
In the American comic world,

I don't know who laughed first, and then all the SHIELD agents couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

In such a weird and tense atmosphere, a swear word suddenly came out, which was really hard to hold back.

""Everyone, is there anything funny?"

Nick Fury said coldly

"A fellow human being is in danger right now, and you can still laugh!"

The agents immediately put away their smiles.

They are all extremely professional agents, and such unprofessional things as laughing should not happen to them.

Thor also put away his smile and said seriously:

"Let's see what information this dead agent will bring to D1314."


【"This is not alarmist"】

【"As you can see, I'm an agent."】

【"I'm in this stupid building."】

【"And I promise you, if you were here, you'd be fucking dead too."】

【"But luckily I still have some time to tell you something."】

【"This is probably what happened. You probably have heard about it."】

【"In the area where you are, several strange cases have occurred."】

【"First, cows and wild animals died inexplicably, and then people"】

【"All autopsy reports, including those of animals, came to the same conclusion: all autopsies showed that the hearts of all animals were missing, and the animals were not torn or cut open, but the hearts just disappeared out of thin air."】

【"The chest cavity is empty, with no signs of any external damage."】

【"Afterwards we found out that it was all caused by those dark monsters!"】


In the alien world, in the chairman's office of Nadutong,

Zhao Fangxu frowned tightly.

"Taking someone's heart out of thin air? What kind of monster is this?"

As the chairman of Nadutong, Zhao Fangxu knows all kinds of strange people and strange skills in the world and thinks he is well-informed.

But even if he is, he has never seen such a weird method.

This even violates common sense and the simplest laws of physics!


Pirate World.

Vegapunk took a deep breath

"The heart disappeared out of thin air?"

"Even with the surgery fruit, I'm afraid it can't be done!"


Happy Gray World

"How did they do this?!"

Gray Wolf said in disbelief.

Gray Wolf claimed to be the top inventor on the Green Grassland and once thought that nothing could surprise him.

But being able to make a person's heart disappear out of thin air...

Gray Wolf couldn't figure it out at all. This was something that could not be done no matter what.

But the black shadow monster on the screen could do it.


【"Listen carefully, my body should be nearby. Go get those silver bullets."】

【"When you go shoot those things, say God's name and pray"】

【"And you better take this seriously!"】

【"It doesn’t matter which god it is, Amitabha, Allah, or whatever. Even if you want to pray to that pile of spaghetti, that’s fine. It doesn’t matter!"】

【"But please remember, you must be pious and take yourself seriously, whether you have faith or not, now remember to be pious!!!"】

【The agent's voice became high-pitched and paranoid, just like the instructor standing in front of him and scolding him angrily during military training.】

【D1314 then saw a pistol and some silver bullets placed next to the body.】

【He slowly picked it up and loaded it.】


American comic world

"It sounds like some kind of vampire." Tony stroked his chin and analyzed.

"It is said that in order to kill vampires, you must use silver bullets and pray constantly when shooting."Captain America looked serious.

Thor frowned. Captain America is an old antique. How can he understand these things?

Seeing Thor's puzzled expression, Captain America explained

"Werewolves and vampires were very popular in my time.

Everyone suddenly realized.

Indeed, in Captain America's time, these things were very popular among young people.

At that time, when mentioning vampires, young people would talk about them.

""Great, Captain, I didn't expect you knew all this."

Tony said in surprise.

He used to think that Captain America was a stickler for convention, but he didn't expect that he also liked these things in private.


Three-body World


Chang Weisi exhaled slowly.

Although all D-class personnel were criminals, they were still human beings after all.

As a compatriot, he naturally did not want to see D1314 die here.

Although he was not completely out of danger now, at least he had a way to protect himself.

"But this way of killing the enemy is really outrageous."Shi Qiang sighed.

Not only do you have to use silver bullets, but you also have to pray.

It doesn't matter who you pray to, as long as it is a pious prayer.

It's like when you encounter a problem you don't know how to solve in school, you just force the formula to solve it.

It's outrageous.

"It is reasonable to use unconventional means to deal with unconventional situations."

Wang Miao had gone through a series of psychological tortures such as the countdown, and now his nerves were extremely strong.

Hearing Wang Miao's words, Chang Weisi's heart moved.

Use unconventional means to deal with unconventional situations.

The invasion of the Trisolarans is an unconventional situation. If you want to defeat them, then the earthlings must take unconventional means!


Super Beast Armed World

"Is it necessary to pray to kill those black shadow monsters?"

The Hades, who was in the coffin of Xuanming, looked solemn at the moment.

He was the top powerhouse in this world, and naturally looked at things from a different perspective.

The way to kill the black shadow monsters actually involved a trace of the power of the law.

If you don't pray in your heart, you won't be able to kill the black shadow monsters. If this is not the law, what is it?


【"Unfortunately, my will is not strong enough. After seeing the tide of that thing, I can no longer pray."】

【"A murder had occurred in this shabby house before, but the local sheriff didn't take it seriously."】

【"Apparently that stuff was created with some cult ritual and bloody murder or something."】

【"No one has lived in this shabby house for 20 years. After that, supernatural incidents have never stopped."】

【"Of course, the Federal Administration also sent people to investigate, but these people who came in were probably like me, and they had already turned into corpses, lying quietly in the room on the second floor."】

【"But I think my predecessor must have dealt a heavy blow to these monsters. After all, in the next 15 years, these monsters never came out again."】

【"But recently, these monsters have come out again."】

【"So, the Foundation got involved, and I was sent to this stupid place."】

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