Tomb of the Gods World

"There is always a way out...As long as I want to go, the road is under my feet..."


"Why despair! Why despair!"

"Obviously my will and my body still belong to me! Isn't this much better than Fang Yuan's situation! He was able to create a killer move in despair! A shocking reversal! Why can't I do that!"

Because of the changes in the skills and the unknown future, Chen Nan can still laugh and play with Pi Zilong and the others as usual.

But there is always a huge pressure in his heart.

What does the terrifying state after the strange reversal of the skills indicate? What secrets do he carry?

All of this makes Chen Nan almost overwhelmed.

He feels that he is walking on a dead end with no way back!

But now,

Fang Yuan's battle to reverse the situation is like a ray of light tearing open the rolling dark clouds, illuminating the way forward for Chen Nan!

Although Fang Yuan's means of reversing the situation are useless to Chen Nan, what he needs is not the means!

But the determination to keep going in this desperate situation!

As his thoughts flowed,

Chen Nan's thoughts were clear, and his depression dissipated.

Suddenly, the power in his body surged like a tide, and it suppressed his body, which had already reversed and appeared abnormal!


"You boy, you suddenly look much better, don't you?"

Noticing Chen Nan's change,

Pi Zilong asked curiously.

"I just figured out some things."

"No matter what happened"

"I'm still me"

"Just keep going!"

Chen Nan spoke loudly.

Laughing loudly, he walked in the front!....

The world of finger-snapping

"That's right! That's right!"

During this period of time, the Heavenly Court had the most laughter and joy.

But except for Ye Tiandi and Duan De, everyone else was actually worried. The difficulty of immortality, how many emperors in ancient times, ended up being nothing more than a cup of yellow earth. Although

Ye Tiandi is now powerful, the difficulty of becoming an immortal, even Ye Tiandi who is on the road, cannot be completely sure.

What's more, his goal is far more than that!

Even the empress sleeping in the ancient forbidden land, everyone in the Heavenly Court now knows that there is a problem.

Naturally, there is more worry.

Ye Tiandi understands everyone's thoughts.

But he can't make a"guarantee". He has such confidence that he can break through the confinement of heaven and earth, but what about others?

And now.

Fang Yuan's reversal against the sky is like giving everyone an extra lamp!

It's not bright!

But it is enough to strengthen the heart!

"It is difficult to become an immortal, but if the Immortal Emperor can do it, so can I!"

"I said I would take you to heaven with me!"

"If the heaven and earth imprison it! Then smash the heart of heaven! If the immortal road blocks it, at worst, destroy the immortal road! Then create another one!"

"I am the Emperor of Heaven! There should be no shackles in this world that can imprison me!"

Looking at the haze in the hearts of many people,

Ye Tiandi smiled lightly.

His words showed his heroic and domineering spirit!

"What are you talking about?"

"Just allow you, Emperor Ye Tian, to dominate the world?"

"That’s right, you don’t have to do anything! We can live forever in this world! There is always a way out! If God wants to kill me, then I will beat him to death!"

At this moment.

No one in the heaven is worried about whether they can live forever!

Emperor Ye Tian is already ahead!

They are not facing a desperate situation now, so why hesitate?

They just need to follow behind Emperor Ye Tian!


"Well said. I hope I don’t miss any of them next time I wake up."


Duan De chuckled, rubbing his hands in preparation for a fight, the threat in his words was self-evident!......

Fighting the World

"This can be turned...I thought..."

Xiao Yan was stunned.

At first, when he saw everyone besieging Fang Yuan, he was still very calm, because he felt that with Fang Yuan's means, he would definitely be able to handle such a small scene.

Later, the giant sun will took action and Ding Xianyou was taken away.

Xiao Yan was a little panicked, but he still comforted himself that at least there was the Spring and Autumn Cicada!

Until Mo Yao's plan was unraveled, Fang Yuan completely degenerated into an immortal zombie, and at the same time, the wisdom Gu left and Ding Xianyou was taken away.

No matter how much Xiao Yan was optimistic about Fang Yuan, he had to admit that he could not think of any way to escape.

Even when Xiao Yan asked Yao Lao, he got the same answer!

But now, watching Fang Yuan successfully leave after the last move of Wanwo shattered the giant sun will, Xiao Yan was completely dumbfounded!

"Even though there are reasons for not understanding the power system of the Gu world"

"But I have to say, it’s awesome!"

"Using the enemy's plan to secretly lay out"

"He never let go of any fleeting opportunity! Even when the heaven and earth wanted him to reach a dead end, he used the insights given by the heaven and earth to carve out a new path."

"With such improvisation, is there really any desperate situation in this world that can trap Fang Yuan?"

Yao Lao also sighed


Xiao Yan suddenly spoke, earning Yao Lao a puzzled look.

At this time, Xiao Yan looked at the sky with a serious expression.

"Fang Yuan is also a human being"

"It is normal for people to be careless and fall into traps."

"But the scary thing is that Fang Yuan never lets his emotions get in the way when he is in danger! He always stays calm and looks for a way out when he falls into a trap."

"If you are being plotted against, try to take advantage of it or get rid of it."

"teacher...Such a person is too terrifying. I even feel that I may never reach such a state in my lifetime."

Yao Lao was silent for a long time before he slowly spoke.

"It doesn't matter. If you think you will never be able to catch up with Fang Yuan's wisdom and strategy at this moment,"

"Isn’t that also a desperate situation?"

"Remember this sentence and keep going!"

"Once you overcome this desperate situation, you will naturally be able to compete with him!".......

Countless creatures held their breath, concentrating their attention, watching Fang Yuan gradually fall into danger, and even more dangerous situations!

If they put themselves in his shoes, they really couldn't imagine how they could successfully fight their way out of such a layout!

That's why, seeing Fang Yuan's words"There is always a way out!" and then a shocking reversal, he created a killing move on the spot and survived from a desperate situation.

Countless creatures burst into exclamations!

"Oh my god! Can this be translated?"

"How did this happen? Why did I only see Fang Yuan being defeated? And then he suddenly turned the tables!"

"Too scary! This time Fang Yuan had no advantage of rebirth at all. He relied entirely on his own grasp of the situation to force his way out!"

"There is always a way out. Anyone can say this easily, but the only person who can execute this sentence so well is Fang Yuan!"

"People like him really have no reason not to succeed!"

"Anyway, if it were me, I would probably be waiting to die!"

There were endless exclamations, and Fang Yuan's reputation at this moment almost reached its peak.

Some people even said that under such a situation, Fang Yuan absolutely showed his wisdom and calculations to the fullest!

It can even be said that this is the highlight of Fang Yuan's life!

Even Fang Yuan himself, I am afraid that he will never be able to reproduce such a scene in his entire life!

At this time, the light curtain of the sky suddenly darkened.

There was nothing.

In the puzzled eyes of all living beings

, the dark picture suddenly moved.

"This is me, Fang Yuan, the persistence of a small person!"

It is hard to tell whether it is tired or indifferent. The voice sounded and echoed between heaven and earth!

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