Martial World

"Good boy, bold and treacherous"

"At this point, he still doesn't forget to pretend to be cool and take away greater benefits"

"To my taste!"

Even in the state of residual soul,

Xiao Diao couldn't help but slap his thigh at this time.

His words were full of appreciation!

Xiao Diao could be sure that, judging from Fang Yuan's previous performance, escaping was definitely a success!

But Xiao Diao really didn't expect that Fang Yuan would not only not escape, but even make a big bet, and the most important thing was that he won the bet!

The scene of refining the Immortal Gu in front of everyone, then reciting a poem, and retreating.

It hit Xiao Diao hard!

You know, for so many years, Xiao Diao always regretted every time he reviewed the"ambush" that year, and he also imagined that if he went back to that time, how to get rid of the danger.

But now Fang Yuan's actions have opened a new door for Xiao Diao!

It turns out that when encountering danger, it is not enough to just avoid it!

You can also use your own calculations to make this crisis, this trap, become your own"performance" stage!

"I said...You wouldn't be thinking"

"If you could go back to the past, would you do this or that, then act cool and run away?"

"first...You don't have the Spring and Autumn Cicada, and secondly, you don't have the Immortal Travel"

"Finally, can you recite a poem?"

Looking at Xiao Diao who had already fallen into fantasy and couldn't help laughing,

Lin Dong held his forehead helplessly.

A series of questions brought Xiao Diao back to reality.

"Bah! There is no Spring and Autumn Cicada, but if I, Master Diao, encounter such a thing again in the future, don’t I have a template?"

"As for Dingxianyou, it is nothing more than a tool for escape."

"Teleportation arrays and space-breaking treasures abound."

"As for poetry...Reciting poems..."

Xiao Diao was very dissatisfied.

He snorted and spoke directly, but at the end, he couldn't help but hesitate.

"So that means you can't recite poetry?"

"How can you pretend if you can't recite poetry? This is not perfect."

Lin Dong seized the opportunity and laughed at him fiercely.....

Journey to the West

"This boy pretends well."

"Make people go around in circles"

"Finally, I have to write a poem to show off. Old Sun likes it."

On the Quicksand River, the master and his disciples sat together.

Sun Wukong held up his stick and looked at the picture on the sky and said

"This kid is just relying on the Spring and Autumn Cicada."

"If the old pig could go back to the beginning..."

Recalling the day when he teased Chang'e,

Zhu Bajie slapped him in the face for no reason.

He said with anger:


"Do you really think that they just rely on the Spring and Autumn Cicadas?"

"When Old Sun was pressed under the Five Elements Mountain, he also thought that if he hadn't caused trouble in the Heavenly Palace,"

"Will you be free?"

"But think about it, Lao Sun is a person who doesn't obey discipline."

"The old Jade Emperor wants to bully me"

"No way!"

"So even if I go back now, the Jade Emperor asks me to raise horses, but I will still make trouble in his Heavenly Palace."

"You must know that it is easy to change the country, but it is difficult to change one's nature!"

Looking at Zhu Bajie's face full of regret,

Sun Wukong pinched his palm that was about to continue to slap him. He spoke with emotion

"Not bad, Bajie"

"Fang Yuan, the young donor, was tricked, but he was also trying his best to find a way out in his previous life."

"Reborn, even more courageous to place big bets"

"If it were someone else, he would be in danger of self-destructing before his rebirth."

"Don't necessarily dare to take risks"

"As for the later Dingxianyou, in my opinion, it was just a coincidence."

"If Fang Yuan, the little donor, didn't have the courage to risk his life"

"Even if Tairi Yangmang is resurrected"

"Fang Yuan, the little donor, has no chance to achieve Dingxianyou."

Tang Seng chanted the Buddha's name.

He was naturally full of praise for Fang Yuan's actions.

"Master, you are a monk, and you are scared to death when you see monsters."

"Why do you think so highly of him?"

Zhu Bajie asked in surprise.

"I am a mortal, how can I not be afraid of monsters?"

"But I am afraid, I also want to go to the West to seek the true scriptures"

"Just like Fang Yuan, the little donor, who knew that one wrong move would lead to a complete loss, he never hesitated."


"Think carefully about it."

Tang Seng looked at the three"strange-looking" disciples and a horse in front of him.

He taught earnestly:

"Hey, monks are used to flattering themselves."

The three disciples nodded in unison, looking like they were being taught.


Zhu Bajie lowered his voice and said in Sun Wukong's ear :

"After all, he is my master, so please bear with it."

Sun Wukong suppressed his laughter and said in a low voice........

Fang Yuan's layout after rebirth was fully unfolded. He stood in the air and made a plan to travel to the immortal world.

The scene of him walking away after reciting a poem was exactly what many creatures wanted!

Not only this sentence, but also the things Fang Yuan did after his rebirth were really impressive!

He turned the situation around and turned the passive into the active. Not only did all the existences in the inheritance, including the earth spirits, become chess pieces, but he could even turn the worst ending into a perfect beginning for the trapped dragon to ascend to heaven and gain benefits!

What kind of immortal handwriting is this!

It was also when countless creatures were sighing inexplicably and kept the poem recited by Fang Yuan on their lips.

Suddenly, another"Fang Yuan" who was obviously much more immature appeared in the light curtain.

And his temperament was completely different from the Fang Yuan who appeared before!

This scene instantly attracted the attention of the creatures!

As the picture unfolded, everyone also discovered that this completely different Fang Yuan was not the Fang Yuan who had a deep devil's heart and could gamble without hesitation for his goal, but the Fang Yuan who had just traveled through time!

In his heart, he even still had a kind heart for Fang Yuan!

At this time, Fang Yuan was despised and ridiculed because of his qualifications.

In desperation, he could only follow the caravan and leave Qingmao Mountain.

He wandered around and struggled to survive.

Fortunately, he met a bearded Gu Immortal in the caravan.

The bearded man took good care of Fang Yuan.

One day, the caravan was attacked by a magic Gu master.

The bearded man rescued Fang Yuan.

When Fang Yuan was thanking him, the bearded man was called to help fight the enemy.

In the end, he was not strong enough and was seriously injured.

Seeing that the bearded man was dying, Fang Yuan went to ask the owner of the caravan for help, but was ruthlessly kicked away, saying bluntly that precious Gu worms should not be used on such a small person!

In the end, Fang Yuan secretly left the team and desperately picked herbs on the steep cliff.

But he couldn't save the bearded man's life.

When the bearded man was dying, Fang Yuan sat beside him with tears in his eyes, feeling helpless.

"Don't cry, little brat, crying is useless to us"

"The world is too big and we are too small"

"When I was little, I wanted to be a great man, like those legendary figures in the right way."

"When I was young, I thought it was good to be the head of a clan. When I was young, I felt great to be the elder of a clan. After middle age, I was exiled by my family. I found that I could be satisfied if I could support myself and the poisonous insects in my body."

"We are all small people, and we all want to get out of the abyss of mediocrity"

"Don't let your dreams shrink with age, Fang Yuan, hold on!

"Live on, and hold on! This is my advice to you, my only gift!"

"Keep going until you achieve greatness and break away from mediocrity, or face death!"

The bearded man died.

Only Fang Yuan stood in front of his grave.

"Uncle Huzi, thank you for the gift before you leave"

"I won't let my dreams shrink with age."

"The world is so big, and we are all small people... But I will try my best! I will keep working hard!"

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