Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 301: Tianwaiyuan Magnetic Meteorite☆☆☆

The latest website: Tang Huoniu laughed when he saw the animal claw key in Chen Wangping's hand, took out his own animal claw key and shook it: "Good boy, why are you waiting for me here? How do you know this thing is entering The key of the Seventh Research Institute? The second hall master was told by you before he died?"

Tang Xihe glanced at the beast claw key curiously, and said to Chen Wangping: "It's not that easy to enter the Seventh Research Institute, there are three animal claw keys in total, and now my uncle has one, you can get it from the second hall master. One has been found, and another has not been found."

Tang Huoniu nodded and said: "Xihe is right. I always suspected that the one was actually in the hands of the main hall master of the spirit hall. It's normal for them to hide it as a bargaining chip."

Before Tang Huoniu could finish speaking, Chen Wangping took out another animal claw key with his other hand and said, "Now, it should be enough to enter."

Tang Huo Niu: "!!???"

His eyes popped out in surprise.

He was even more surprised than when he learned that Chen Wangping had killed the second hall master.

When did this kid get that beast claw key?

Tang Xihe said subconsciously, "Brother Ping, is this also from the second hall master?"

Chen Wangping shook his head and said, "I found this one from Wang Jin. He should have snatched it from my parents. I don't know if it goes further. The key has been with me for so long, and it's finally useful. ."

Tang Huoniu understood, and said with a sigh of relief: "So it is, no wonder I couldn't find it with him. It turned out to be with you, Wang Jin. It seems that he doesn't know how to use this thing, so he didn't even tell Fang."

Tang Xihe smiled and said, "If Fang don't know about this, there will be no peace in death."

Chen Wangping shook the two animal claw keys and asked, "Uncle, what is the origin of this seventh research institute? What is there that you are looking for?"

Tang Huoniu waved his hand and said, "This is not the place to talk. Let's talk about it when you go to Huo Niu City. Show you something and you will understand."

Chen Wangping nodded, "Yes, by the way, let's talk about the situation of the main hall master of the Spirit Hall. It won't take long for the news of the destruction of the Spirit Hall to pass. It depends on whether he stays in the land of Leiyuan or will come back to attack us. ."

Tang Xihe thought for a while and said, "If according to what the intelligence says, I don't think he will come back. Now the opportunity is lost. He is also a person who is greedy for life and fears death. adventurous."

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "This is the best way. After this winter, I'm not afraid of him anymore."

During the time several people were discussing, the flamethrower had already killed all the bugs, and the bug tide was rapidly receding.

Tang Huoniu got up and left the tank and said, "Eldest nephew, please take care of it slowly. Although the spiritual hall is now destroyed, it seems that the worm tide will not end in a while. I will go back to the city and make arrangements, and wait in the city when the time comes. You." After he finished speaking, he left without taking Tang Xihe.

Looking at Tang Huoniu's back, Tang Xihe said helplessly: "Uncle must be in a complicated mood now. The neighborhood of Huoniu City is peaceful, but he is not the one who did this."

Chen Wangping pointed at the corpses of the second hall master and the first elder, and said with a smile, "Who said it wasn't him? It's useless for me to ask the residents of Huo Niu City to have a false reputation. My uncle is thin-skinned. You will take these corpses back later and arrange for a campaign. After a while, people’s hearts changed immediately.”

Tang Xihe's eyes flickered when he heard it, and he hugged Chen Wangping's arm excitedly and said, "Yes, Brother Ping, you are really amazing! In this way, my uncle will owe you another favor, and he still has several good friends in his treasury. As for the stuff, I'll go back and let him give it to you!"

Chen Wangping looked at Tang Xihe's elbow, and it was really facing him now.

so good.

He stood up and arranged for the golden eagles to fight, and everyone from the Volcano tribe left the tank to clean up the battlefield.

As for Chen Wangping himself, he called Tang Xihe to the strange stone.

At the end of the previous battle with the second hall master, there was no light on the irregular boulder, but now the battle with the worm tide is over, and the irregular boulder has a strong system light.

It seems that after defeating the insect wave, this thing became a trophy.

The two walked nearby, and before Chen Wangping could put it away, Tang Xihe subconsciously pulled him to the back to dodge, and exclaimed, "Brother Ping, move away, this is Tianwai Yuanci, which will hurt your mental power. It's huge!"

Chen Wangping responded quickly, reached out to touch the irregular boulder, and put it directly into the storage compartment.

The moment he received it, he did feel a strong mental fluctuation on the irregular boulder, which was very similar to the one that attacked him before.

Fortunately, the storage compartment isolates mental attacks.

At this time, the irregular boulders in the storage compartment were lingering with lavender light, which was very mysterious.

Tang Xihe wondered: "Brother Ping, how can your space device collect Tianwai Yuan Magnetism? This thing will damage the space and cannot be collected."

Chen Wangping smiled and said: "I have another adventure, let me see how this thing is used."

View properties:

【Tianwaiyuan Magnetic Meteorite☆☆☆】

[Use: tempering mental power/injecting mental power]

[Original Magnetic Spiritual Power Content: 8,600 strands (current strength of Shentan)]

[Special Effects-Magnetic Materials: The meteorite itself is also an excellent material for creating a metamagnetic weapon]

[Special effect-Array eye: After the Tianwaiyuan magnetic meteorite is placed in the array, its power can be increased by 20%]

[Remarks: It can only be obtained by accident, not forced]

After reading the properties, Chen Wangping was overjoyed.

Co-authoring this thing is the most direct gain from destroying the Spirit Hall!

If nothing else, the 8,600 strands of spiritual power contained alone are enough to absorb it for a period of time.

And you can also use this thing to create a handy weapon for yourself.

Even when it is not fully absorbed, it can be placed in the formation to increase its power.

Although he has killed Lingdian now, Chen Wangping also knows that there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the world.

Now that all the rockets are used up, if there is another 5th-level powerhouse, it will be difficult to kill them perfectly.

The stronger the formation, the better. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Seeing Chen Wangping's expression, Tang Xihe knew that he had met a baby, and his mood was much better.

Half an hour later, everyone in the Volcano Tribe had cleaned up the battlefield, but there was not much smile on their faces.

Xiao Yuan came over a little disappointed, and reported: "Benefactor, the harvest is relatively average, there are only more than 300 psionic crystals, more than 5,000 psionic crystal balls, and there are a lot of winter supplies, there are thousands of them, and there are nearby There are more than 20,000 coins in the city, and the rest are gone."

Chen Wangping patted Xiao Yuan's shoulder and said, "Be happy, don't forget there are so many corpses."

He had already expected this result. The Spirit Hall activated the Myriad Spirits Great Array and got so many bugs out, so the remaining resources would definitely not be too many.

It doesn't matter, the spirit hall is gone, and I can devote myself to leisure and development.

Winter is coming.


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