The unusual movement of the light screen also diverted the attention of the creatures immersed in memories.

When seeing the new line of words, except for some creatures, most people frowned involuntarily.

Meditation, beauty is a feast to the eyes, how can these two unrelated words be mixed together, and can they be called golden sentences together with the previous sentence?

In the puzzled eyes of the crowd, the words in the picture gradually dissipated.


, there was a little novice monk wearing a green and light red cassock, with red lips and white teeth, and a very handsome appearance.

The little novice monk is called Wu Nanbei, a monk of Liangchan Temple. His master is a famous white-robed monk with a high level of cultivation.

It is also because of the master's"teaching by words and deeds".

Although he was born a monk, the little novice monk has been secretly in love with his master's daughter Li Dongxi since he was a child. He ignored religious rules and never got angry even though he was bullied and called stupid.

"If I can cultivate to become a Buddha, I am willing to burn out the relics and buy rouge for Li Dongxi!"

This is the sentence that Wu Nanbei often says. The golden body relics that everyone in the Buddhist sect yearns for are just"props" to him to make Li Dongxi smile!

But it is precisely this simple and naive idea that can show Wu Nanbei's Buddhist heart and nature!

Until one time, Li Dongxi dreamed that Wu Nanbei became a Buddha, fought bloody battles, and blocked countless arrows with his body. No matter how she shouted, Wu Nanbei did not respond.

That day, Li Dongxi cried in front of Wu Nanbei for the first time. She no longer called him stupid Nanbei, but just hoped that he would not leave!

"Even if I can really become a Buddha, from today on, I don't want to become a Buddha anymore."

Inside the hall.

Looking at Li Dongxi who was crying, the young monk Wu Nanbei spoke in a low voice, not solemnly, but full of determination!

In order not to make the girl sad, this was his choice without hesitation!

Just like what Wu Nanbei said before!

"You are my Zen, beautiful and delicious!"

In the end, Wu Nanbei did not become a Buddha, but chose to leave Liangchan Temple with Li Dongxi and set up a new temple in Jiangnan.

Because with a temple, there will be pilgrims, and with pilgrims, there will be money to buy rouge and powder for Li Dongxi, and Wu Nanbei will not need to become a Buddha!

Throughout his life, Zen has never been about the lofty Buddhist teachings, but the beauty that is within reach!...

Snow World

"Oh shit!"

"Can you pick up girls like this?!" Prince Xu, who was originally lying comfortably, exclaimed immediately after seeing the little monk say this. He suddenly jumped up from the chair!

"Old Huang, quickly bring me a pen and paper! I want to write this down!"

"This is definitely a magic sentence for picking up girls! When you travel the world in the future, what will you look for rewards for? Just say this sentence when you are being affectionate with those young ladies, and they will be completely fascinated by it!"

As one of the most dandy and romantic young men in Beiliang,

Master Xu knows very well how much the lethality of such a sentence is to those girls in the boudoir and high buildings!

"Prince, this is a good sentence, but now everyone has seen this little monk say this sentence."

"I'm afraid it won't work if I say it later."

Old Huang got up quickly and went to get something and handed it to Xu Shizi. He watched Xu Shizi excitedly copy down this sentence on paper, and then recalled and copied down Wu Nanbei's other words, and then he spoke.

"Old Huang, Old Huang, you're not a bachelor for nothing."

"Who said that I have to tell others exactly as it is? Can't I change it?"

"Besides, the important thing is not this sentence, but the meaning behind it. Learn it well!"

If he was questioned about other things, Xu Shizi would just laugh it off.

But now that Old Huang dared to question his methods of dealing with the girl, how could Xu Shizi bear it? He immediately started to teach him a lesson.

"What the prince said is true."

Old Huang saw that Prince Xu was so confident.

He could only laugh awkwardly and help Prince Xu blow the ink that had not yet dried.......

Douluo Xiaolu World

"This little monk is deeply in love"

"He is deeply devoted and has one-third of my charm. It's a pity that his mind is still too narrow!"

"How can it be compared with other things when it comes to a beloved person?"

After reading the little monk's story,

Tang San nodded slightly, then shook his head quickly. In terms of loyalty, no one can compare to him, Tang San, if he is not bragging!

"What a touching story!"

On the other side,

Xiao Wu, who was quite sentimental, was moved to tears by the fact that the little monk gave up the chance to become a Buddha for Li Dongxi's dream.

"Xiao Wu, what's the point of becoming a Buddha?"

"You are my life! Unique!"

"If I were a monk, I would not study Zen in the world, but only study you!"

Seeing Xiao Wu was so moved, Tang San immediately changed his expression and took Xiao Wu's hand.

He blurted out the slightly modified love words without hesitation!

"Third brother!"

"Xiao Wu!"

The two looked into each other's eyes, and their affection spread.

Xiao Wu took the initiative to throw herself into Tang San's arms, and the two hugged each other tightly.......

Perfect World

At the entrance of Shi Village, a group of naughty children gathered together, all looking up at the sky, and then turned back to look at the village.

Seeing that the aunts who were usually so heroic and pulled their fathers' ears and called them"ferocious" were now moved, and even became unusually gentle.

The naughty children were full of confusion, and they really couldn't understand.

How could this sentence have such a great killing power?

"Is it that awesome?"

"So am I..."

While the others were still confused,

Shi Hao suddenly activated his clever little brain, and hurriedly picked up the milk can with his short legs.

He rushed to the feet of Willow God and raised the milk can in his hand.

"Willow God, Willow God!"

"you...You are my favorite animal milk...this..."Every meal must be eaten!" As soon as the words fell, the adults in the village burst into laughter.

The Willow God, who rarely appeared, showed up.

The mysterious figure, shrouded in infinite divine light, looked at the serious Xiao Shihao, and sighed for a long while, as if he was very disappointed with Shihao's cultural level.......

If before, many creatures were full of doubts about this inexplicable word.

Now, after the"personal interpretation" of the little monk, everyone also understood how deep the affection contained in this seemingly ordinary sentence!

For a time, countless people imitated the little monk and said this sentence to their loved ones, moving the other party to a daze and hugging each other tightly.

Of course, ordinary Buddhist disciples were naturally excluded.

They were very angry about Wu Nanbei's"treasonous" words that compared becoming a Buddha with a red-faced skeleton.

Some radical people even began to curse.

It was at this time.

The figures of the little monk and Li Dongxi in the light curtain gradually faded.

Instead, there was another figure in white clothes, standing with a sword, the sword body lying horizontally, with two lines of handwriting on it.

"This sword can soothe the injustices of the world, and this sword is worthy of the shameful people in the world."

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