After experiencing the"Countercurrent River" incident, many powerful people in the heavens and the myriad worlds have come up with the idea of using their great magical powers to create similar trial venues, preparing to use them as places to train the younger generation.

Not to mention being like Fang Yuan, who is not moved by external things and just insists on the path he wants to take.

Even in the face of the dual pressures of body and will, being able to persist longer is enough to see whether this person is worth training.

However, in this way, it is indeed hard for those talented disciples who originally lived a very comfortable life.

After all, having seen Fang Yuan's amazing performance, the great masters of magical powers who created the Countercurrent River will unconsciously make a horizontal comparison.

Even some young people who were originally favored have been punished for their poor performance, or their hidden shame has been exposed.

"Ancestor, I can’t hold on any longer!"

"Then think about Fang Yuan! Why can he persist!"

Such conversations frequently occur.

In some worlds, some proud sons of heaven who feel determined and"qualified" to do the same thing as Fang Yuan take the initiative to promote the birth of the"Countercurrent River" in their own world. It was not until they personally stepped into it and all their means were suppressed that they could only persist by instinctive will.

They regretted why they pretended to be so arrogant.

It is precisely because trials like"Countercurrent River" are so popular.

Some creatures can't help but have doubts in their hearts.

Fang Yuan's persistence.

Is there really no end?

Has he never retreated because of something he has done? Has he never regretted some mistakes?

Does such a person really exist?

People's doubts did not affect Fang Yuan in the picture.

At this time, he experienced the Countercurrent River, created the second form of Ten Thousand Self, and successfully escaped! After that, Fang Yuan still insisted on moving forward, constantly practicing, becoming the master of Shadow Sect, and promoted to the eighth level.

During this period.

With the improvement of strength, Fang Yuan also learned the true secrets of the Five Realms!

Heaven indirectly determines fate, and God's will is everywhere. It plans the route that every living being needs to take, which cannot be violated or reversed!

Even if Fang Yuan uses the Spring and Autumn Cicada to be reborn, there is also God's will behind it!

And the goal that Fang Yuan wants to achieve, immortality , is absolutely not tolerated by fate!

Therefore, no matter whether he is on the path of magic or not, Fang Yuan and Heaven will always be incompatible!

For this reason, when Heaven held the second Gu Refining Conference and wanted to completely repair the fate Gu,

Fang Yuan began to lay out.

This time, as an eight-turn Gu Master, he has become one of the more powerful"chess pieces", stirring up the situation and letting the Gu Immortals of the world besiege Heaven, starting a fateful war!

The war is actually the plan of many nine turns! It has even lasted for millions of years!

A million years ago, the Ghost Demon Lord deliberately left behind the Supreme Immortal Fetus, just to make Fang Yuan a complete demon from outside the sky and destroy fate!

Wuji, Kuangman, Juyang, Paradise

This fateful battle involves too many people!

But the most important thing is that Fang Yuan, a demon from outer space, has to obtain the most critical regret Gu that destroys the fate Gu under the plan of Red Lotus Demon Lord for millions of years!

Before the war, Fang Yuan found clues about the regret Gu.

After some exploration.

Finally, in the Sea of Regret, he found the Red Lotus Island left by Red Lotus Demon Lord.

And saw the scene where Red Lotus Demon Lord and Long Gong talked and argued about fate!

Red Lotus Immortal Lord, the Nine-turn Immortal Lord destined by fate! Born with the vision of red lotus! Unstoppable!

Long Gong personally accepted him as a disciple when he was born!

Under Long Gong's teachings, Red Lotus hates evil. Although he is a vengeful person, he firmly follows fate. Evil people should not die. Even if the other party slaughters all living beings, Honglian will not take action!

He can sit back and watch natural disasters happen, causing the lives of all living beings to be charred, just because it is destined! It was destined that his parents died in danger after giving birth to him. Honglian felt regret for the first time. Later, Honglian met Liu Shuxian, who was destined for him.

The two knew each other and loved each other. They were destined to be partners. They were born for each other.

The moment Honglian sprinted for the ninth turn, the disaster came, and Liu Shuxian was also affected and was about to die!

At this moment, Honglian was extremely sad, but Liu Shuxian thought that this was fate's arrangement for herself!

The meaning of her life was to block the disaster for Honglian!

Until Liu Shuxian died, Honglian Xianzun was extremely sad, and the regret Gu in his body was refined by itself!

He expressed his regret to Long Gong and others, and wanted to revive all the people who had sacrificed along the way.

But he was fiercely scolded by Long Gong, so he began to question fate!

After that, Honglian officially rebelled against the Heavenly Court and became the Red Lotus Demon Lord. He was reborn many times as the Spring and Autumn Cicada. Even if the Dragon Lord used a killing move to forcibly destroy the Dragon Clan to persuade him, it was of no avail!

Under the continuous rebirth, the Red Lotus Demon Lord realized the key to the love Gu, and finally successfully saved Liu Shuxian, but the price was that he was no longer a venerable.

But what the Red Lotus Demon Lord did not expect was that Liu Shuxian scolded him for being sorry for everyone, and her sacrifice was arranged by God! It was destined!

At that moment, the Red Lotus Demon Lord was completely disappointed!

He killed Liu Shuxian with his own hands and strengthened his determination to destroy the fate Gu! He really entered the devil's way!

"Master, I regret it."

"Fate cannot stop humans from having wild thoughts."

The last time he was reborn, the Red Lotus Demon Lord attacked the Heavenly Palace, destroyed the Fate Gu, and died at the hands of Lord Long!

After that, the Red Lotus Demon Lord left a legacy with the Regret Gu as the core.

It was left to the outer demon who had the greatest hope of destroying fate in the future, that is, Fang Yuan, to destroy fate!

After a long time, the Happy Land Immortal Lord arrived and also left a backup plan in the Regret Gu inheritance. However, even though he was a Immortal Lord with a heart as strong as iron, he was also shrouded in endless regret and pain the moment he held the Regret Gu in his hand!

"Who doesn’t have something they regret in their life


"Yes, who doesn't have something to regret in life? I regret it so much."

"I shouldn't have married here."

"If I hadn't married here, my husband..."

In the sky, the Red Lotus Demon Lord looked like he was not in pain, but he was filled with endless regret.

In the Tongfu Inn,

Tong Xiangyu lay on the table in the lobby, watching the busy guys.

With a sad face, she began to mutter:

"Oh! Okay! Shopkeeper, can you please stop reading?"

"Please, please! If you keep talking like this, the guests will be driven away!"

Xiao Guo hurried over to cover Tong Xiangyu's mouth.

Lao Bai was busy comforting the guests.

"You have to read it...Um, I really regret it now."

"Xiao Guo..."Scholar, don't you have any regrets?"

Pain surged in her heart.

Tong Xiangyu didn't care about so many things.

With a sad face, she said to the two of them

"Now that you mention it, if I had managed the inn well back then..."

"If I hadn't come to this black shop, but continued to venture into the underworld..."

The two looked at each other subconsciously after hearing what Tong Xiangyu said , and then spoke one after another


"How can there be no regrets in life?"

"Take Fang Yuan for example, he looks powerful, right? But when he was in a desperate situation before, and when he accidentally killed Ma Hongyun, didn't he regret it?"

"Thinking about it this way, this regret Gu is really powerful. If you don't have enough cultivation, you can't touch it, but Fang Yuan must have the regret Gu to destroy his fate."

"well...If I had concentrated on studying medicine..."

Seeing that the three of them did nothing, they sat there and sighed.

Lao Bai came over and listened for a while, then shook his head and spoke.

At the end, he was extremely regretful.

He sat down next to the scholar and started to talk.

The World of God's Tomb

"Do you regret it?"

"Of course, there is no one who won't regret it."

Hearing Pi Zilong's question,

Chen Nan spoke subconsciously.

If he had been able to deal with it better back then, perhaps Yu Xin would not have been seriously injured, and perhaps he would not have gone to extremes, and finally, inexplicably came to ten thousand years later.

Thinking about it now, Chen Nan couldn't let it go for a long time.

"Uncle Long also regrets"

"Who doesn't have regrets? But if it's really like what the Red Lotus Demon Lord said, as long as you touch the regret poison, you will be shrouded in endless regret."

"How should Fang Yuan refine the regret poison?"

Ruffian Long was rarely serious.

He flew in the air.

He sighed, as if reminiscing about the past. After a long time, he scratched his head and said

"Since the Red Lotus Demon Lord (bffd) had already calculated Fang Yuan's existence." (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I'm sure there will be some means left."

"After all, he is the Nine-turn Venerable. He can leave a plan after a million years. How could there be such an omission?"

Meng Keer snorted.

She felt that Pi Zilong, this old rogue, must be pretending to be deep when he has nothing to do.[]

"Means? Can means really completely avoid regret?"

"Besides, Fang Yuan is not an ordinary person."

"He had been through so many desperate situations along the way, some of which he had avoided by using the Spring and Autumn Cicada. This shows that Fang Yuan had better options at the time."

"Can you guarantee that Fang Yuan will not regret his decision later on?"

Immersed in the past, Ruffian Long's voice became much lower.

He looked at Fang Yuan standing in front of Regret Gu in the sky and said lightly :


Meng Ke'er was stunned for a moment.

To be honest, according to her thoughts, if she had a treasure that could travel through time, even if she made up for her regrets, she would definitely have regrets and regrets in her heart.

After all, every time she used the Spring and Autumn Cicada, it meant that she was on a dead end.

But the more such emotions she had, the more disadvantageous it would be for refining the Regret Gu.

In this way, could Fang Yuan really succeed in refining it?

"I believe in Fang Yuan!"

"With the persistence he has shown, even if he regrets it, he will definitely be able to successfully refine the regret poison!"

"After all, Red Lotus Demon Lord has also been reborn countless times. The regrets he has accumulated can make him suffer, but they will not make Red Lotus Demon Lord unable to control the regret Gu!"

At this time.

Chen Nan suddenly said

"That makes sense. Do you think there is anyone in this world who really won't regret it?"

Pi Zilong nodded and asked subconsciously.


Chen Nan picked up the baby dragon.

"Regret, regret." The dragon baby didn't understand and called out twice in a daze.

"Needless to say, Fang Yuan will definitely face another extremely difficult test next."

"What betrayal, dream, etc.?"

"Then he had a blank expression on his face, enduring the regrets"

"Then that Honglian praised him again"

"This kid, I have seen through him completely!"

The Black Emperor stood up.

His flowered shorts fluttered in the wind. He looked like he had seen through everything and said proudly:

"That makes sense."

"I think so too!"

After everything that happened before.

Everyone in the Heavenly Court still recognized Fang Yuan's willpower. Although this regret poison sounds quite terrifying, once touched, it will be shrouded in endless regret.

But who is that? Fang Yuan who can shout that there is always a way out!

He may regret it, but he will never let regret affect his own destruction of destiny!

"The longer the time in the world"

"The more regrets there are in your heart, the more regrets you will feel. What a pity! If you are a child with an innocent heart, maybe you can easily refine the regret poison."

Speaking of regrets, even Emperor Ye Tian was in a trance for a moment.

In the Western Desert, Zhongzhou, and on the Burial Emperor Star, Emperor Ye Tian had traveled all over the world, and there were too many things he wanted to redeem but could not.

Of course, Emperor Ye Tian was confident that he would regret, but not hate! To have come this far, his thoughts were no longer shaken by random emotions!

"Next, let's watch Fang Yuan's performance."

"According to this emperor, this kid will need at least three...About an hour."

Hei Huang rolled his eyes, and a plan came to his mind, deliberately bringing up the topic.

"Can't it? Fang Yuan has been through so many things. Even if he is determined and can suppress it, it will take time."

"I think it will take at least a few hours!"

Longma immediately retorted

"Fang Yuan is indeed powerful, but given his personality, I don't think he will waste too much time on the regret insect. I bet two hours!"After roughly estimating the time Fang Yuan showed before to refine the insect,

Pang Bo gave a more moderate answer.

The time guessed by others was also roughly the same.

"Maybe not that long."

"Will such a person really waste too much time because of regret? I'll just bet on a few minutes."

In the end, Ye Tiandi gave a time that shocked everyone!

"Then wait and see!"

Hei Huang smiled.

"If you lose, I won't ask for more. Give me two big bowls of Emperor of Heaven's blood to quench my thirst!"

Douluo World

"Can this kind of Gu really be refined??"

"I have regretted many things since I transformed."

"I'm not very satisfied with the clothes I wore today...."

""Brother San, what about you?"

Xiao Wu looked distressed.

No matter how she thought about it, she felt that as long as she had the idea, a lot of regrets would come to her mind.

After all these thoughts, Xiao Wu suddenly felt that the regret Gu in the light curtain became more and more terrifying, and hurriedly looked at Tang San beside her and asked


"The only thing I regret"

"It was because I was too weak before, although I succeeded in finding you back later."

"But now, every time I think of it, my heart still aches."

Tang San sighed.

To this day, he occasionally dreams of Xiao Wu's sacrifice.

He still feels sad. After waking up, he regrets why he was not strong enough at that time and could only watch Xiao Wu suffer!

Fortunately, Xiao Wu was rescued by Tang San in the end.

Otherwise, Tang San even feels that the regret in his chest can burn him to death!

"Okay, brother San, I’m still by your side, right?"

"Let's not talk about the unhappy things."

Seeing Tang San's expression change,

Xiao Wu hurriedly comforted him.

"Regret...Once people have memory and the ability to think"

"There will definitely be regrets, from small things to big things, these things are extremely complicated and disturb people's thoughts."

"Just like what Honglian said"

"No one will have no regrets"

"I am now a god, but I am still shrouded in regret"

"It seems that Fang Yuan is going to suffer some torture."

With Xiao Wu's comfort, Tang San heaved a sigh of relief

, then looked up at the sky and spoke proudly.

At this time, a new picture appeared on the sky again!.

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