Alien World

"Sacrifice a few lives?……"Zhang Chulan murmured.

He glanced at Feng Baobao.

What if Feng Baobao was among these people?

Could Feng Baobao be sacrificed?

"Zhang Chulan, what are you looking at me for?" Feng Baobao asked, looking confused.

"It's okay, Sister Baoer, you can continue to be in a daze."Zhang Chulan said with a smile.

Seeing Feng Baobao turned her head, Zhang Chulan secretly made up his mind.

If he had to sacrifice a few unrelated people in exchange for the lives of most people, Zhang Chulan could accept it.

But if among the sacrificed people, there were people he cared about, such as Feng Baobao,

"What does the lives of most people have to do with me?"

Zhang Chulan said calmly, without a trace of emotion in his eyes.


In the American comic world,

Iron Man Tony sighed silently.

Should he choose to sacrifice a few people in exchange for the happiness of the majority?

Or let it happen?

At this moment, Tony was not entangled in his heart.

Because he had made a choice.

In the danger caused by Loki a few days ago, he saved everyone with a nuclear bomb and a determination to die.

Sacrifice one person in exchange for the lives of everyone, Iron Man Tony made his choice.

Even if this person is himself, he will sacrifice without hesitation!

In the American comic world, several years later

""Mom, will Dad come back?" Morgan blinked and asked in a low voice.

Pepper hugged Morgan tightly and could no longer hold back her tears.

Others also looked sad.

Iron Man Tony resolutely snapped his fingers for the sake of the universe and sacrificed his life.

Captain America gently placed the flowers in his hand on the tombstone.

"Tony, I remember when we first met, I thought you were a selfish person."

"When we were arguing, you said you were a genius, a billionaire, a playboy, and a philanthropist."

Captain America burst into tears as he spoke.

"I looked down on you at that time, but now it seems that you deserve all my respect!"


【The doctor put down his cigarette, picked up a photo, and gently stroked it.】

【"SCP3000, a Class 8 cognitive hazard"】

【"That's why I stayed here after that mission."】

【"I spent a lot of time on this mission trying to understand the potential effects of exposure to a Class 8 cognitohazard on a person."】

【"I have conducted countless interviews with people and written many psychological reports, but I still cannot deduce the results."】

【"We even x-rayed the monster to see what was inside it."】

【"There are dead bodies everywhere!"】

【"He didn't digest it at all, but did something else, and finally produced Y-909!"】


Everyone in the universe gasped when they saw this.

"Oh my god, what kind of monster is this?!"

"Oh my god, this monster ate humans and couldn't digest them?!"

"Wait! Isn't it because of his size that he is so huge, but because of the corpse inside him?!"

"Oh, demons!!! Go away, demons..."

"What on earth did he eat from humans?!"

"Wait, what is this Class 8 cognitive hazard?"


【The doctor paused and continued】

【"Just a few days ago, I was preparing notes for another report and accidentally knocked over a photo of me and my family."】

【The doctor smiled, and that smile was full of sadness.】

【"You may not believe it, but at that time I had no idea who the three people in this photo were."】

【"It was not until I saw the handwriting on the back of the photo that I realized that the man among the three people was me."】

【"The other two are my wife and daughter."】

【There was a hint of fear in the doctor's voice.】

【"Yes, I totally forgot about them."】

【"I even forgot why I was here, and what I looked like."】

【"Forget the Foundation, forget everyone!"】

【"I even forgot why I was here in the first place!"】

【"There's something even scarier"】

【"The words on the back of the photo clearly say that this is the third time I have forgotten"】

【The doctor was trembling slightly and tried several times to light the cigarette.】

【"This is the fourth time I've forgotten."】

【"And it was not until this time that I finally knew what the monster had done."】

【"Something, some hidden part of its production, is resisting recognition!"】

【"It disintegrates human consciousness, shredding what we believe to be our souls until all that remains is our true essence: an electronic signal that will one day dissipate."】


Pig World

""Mr. Confused, why can't I understand?" Pigsy ate his lollipop bite by bite.

"It’s better if you don’t understand. You’d better not understand." The confused teacher was sweating on his forehead.

"So this is a level 8 cognitive hazard... It's really terrifying"


Tang San World

"Memory, what should I do if I have no memory? Am I still myself?"

At this moment, Tang San no longer had his usual arrogant look.

He held his head with both hands, his face full of fear.

…………………… ps: Please give me flowers, monthly tickets and data! Thank you for your continued support!

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