This was the image in animations and movies.

And now you tell me that all my views are false?!

I think Bigfoot is stupid just because you want me to think it is stupid?!


Tony couldn't help but gasp.

"Jarvis, check immediately, is there any news about Bigfoot in the news before 1958?"

"OK sir... According to your investigation, the first sighting of Bigfoot was in 1958. Before that, there was no information about Bigfoot, but there was a lot of news about wild men."

When this was said, everyone was shocked.

"In other words, Bigfoot doesn't exist?!"Captain America opened his mouth wide.

In this era, Bigfoot has become a thing of the past.

But before Captain America was frozen, Bigfoot was a hot word.

At that time, there would be news about Bigfoot every now and then as a gimmick in the news, and people were afraid of this big-footed monster.

So Captain America believed in this thing.

But he didn't expect it to be fake?!

Was it done on purpose by the Foundation?!

"Why? Why spend so much energy on these things?"Dr. Banner stroked his chin and asked in a deep voice.

Creating a word to make the world believe in the monster Bigfoot requires huge manpower and material resources.

Why does the Foundation do this?

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