Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 234: get ready

Farming in Wasteland is to save first time to wasteland Chapter 234 Ready to go to the river, Chen Wangping took out the second-level steam generator and began to put it up. Every three sets are equipped with two boilers, and it takes more time to connect. Add some pipes and re-adjust the layout.

After the boiler is connected, the second-stage steam generator starts humming, and the noise is larger than that of the first-stage, and the pollution is also heavier.

Fortunately, the Metasequoia trees also grew up and quickly absorbed the pollution.

Chen Wangping glanced at the instantaneous power generation of the base, which was 40kwH higher than the previous 1MWH.

"Wait until all these steam generators are replaced and upgraded, and then we can start building oil refineries on a large scale."

Making up his mind, he returned to the base and re-planned the production tasks of the crafting table, of which three-fifths were used to upgrade steam generators, one-fifth was used to build electric mining machines, and the remaining one-fifth was used to produce the rest instrument.

After arranging the situation, Chen Wangping was also a little tired. He returned to the bed and sat down, and slowly continued to try to condense the rockets with lightning energy.

Although it is impossible to condense the full version of the rocket without taking the blood-violent medicine.

But he also has an idea. Since the rockets are visualized by himself, he can visualize a smaller one first, and use the 17,000 points of lightning energy in his body as the standard to fill in as much as possible. .

Right now, he endured the pain of Shentan and tried to condense.

In Huo Niu City, Tang Xihe returned to the office, but did not go home, and went straight into the office. She thought to herself that since Chen Wangping told the other party to stop doing it, the corresponding intelligence information must be as much as possible, which is why she was in a hurry The reason for coming back.

When investigating Fang Bie's situation before, she learned that Fang Bie's right leg suffered an old injury in his early years, which can be used as a breakthrough point.

It's just that Fang Bie's strength is very likely to break through the fifth level, just a breakthrough point is not enough, it needs more.

In the middle of the night, Tang Xihe flipped through the materials, looking for a possibility to increase the odds of winning.

Outer City Lord's Mansion.

Fang Bie was a good man, led the team in person, and dispatched in the dark.

In just a few minutes, all the remaining stubborn members of the Hunter Club were cleaned up, dozens of energy cannons and thousands of gold coins were seized, and Fang Bie deliberately left his confidant Yuan Kong here, waiting for the dawn to gather the rest of the relic hunters. The obedient stay, the rebellious obliteration, and the cruel method.

After one night, the remaining major forces in Huo Niu City were shocked when they heard the news.

Fang, don't go out? Did it yourself?

For a time, everyone was in danger and was looking for a solution.

Likewise, they also have doubts in their hearts.

Fang Don't go out, what exactly is his strength?

What about City Lord Tang? Not out yet?

In the same way, the news was spread to the spirit hall through spies.

The second hall master tapped the table with his fingers, turned his head to look in the direction of Huo Niu City, and said lightly: "Interesting, Fang Bie, it seems that your wings are hard. Fortunately, I kept a hand."

Inside the base, Chen Wangping opened his eyes, tapped the radio, and got up to wash.

【Weather forecast】

Tomorrow, the light rain will turn to heavy rain near Huo Niu City, and the wind will be three to four.

【Tips for Wasteland】

Unleash the power of the collective

【Indescribable Tips】

Attract, kill, and harvest

【The sound of the wind】

"It's impossible that there are only such a pair of armor and a few barrels of broken oil in the black oil ruins."

"What about the rest? Xiao Fang swallowed it? But where did he get the confidence to anger me?"

"If he didn't swallow it, it means that the good things are still in the black oil ruins."

"When I solve these counterattacks, I will personally go to the black oil ruins to find out."

Listening to the gloomy voice on the radio, Chen Wangping immediately became refreshed.

Great, this party is finally willing to move around.

Previously, he was still worried that if he really went to fight in Huo Niu City, firstly, the movement would be too loud, and secondly, due to the large number of bystanders during the battle, he would inevitably be tied.

Well now, since Fang Bian is interested in the black oil ruins, there will be more opportunities.

Chen Wangping took out the communicator, and immediately called Xiao Yuan, asking him and Xiao Tieniu to bring the rocket soldiers from before, and by the way, bring some space devices and pack meat back.

Xiao Yuan obediently did as he was told, and hurriedly called out the people who went down to dig the sulphur mine, got on a truck and rushed towards the No. 7 mine.

After calling people, Chen Wangping counted the number. At present, the base has run out of sulphur. A total of 32 rockets have been built and ejected, and 20 have been given to them to practice, and the remaining 12 can be fired together. Stop drinking a pot.

Before Xiao Yuan and the others came, Chen Wangping installed the steam generators built that night one after another.

Looking at the clear water by the underground river, he wanted to catch a shot, but he reluctantly retracted his gaze.

Let's solve the problem first, it's not too late to fish after finishing him.

After a while, Xiao Yuan arrived here with more than 20 people. As soon as he saw Chen Wangping, he happily handed over the space device and said proudly: "Benefactor, during this time, we have dug another 20 square meters of sulfur. Mine, UU read www.uukanshu.com and the cleaning of jet bugs was also very smooth. We harvested more than 40 jet bug bones, and there were only a dozen or so worm hearts, but we have already found the trick to deal with jet bugs. There will definitely be more in the future.”

Chen Wangping took the things and patted Xiao Yuan, "It's hard work, come here, I have something good for you."

After speaking, he took Xiao Yuan and the others to the back mountain, raised his hand and took out twenty tentacles of the giant octopus king and placed them on the ground, smashing a piece of dust.

Xiao Yuan had never entered the black oil ruins, but Xiao Tieniu guessed it and said in surprise, "Benefactor, this, this is the boss of those octopuses? This is too long!"

Chen Wangping smiled and said: "Longer is enough to eat, Xiao Yuan, you can find someone to pack these up and take them back to the tribe, so that everyone can eat them. After eating the meat of this giant octopus king, it can improve the resistance to volcanic poisonous gas. Fundamentally solve the problem, cooperate with the detoxification herb, and your physique will be improved."

After hearing this, Xiao Yuan's eyes lit up, but he lowered his head in shame and said, "Benefactor, we didn't do anything for you, but you helped us regain our freedom, and you helped us detoxify and restore our bodies. Now I Xiao Yuan's conscience really can't live without even going into the ruins, yet he has to accept your gift."

Chen Wangping shook his head, walked over and put his arms around Xiao Yuan's shoulders and shook it: "What are you talking about, I'm still counting on you to help me dig sulfur mines, besides, it's not about you, it's going to be a war soon. , everyone present must participate, are you afraid?"

Xiao Tieniu was the first to stand up and shouted: "I'm afraid of shit, my benefactor, you will hit anyone you want to hit, I, Xiao Tieniu, will hit him to death, and if he can't hit him, he will be hit to death! If he can't hit him, he will be killed. !"

The rest of the people also expressed their opinions, not at all afraid.


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