Primordial World

"The road is a small road, unbearable to the eyes"

"This is not a bad idea, I can barely take a look."

Zixiao Palace.

Seeing the picture gradually disappear.

The figure of the last sword that will open the"sky" for the world of martial arts disappeared.

Tongtian Sect Master slightly side-eyed and spoke calmly.

Fortunately, this was said in Zixiao Palace.

Otherwise, if it fell on the prehistoric land, I don't know how many people would be envious!

After all, this is the dignity of a saint!

Ordinary creatures, let alone being evaluated by the saint himself.

Even if they can be looked at more, it is a blessing from heaven!

"The third brother is still so unrestrained"

"What did you see?"

"They all say it's a good seedling"

"In fact, it was just mottled weeds on the roadside, slightly taller."

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't even bother to raise his eyelids.

He just felt that the figures that appeared in the light curtain were simply"polluting" his eyes! What sword opened the gate of heaven, what elevated the sword art for the world, but it was just a group of frogs at the bottom of the well, entertaining themselves in the small world.

Such a weak thing was worthy of his attention?

"Brother, even as a saint, you are too arrogant."

""Everything in the world, every spirit, every thing, should have a glimmer of hope. Why do you despise them so much?"

Tongtian frowned slightly.

He felt that Yuanshi's words were not only about Li Jianshen in the light curtain, but more like the Jiejiao where all the immortals came to pay homage!

"A ray of hope"

"Then what is the point of distinguishing between innate and acquired?"

"Everything in the world should be controlled by qualified beings."

"As for those who lay eggs from moisture and are not worth looking at, it is better not to pollute my eyes."

Yuanshi sneered and spoke arrogantly.

With just one sentence, Tongtian's anger surged up!...

Many people actually thought about the"death news" of Li Jianshen when he came out of the mountain.

But no one could have thought that even though he was very old.

Even though he was facing the unattainable Kaitianmen Ascension, this sword god was still as cool as he was back then! Immortality was nothing to him!

He swung his sword before death, not for himself, but for the sword art of the rivers and lakes!

How free and easy, how kind of swordsmanship!

For a while, countless sword-practicing cultivators all imitated the pictures in the light curtain.

They either imitated the form or forced themselves to comprehend it with their own understanding.

Just to make the sword god's last two wishes come true.

Everyone can use the two sleeves of green snakes, and everyone can use the sword to open the gate of heaven!

This is the sincere respect of fellow sword cultivators!

However, just as the sword cultivators were caught in a different kind of"carnival" in a certain sense, other creatures were dazzled for a while.

Because there was no sound in the light curtain anymore.

Instead, a beautiful woman appeared, who was so charming that people were a little"dazzled".

For a moment, I don't know how many people suddenly brightened up.

At the same time, they couldn't help but wonder.

Didn't we say that we would count the golden sentences?

Why did a beautiful woman suddenly appear again?

Pei Nanwei, who had a sad look on her face and added a little charm in the light curtain, also had her past emerge at this time.

She was born in a wealthy family and was originally a daughter of a rich family.

However, because the King of Beiliang destroyed the six countries, her family was eventually destroyed, and she had to wander around. Because of her amazing beauty, she became the wife of King Jing'an. But she entered the royal family.

Pei Nanwei did not have the support of her natal family.

King Jing'an's wife was jealous, and King Jing'an married her for other purposes.

In the end, Pei Nanwei became the victim of King Jing'an's assassination of Xu Shizi in the reed marsh.

Later, this Xu Shizi also took Pei Nanwei back to the sad palace with his purpose, but by mistake, the two fell in love after all.

Pei Nanwei was eventually taken back to Beiliang.

She hid in a small shabby house in Yanzhi County with the attitude of a beautiful woman hidden in a golden house.

The princess who once had no worries about food and clothing has now become an ordinary woman, quietly guarding her home, but here, she finally got the freedom she had always dreamed of!

The days passed one by one.

Until the second Liang-Man war, Xu Shizi, who was unsure in his heart, brought his disciple Yu Dilong to visit Pei Nanwei.

After not seeing each other for a long time, Xu Shizi stayed overnight in the small courtyard.

When Yu Dilong arrived the next day.

He happened to see his master, who was already"the best in the world", walking out of the small courtyard with a pale face, leaning against the wall.

And in the yard.

Pei Nanwei's face was slightly red

"It doesn't matter if you don't come often, it's good to come, so don't die."

"Bah, what's the best in the world? He still had to lean on the wall to get out.".......

Snow World

"Old Huang!"

"Did you see it! Lao Kui! Senior Li! You all saw it!"

"I will be the best in the world in the future!"

Xu Shizi, who was always unrestrained and uninhibited

, was like an ant on a hot pot at this moment. He stood up and walked desperately in the Tingchao Pavilion. He spoke as he walked.

It seemed like he was explaining, but also like he was comforting himself.


"No.1 in the world"

"No.1 in the world..."

Seeing the anxious look on Xu Shizi

's face, Old Huang nodded fiercely.

He spoke very seriously, but before he could finish his words, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"The Crown Prince...I don't mean to's me...My cultivation is not good enough.. My breath is not as long as Li Jianshen's....."

Old Huang almost collapsed on the ground with laughter.

The sword box that he used to treat as his life fell to the side.

Not only that.

The maid who was always respectful and the bottom of the lake that had been silent all the time actually laughed! It seemed that the master was not good enough.

For a moment, Xu Shizi's face turned pale and fell to the ground.


"My lifelong reputation..."

Seeing his own son looking ashen,

Old Huang was still loyal.

He hurried forward to comfort him.

But seeing the pale face of Xu Shizi sitting down, Old Huang couldn't help but think of the scene of Xu Shizi walking out with the help of the wall. He couldn't help himself any more and laughed even more unscrupulously.

""Laugh! I'll make you laugh enough!"

This laugh completely broke the defense of Xu Shizi.

He suddenly stood up and rushed towards Lao Huang, scolding him non-stop. But before the two of them could run around the Tingchao Pavilion, a shy maid ran in hurriedly holding something.

"Prince! Prince!"

"The prince said that this was a prescription from a friend of his....Also said..."

"Say you uncle!"

"Get out!"

"I don't need any prescriptions!"

The last blow from his father became the last straw that broke the camel's back for Master Xu. Under the Tingchao Pavilion, two laughters intertwined and mixed with Old Huang's wanton laughter in the laughter over the entire Beiliang!

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