Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 191: tentacles

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Chen Wangping stood in the team and glanced at the radar display.

He was surprised to find that there were more than ten third-level powerhouses in the black rose group and the fishing club. The bright and big red dots told their determination to the black oil ruins.

Even among the five people sent by Fang Bie, there was a third-level powerhouse hidden in it.

It is estimated that the third-level powerhouse is Yuan Qiu in Fang Bie's mouth.

As for the second-level ability users who followed in the major teams, they have now become workers who salvage items.

Fortunately, I haven't seen a fourth-level powerhouse yet. Although there are many third-level powerhouses, as long as you find an opportunity, it is not difficult to win.

It's finally time to extract oil!

Chen Wangping was still a little excited.

Soon, the Black Rose Group and the Fishing Club entered the Black Oil Ruins.

Xiao Fang also led the team and walked in quickly.

As soon as he entered the black oil ruins, Chen Wangping felt a little pungent smell, including rotten egg smell and some toilet smell, which was very unpleasant. 8 Seven ⑦zω.℃ǒΜ

Everyone turned on the cold flame lamp and quickly rushed towards the bottom of the black oil ruins along the previously excavated route.

After walking down for about twenty minutes, everyone walked on a flat road.

It's just that the further you go, the more pungent the smell gets.

Xiao Fang explained, "Take out the mask and put it on, don't fall behind."

Continuing on for dozens of steps, after rounding the corner, a large square the size of a football field suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

There are not many places to stay in this square, most of which are covered with viscous oil.

Standing on the edge of the square, you can see from a distance that there are many dilapidated buildings with the same specifications behind the square, and some figures are faintly moving inside. It seems that the costumes should be those who entered before.

Looking at the surrounding of the square, there are slowly flowing oil. Looking at the source of the flow, these oil seem to emerge from the rock crevice and flow through the square to another rock crevice.

Chen Wangping squatted down and looked at the slate laid on the square. He reached out and touched it. He felt that the oil on the slate did not always adhere to it. It seemed that the oil usually covered the square. It was only during the opening hours. The oil level dropped, exposing the square.

This can also be seen from the oil on top of those buildings in the distance.

In the days of inaccessibility, most of these buildings were covered under oil.

Strange, why does oil go down and up on a regular basis?

Could it be that some relic equipment is still in operation?

With doubts, Chen Wangping continued to step on the square with the team, and rushed in towards the buildings inside.

At this moment, seven or eight long tentacles covered in pitch black suddenly popped out from the oil next to them, and rolled towards a volcano tribe clan and Yuan Qiu in the square.


Xiao Fang reacted quickly, and instantly raised his hand and threw a sulphur poisonous mist at it, igniting it.

But it never occurred to me that the strange tentacle didn't care about the sulphur poisonous mist that Xiao Fang was igniting, and saw that it separated a tentacle wrapped in oil to cover the sulphur poisonous mist, and immediately extinguished it, while the rest of the tentacles ignored it. Continue to prepare to roll people down.

Yuan Qiu was also shocked when he saw the tentacles. He had been to the Black Oil Ruins twice before, and he had never seen such an attack from a creature before.

what's the situation? There are still living things in here?

He didn't have time to think about it, he raised his hand to condense a shocking force, threw it towards the tentacle, and instantly knocked it back a few meters.

Seeing the victory, Yuan Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, the power of shock could block this ghost.

But in the next second, thirty-four tentacles emerged one after another and grabbed the crowd on the edge of the square.

Not only that, but those who had already run inside the building also exclaimed:

"What the **** is this?"

"There are still living things in this ruins"

"Ah, ah, save me! It's eating me!"


Suddenly, there was a scream inside the black oil ruins, and soft creatures with a large number of tentacles covered in oil emerged from every place, and the scene suddenly fell into chaos.

Seeing the opportunity, Chen Wangping raised his hand to condense the power of thunder and lightning, and quickly stepped beside Yuan Qiu, broke his arm, took off the space bracelet on his wrist, and hit his back with a thunder palm. In the back, he grabbed his neck and twisted it hard, raised his hand and threw it towards the flying tentacles.

Seeing that the benefactor started, the rest of the Volcano tribe also cooperated, and immediately turned around and hit all the other direct lineages with force, and threw them towards the tentacles. WWW.8㈦㈦zw.℃οm

The other direct descendants shouted, "Xiao Fang, how dare you betray the city lord!"

"We won't let you go even if we are ghosts!"

"When you go back, the city owner will definitely find something wrong! You are dead!"

Listening to these loud voices, Xiao Fang shouted proudly: "Don't worry, I will send the city lord down to chat with you soon."

After these tentacles grabbed the Fang Bie direct line, they quickly recovered, completely ignoring their counterattacks, forcibly poured them into the oil, and dragged them towards the distance.

Chen Wangping glanced at the radar. The strength of these monsters on the radar was all around the third level, there were eight in number, and they didn't seem to be afraid of oil at all, completely occupying the home field advantage. wωW.八七柒ZW.℃ΟM

At this time, a monster seemed to be unwilling. Instead of retreating, it advanced. It stretched out dozens of tentacles and grabbed the nearest Xiao Tieniu.

"Grab it and get to the square."

Chen Wangping shouted, raised his hand and the lightning energy condensed in the root of his palm, chased after him with a palm knife and cut off a tentacle.

The monster seemed to have no pain at all, and the broken tentacle was still full of vitality after it fell to the ground. uukanshu.com keeps writhing.

And after cutting off a tentacle, it did not affect the rest of the monster's tentacles at all, and those tentacles still grabbed Xiao Tieniu at a very fast speed.

"court death!"

Chen Wangping raised his hand and took out five chili grenades, and threw them hard at the monster.

The chili grenade fell into the oil and immediately exploded, and a cloud of rich red smoke exploded immediately.

After the red smoke enveloped the monster, the monster didn't react at first, but after a few seconds, the monster twisted in pain, frantically moved towards the square, and climbed to the shore of the square.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a submachine gun with lightning armor-piercing bullets with his backhand, aimed it at the monster's head, and swept it with a forceful shuttle.

“Da da da da”

Xiao Tieniu also seized the opportunity, picked up the iron stick and slammed it on the monster's head, smashing a section of the monster's body with a snap.

at this time.

The oil on the surface of the monster disappeared suddenly and quickly, as if it was swallowed by something, revealing the monster body under the oil.

Chen Wangping looked at the eight tentacles under this thing's head, and recognized that this thing was an octopus. He glanced at Xiao Tieniu, and quickly said: "Sulfur is useless, kill it with a stick."

Everyone's big sticks fell one after another, directly smashing the head of this thing into meat mud.

After smashing the octopus to death, a faint system light appeared on one of its tentacles.

Chen Wangping walked over and cut off this tentacle to check the properties:

[mutated octopus tentacles]

【Usage: Feed, Fertilizer】

[Special effects - the more the better: the mutated octopus has developed tentacles, which can greatly increase the probability of positive mutation of animals and plants after being made into feed or fertilizer]

[Remarks: The mutant octopus feeds on oil through special means]

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