That invincible figure stood proudly between the universe!

Under his feet, gods and demons roared, and the supreme was dormant!

The terrifying breath echoed, but even the corner of the figure's clothes could not be affected!

Then, in the picture, the cold Nine Dragons Coffin appeared again!

Landing on the earth, taking away the young Ye Tiandi and his classmates, climbing the firefly, fighting the crocodile ancestor, descending on the ancient forbidden land, surviving from death, and embarking on the road of cultivation.

He went to various places, passed the tomb of the demon emperor, entered the bronze ancient temple, worshipped Taixuan, and went to various places.

After a series of adventures and tribulations such as the Immortal Mountain, the Ten Thousand Dragons Nest, and the Zhongzhou Qishi Mansion, Ye Tiandi successfully returned to Earth.

But his parents have passed away. In grief, Ye Tiandi Xian cut the Heavenly Dao three times to prove his Dao heart!

Returning to Beidou, Ye Tiandi set foot on the ancient road of the starry sky and experienced the same endless killing as the ancient emperors for the emperor's road!

When the greatest dark turmoil in ancient times broke out, Emperor Ye Tian tried his best to stop it. He eventually wandered in the starry sky for three hundred years before waking up. Later, he achieved the realm of quasi-emperor, led the Heavenly Court to defeat the Divine Court, and wiped out the two major forces of the underworld and the Phoenix Nest.

In order to impact the Emperor Road, after the victory, Emperor Ye Tian disbanded the Heavenly Court for a hundred years, hibernated alone and survived the catastrophe under the siege of the Supreme, and achieved the great perfection of the Holy Body!

That day, Emperor Ye Tian reorganized the Heavenly Court, swept away the resistance of the Tyrant Body, bathed in the blood of the Tyrant, and strongly blackmailed the Supreme of the Forbidden Zone to destroy the Sea of Samsara!

After that, the road to becoming an immortal on Feixian Star was opened.

The six Supremes lost their lives in vain, but Emperor Ye Tian had to send his wife and daughter to the Immortal Realm.

After that, he made a vow that he would definitely meet again in the Immortal Realm!

In the battle on the road to becoming an immortal, Emperor Ye Tian wiped out the Immortal Mountain, and then the Supreme of the Forbidden Zone joined forces to target him.

Instead, Emperor Ye Tian killed the four Supremes alone and swept away two forbidden areas!

After that, Emperor Ye Tian surpassed the Heavenly Emperor Avenue, broke the curse that the Holy Body could not become a Tao, and was called the Heavenly Emperor!

After becoming the emperor, Ye Tiandi swept the heavens, the Taichu ancient mine escaped, and the heaven was extremely glorious!

Until the end of the second life, when Ye Tiandi, who had existed in the world for tens of thousands of years, was old, he deliberately looked for the unknown old age of the holy body, but failed. His blood and qi declined, and his combat power was greatly reduced.

At this time,"May 10".

The real danger finally broke out!

The ominous curse of the old age of the holy body emerged!

The killing array of the seven supremes and Lingbao Tianzun emerged!

The ancient emperor soldiers formed the first killing array in ancient times!

This is a terrifying lore!

They did not dare to attack when the emperor who left endless legends was at his most powerful, but now, they dare to show their fangs to the old and decrepit emperor!

"In the past, I was still a young monk, struggling all the way, and in order to survive, I set up various traps to deal with powerful enemies."

"Do I still need to set up a trap now? There is no need to plan against you, that is a small matter, because I am the Emperor of Heaven!"

Facing an unprecedented crisis.

Ye Tiandi's eyes were blazing, and his voice shook the world! The universe roared! Tremble under the power of the Emperor of Heaven!

This is the confidence that belongs only to Ye Tiandi! He stood proudly, looking down on the world!

Although he is old and his blood is not as good as before, so what!

One sentence"I am the Emperor of Heaven" is enough!

The war broke out!

Murderous aura rushed to the sky! Ye Tiandi swung his imperial fist, with divine power!

His blood seemed like a scorching sun! Even the first killing array in ancient and modern times fell apart under the fist of the Emperor of Heaven!

His majesty was unparalleled. With white hair flying, he looked like a god, looking down on everyone!

Breaking through the formation, Emperor Ye Tian punched out!

He smashed a master of the Imperial Dao to pieces!

Even the immortal weapon of the underworld could not match the power of the Emperor's fist!

The Emperor's unparalleled power was unstoppable!

The heaven and earth wailed, and all the ways submitted!

The seven supreme beings fled in panic, but in a flash, they were all killed by Emperor Ye Tian!

Shocking the world!

At this seemingly relaxed moment, the Feixian Waterfall appeared!

The Immortal Emperor held the Immortal Heavenly Sword! He sent the four supreme beings to attack together!


What a pity!

That was Emperor Ye Tian! His divine power was unparalleled!

Even the gods of all races who left behind endless legends were severely damaged! The four supreme beings who crossed the border were all easily killed by Emperor Ye Tian just like the previous supreme beings!

In this battle, Emperor Ye Tian killed seven supreme beings alone, and with the obstruction of his disciples, he forced back the Immortal Emperor!

He killed four more supreme beings!

Such a record has never been seen in ancient times and is rare in the world!

Even in his old age, the power of the Emperor of Heaven can still surpass the nine heavens!

Standing at the peak of humanity! Overlooking the ages!

Just like what Emperor Ye Tian shouted during the battle!

"I am the Emperor of Heaven, I must kill all enemies in the world!"

The world is covered with a single finger.

"Unparalleled killing and amazing achievements"

"One man killed eleven supreme beings in one day and defeated the Immortal Emperor"

"It's a pity that the war never happened."

"Now see"

""It's enough to comfort my life."

The domineering words of Emperor Ye Tian echoed in the sky.

Emperor Qing stroked his beard and smiled.

His eyes were full of admiration.

At the same time, he felt a little regretful.

As the first demon emperor in the post-ancient era, he also wanted to try it. The feeling of crushing a lot of supreme beings in one day, but unfortunately, the forbidden area had been pacified by Emperor Ye Tian in front of him.

And he couldn't leave the world for a long time, unless he gave up the incomplete small fairyland.

"Immortal Emperor!"

"One day I will take off his head with my own hands!"

Xiao Song was sitting nearby, pouring tea for Ye Tiandi and Qingdi.

Seeing the past scene, he recalled the scene when his master was seriously injured, and immediately spoke with gritted teeth.

"Don't underestimate your opponent"

"It's such a long time, even if a pig survived, it would have become an immortal."

"What's more, he is a fairyland creature."


"If there is a chance in the future"

"I look forward to you taking off his head."

Ye Tiandi patted his disciple's shoulder. He was very satisfied.

"Damn it, he got it right."

Hei Huang secretly glanced at Ye Tiandi, gritting his teeth, but he didn't dare to show it, so he could only mutter to himself

"I said, what are you doing?"


My brother-in-law, who had just come back from a walk, didn't know what happened.

He asked in confusion.

"Hush, this guy is frightened by the empress.

Pang Bo hurriedly pulled his brother-in-law.

Then he pointed to the empress who was also sitting next to Emperor Ye Tian in the distance, but had never spoken. She looked like a jade sculpture.

"You guy"

"Would you make fun of that person?..."


Even though my brother-in-law has a rich imagination, he couldn't have imagined that the Black Emperor would be so bold.

"Not only that, before, Ye Zi's famous scene"

"He has to make a joke anyway."

"Look now"

""It's so hot and cold that it can't move."

Duan De was gloating.

But when he was halfway through his words, he suddenly saw that Hei Huang's expression was not right, and he immediately panicked.

"Emperor! I report! This fat guy dug..."

Black Emperor grabbed Duan De's sleeve and threatened to report Duan De's extortion of the ruthless Taoist temple.

Duan De was decisive.

He threw away his precious Taoist robe and disappeared.

"It seems that Ye Tiandi, who suppressed everything"

"There are things that cannot be handled"

"" Hahaha."

On the other side,

Yao Xi raised his glass and drank with Liu Er Mihou.

Seeing Ye Tiandi looking at Hei Huang and the others with a distressed and helpless look, he laughed happily.


"Teacher, I suddenly feel"

"My future slogan can be changed again."

"Just to command the world to burn"

"I don't feel as domineering as Ye Tiandi!"

Xiao Yan's eyes lit up!

Although he was already several dozen years old before and after the time travel, his mentality was still very young.

Now, when

Ye Tiandi's golden words came out,

Xiao Yan's heart immediately ignited the flame of admiration!

This is the real pretense!

No matter who you are! I am the Emperor of Heaven!


"Instead of thinking about cultivation, I just think about these messy things."

"When you become the Emperor of Dou"

"Even if you don't say a word, others will praise you to the sky"

"No strength"

"Even if you memorize all the golden sentences, it's just a joke!"

Looking at the excited Xiao Yan,

Yao Lao shook his head helplessly. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I still understand this point."

"But the teacher"

"In your opinion, which one is more domineering, the one about disciple's future or that of Emperor Ye Tian?"

"In fact, the disciple who controls the flames should naturally command all the fires."

"But Emperor Ye Tian’s words were so powerful!"[]

Xiao Yan nodded.

Then he asked excitedly:

"According to my husband"

"Indeed, Ye Tiandi's is more imposing"


"I still like your words better."

"After all, you are my disciple. Even if that is the Heavenly Emperor, he is not as good as the disciple I taught myself."

Yao Lao looked up at the sky.

He had to admit that even in his old age, he said this sentence, killing the Supreme Emperor Ye Tian.

He did have an awe-inspiring spirit.

But so what?

No matter how good Ye Tiandi is, he is still someone else.

Of course, I have to spoil my stupid disciple!


Xiao Yan was deeply moved��

He immediately gathered his mind and continued to practice.

The teacher thought so highly of him.

How could he slack off?

In the Tomb of Gods, when the battle song of the Heaven-killing War was played last time, the Heavenly Dao was furious.

The four Heaven-killing Souls took action in advance to guide the thoughts of all living beings, causing the Heavenly Dao to retreat after being injured. However, due to the"leakage" of the plan, the Heavenly Dao also began to consciously target the Immortal Ancient Battle Soul and other important figures in the Heaven-killing War. As the most important link among them, Chen Nan naturally became the top priority!

"Damn it!"

"Fortunately, the problem with the technique seems to have been solved."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll lose myself just from the number of times I've reversed my skills during this period of time!"

Chen Nan fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

He didn't have time to treat the wounds on his body.

All living things attack the sky, but there are always some cowards who choose to surrender to the sky.

And the restrained heaven.

It is these people who are attracted to target Chen Nan

"Why is it so dangerous to follow you?"

"If I had known, I shouldn't have gotten involved with you."

Meng Ke'er sat aside without caring about her image, and complained madly.........

But that being said, she is certainly not the type of person who would choose to leave Chen Nan at this time.

"It's a pity, if you had the strength of Emperor Ye Tian now"

"Shout I am the tomb of God"

"Go up and punch that **** Tiandao to pieces!"

"Everyone is relieved."

Ruffian Dragon cursed and pulled out an arrow from his wing with great pain.

"Do you think you are just saying this casually?"

"Emperor Ye Tian has experienced many killings."

"Unrivaled Power"

"That sentence was created by his invincible belief!"

"Without that kind of strength, and just empty slogans, do you think we are not dying fast enough?"

"And what the hell is the Tomb of God!"

"It doesn't sound as domineering as the Emperor of Heaven!"

Chen Nan forced a smile with difficulty.

He propped himself up and said

"Indeed, such an invincible spirit cannot be developed overnight."

"Emperor Ye Tian has been experiencing wars since he was a weak child"

"Dark Chaos: Sacrifice Yourself to Fight the Supreme"

"It can be said that I fought all the way here."

"His courage is something that ordinary people cannot learn."

"But you can remember it"

"In the future, if you are in a desperate situation, just shout, at least leave in a decent way."

Thinking back to the brutal pursuit that the few people had suffered during this period,

Meng Keer smiled miserably and started joking.

"What a crazy idea"

"Are you going to die shouting this?"

"Isn't that embarrassing for Emperor Ye Tian?"

Ruffian Long muttered.

Suddenly he saw smoke rising in the distance, and his face suddenly changed.

"It seems"

"No need to wait until later, maybe you can use it today"

"I hope that if Emperor Ye Tian knows, he won't think I'm plagiarizing."

Chen Nan also noticed the movement.

He struggled to get up.

He endured the pain in his body, and then, black weapons rolled out of his body, and Hou Yi's bow fell into his hands.

"I'm sorry, Emperor Ye Tian! I'm the Tomb of God! I should kill all the enemies in the world!"

"I am your uncle Long! I should suppress you!"

"��Manglong! You have lost all your momentum when you shout! I hope Ye Tiandi will beat you to death if he knows!"

"Invincible! Invincible!"

The two men and two dragons dragged their tired bodies and took the initiative to rush towards the enemy in the distance!

"Copy it down. Copy it down."

"This will be great material in the future!"

Xu took out a small notebook.

It was already filled with various golden sentences that he thought might be useful in the future.

Of course, they were all used for pretending to be cool.

After copying them,

Xu added a keynote after this sentence.


"Just like the Emperor Wu Shi and other emperors, I am not strong enough for the time being. If I say this, I will be laughed at."

After copying it,

Xu sighed with regret.

For a guy with a system , he can't use these words to show off immediately.

That means he will go to a treasure mountain and return empty-handed. In short, it's a loss!

"However, it cannot be said so simply."

"Ye Tiandi said this sentence to force Gram"

"That's because in addition to the 0.6 strength"

"There must be enough crisis"

"Otherwise, if you suppress any random person, you won't feel any sense of accomplishment."

Thinking of this,

Xu picked up the small notebook and marked it in detail.

As an evergreen in the world of pretentiousness, he naturally wanted to do everything he could to maximize the effect of these golden sentences!

As for whether this sentence was plagiarized, what does it matter?

It's just pretentious! Not shabby!

"Oh my god! This is too passionate! It makes me want to go out and plow two acres of land to calm down!"

"Only after seeing the various hardships that Ye Tiandi had gone through before, can one feel the difficulty and domineering nature of his words! With strength, one must naturally suppress all enemies with dignity! Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of practice?"

"The emperors in the world of"Finger Covering the Sky" are all so high-class! However, Emperor Ye Tian's words are particularly domineering, and he is indeed one of the strongest cultivators in that world since ancient times."

"I just don’t know who will win if Emperor Wu Shi and Emperor Ye Tian fight each other?"

"It should be Ye Tiandi, right? Wu Shi Dadi is not regarded as one of the strongest cultivators in ancient times."

"Not necessarily. The Great Emperor Wu Shi has an innate holy body and is superior to a holy body in terms of body structure!"

"Are you still superstitious about physical constitution? Where did you put the Empress?"

"I just think the Empress is invincible!"

"No matter who is invincible, Emperor Ye Tian is so powerful that he is a perfect match for the Empress!"

""Go away, you love-brained man!"

The scene of Emperor Ye Tian suppressing all enemies with great force made countless people's blood boil!

Before watching it, people were still wondering whether the old and weak Emperor Ye Tian would encounter any danger? Would he force himself to express his feelings?

After watching it, everyone knew that the so-called worries were unnecessary!

Because standing there was an unparalleled Emperor Tian! The only thing to worry about was the enemies standing in front of the Emperor Tian!.

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