After frying the steak, Chen Wangping didn't bother to cut it, so he picked it up and ate it.

When you get tired of eating, take a sip of maple sap to neutralize it, which is very comfortable.

Satisfied, he glanced at the idle sauce maker next to him, walked over and threw three parts of beef and two parts of chili into it.

Ready to make a beef chili sauce to eat.

After arranging these, Chen Wangping took all the land improvement machines into the mine and came to the underground river.

Before he could pass, Chen Wangping heard the sudden sound of the underground river, and it sounded from time to time. It seemed that there were a lot of spiders.

After arriving at the underground river, he saw that the machine gun wall was busy defending the spider mice around, and he seemed to be able to do it with ease.

At this moment, Chen Wangping suddenly saw an unnatural bulge on the ground next to him.

Immediately afterwards, the three ground worms rushed out together, grinning and biting towards the bottom of the machine gun wall.

"Thumbs up!"

The machine gun wall hit the past, and instantly hit a layer of worm blood.

This worm seems to be very experienced, and immediately wants to burrow into the ground to avoid it.

But the bullets shot out of the machine gun wall were very penetrating, and they were all killed on the spot before they burrowed into the ground.

Chen Wangping frowned, "It seems that the heavier the pollution, the more species of these creatures it attracts. We have to plant the Metasequoia trees quickly. If we don't plant all these Metasequoia trees, we will not increase the scale of power generation for the time being."

He stopped watching, took a submachine gun and swept a wave, and then dragged the land improvement machine to the land north of the boiler to improve it.

A Metasequoia sapling needs five standard pieces of land, and fifteen trees are seventy-five standard pieces of land, and it will take a few days to renovate it well.

After pulling the telephone pole and arranging the task, Chen Wangping left the underground river and went to the magnetite cave to resume his old business, and worked hard to dig magnetite.

At this time, under the sulfur hills, hundreds of people were wielding mining picks and digging sulfur mines under the thick sulfur poisonous mist.

Zhao Sheng, the overseer at the top, looked cold. When he saw someone who was lazy, he slapped him in the air.

His ability is also shock, and it is precisely because of this that Fang Bie is regarded as a confidant and has been cultivated for decades.

Xiao Yuan is also digging. The injuries he was beaten that day have not been fully recovered, but there are no wounded here. Everyone has to go out to dig for sulfur every day.

If you can't dig sulfur, then there is no value in living.

While digging, a middle-aged woman suddenly fell towards the hot mine spot next to her. She was holding a mining pick in her hand, as if she was unconscious and defenseless.

If this is true, it will be a trivial matter to open the skin, and it may even die.

Xiao Yuan glanced at this scene, and immediately threw away the mining pick in his hand, rushed over to hold the middle-aged woman with his body, and said anxiously, "Little aunt, little aunt, are you alright?"

Looking at the chapped lips of the middle-aged woman, he raised his head and shouted, "Give me some water! If you don't give us water, who will dig for you if we die of thirst!"

In fact, Xiao Yuan's own strength is not bad, it is reasonable to say that the injury will not take long to recover.

However, in order to control them, Zhao Sheng set a daily quota of food and drinking water, and only guaranteed their consumption of basic activities. Once something happened during the mining process, the consequences would be very serious.

Like now, middle-aged women feel distressed for nan-nan, secretly leave food for nan-nan to eat, and only drink some water by themselves.

Standing on the rock wall, Zhao Sheng said impatiently, "What are you yelling about? Didn't I give you water? If you feel bad for your child, then change your life for another life, let the little girl know the cruelty of life and recognize the situation as soon as possible."

A thin and thin man next to him smiled slyly, hehe said: "I have water here, let your sister-in-law stay with you for one night, I promise to make her full, hahahaha!"

The rest of the guards who had done similar things also laughed.

Hearing this, the rest of the people who were mining stopped, looked up angrily, and gritted their teeth.

Too many people from their tribe died.

They managed to survive the difficult environment after the volcanic eruption, but they all died under the oppression of the enemy.

The **** feud is inseparable!

Seeing that the middle-aged woman's breath was getting weaker and weaker, Xiao Yuan hurriedly shouted, "My eldest brother and my aunt have the best relationship. If my eldest brother knows that my aunt is dying of thirst, I will definitely kill you next time we meet!"

Zhao Sheng snorted coldly, raised his hand and slapped Xiao Yuan's face in the air, and he immediately slapped his mouth with blood, and a slap print appeared on his face, "Threat me? Are you worthy?"

That being said, Zhao Sheng also saw the reaction of the rest of the volcano tribesmen, and was worried that there were too many people dying here, and there would be not enough manpower to dig for black oil in a few days.

If you can't complete Fang's other tasks, you won't end well.

He glanced at Xiao Yuan, "Do you want water? You'll give her the water for the next two days, let's see if you can keep it up."

After speaking, Zhao Sheng kicked a bottle of water and went down and sat back to his seat.

The person next to him quickly jumped up to pick up the water, ran over and handed it to Xiao Yuan, "Xiao Yuan, hurry up, don't worry about the water, I'll save some for you when I go back in the evening."

"I'll leave some for you as well. It's only two days. It'll last."

"Be quiet, we'll do it ourselves."

Xiao Yuan nodded, holding back the pain in his teeth, took the water and fed it to his aunt Xiao Yu.

After drinking a bottle of water, Xiao Yu woke up, looking at the people gathered around, and the slap on the face of her nephew, Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly turned red, she reached out and touched Xiao Yuan's face lightly, and said with guilt: " I'm sorry, but I couldn't bear it, and I have troubled you."

Xiao Yuan shook his head, "Little aunt, it's not your fault, take a break, I'll help you dig your share."

Seeing that Xiao Yu was awake, the steward above shouted, "Hurry up and dig! Don't even think of anyone coming up if you can't finish digging! Hurry up and dig!"

After a while, the sound of mining rang again.

It's just that these sounds seem to be louder.

three hours later.

Chen Wangping's mouth was dry from digging, he drank the diluted fire source water, and was about to try planting two Metasequoia trees on the edge of the underground river, when he suddenly turned his head and caught a glimpse of a gemstone spot on a nearby ore. of light.

"Brushed out again?"

Chen Wangping's eyes lit up, he immediately rushed over with a pickaxe, charged at the ore and smashed it down with a pickaxe.

"bang bang"

As soon as the pickaxe went down, the gem ore shattered, revealing the familiar yellow light.

Another three earth crystals.

Chen Wangping put it away with satisfaction. After playing for so long, he can also guess that the higher-tech equipment for farming, animal husbandry and fishing may require some special materials to build. The more such materials, the better.

When he got to the underground river, he looked at the results of the land improvement machine, which was enough to plant five Metasequoia branches.

Chen Wangping walked over, first took out a pump and threw it into the underground river, followed by a water pipe made of giant pipe worm skins, leading to the improved land.

After preparing the water source, he took out a branch of Metasequoia, dug a hole and planted it.

The branches of these Metasequoia are a little dry and seem to have no nutrient reserves.

Chen Wangping touched the branches of the Metasequoia, "Grow hard, there are no giant beetles attacking you here." Then, he turned on the pump and watered it at the bottom of the branches of the Metasequoia.

"Whoa, whoa."

After absorbing the water source, the branches of Metasequoia seem to be activated, and they grow up quickly. In just a few minutes, they differentiate into roots, quickly absorb nutrients and water from the soil, and even the old leaves on the branches are much greener. , exudes a vitality from top to bottom.

Chen Wangping smiled with satisfaction and continued to plant four Metasequoia branches.

Seeing the branches of the Metasequoia come back to life, he was also very happy and laughed involuntarily.

At this moment, the first Metasequoia tree planted suddenly burst out with a pale green light.

This light shot all around, and when the light hit the pollution, the pollution that was floating straight up from the boiler turned around and turned towards the Metasequoia tree as if attracted.

After a few seconds, the pollution drifted to the vicinity of the Metasequoia trees.

In a few seconds, the Metasequoia tree easily absorbed this polluting gas into the body, it looked like it was taking supplements, but the leaves were even brighter.

[Metasequoia tree purification effect has taken effect]

A few minutes later, the rest of the Metasequoia trees also came to life, absorbing the polluted gas from the boiler one after another, and conscientiously serving as environmental purifiers.

Chen Wangping observed for a while, these five Metasequoia trees are currently enough to absorb the polluted gas emitted by ten boilers, and the fifteen Metasequoia trees can absorb the pollution of thirty boilers after they are all planted.

And this is only just planted, when the Metasequoia tree grows to a height of tens of meters, the purification ability will definitely be stronger.

In just a few minutes, the pollution on the side of the underground river was significantly less, and even less spider mice were attracted.

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, looked up at the rock wall above, "After all the Metasequoia trees are planted, we can develop another wave of power generation, but it's still not good without sunlight here, and when we come back at night, we have to let the small iron wood open from top to bottom. a mouth."

Back at the base, he took a shower, glanced at the sky outside, and it was gradually getting dark, ready to take advantage of this time to visualize the bullets for a while.

Tomorrow night's combat sniper rifles probably won't use a lot of bullets. I really don't have the ability to snipe people.

Then for more than 20 hours, I will fully visualize the lightning armor-piercing bullet, and put it in the storage compartment after visualizing it.

In addition, at the manufacturing station, we must also make every effort to produce rockets and spider leg armor-piercing bullets to prepare for the war in advance.

It didn't take long for it to get dark, and Chen Wangping sat on the golden sculpture and got into the clouds, rushing towards the river.


Xiao Fangzheng, dressed in black, hid near the river, and kept looking at the positions of the ten trees, feeling a little excited.

After a while, Xiao Fang saw a shadow in the sky and knew that Chen Wangping was coming, so he quickly stood up and waved.

Chen Wangping called out the machine gun off-road vehicle and greeted Xiao Fang to get in the car and chat.

After getting into the car, Xiao Fang was frightened by the long ammo belt in the carriage as soon as he turned his head. He subconsciously reached out and touched the belt, and said in surprise, "So many bullets? Is this a machine gun?"

Chen Wangping waved his hand, "It's not important, have you found any information? Tell me about it."

Xiao Fang took out a book and handed it over: "I found it, Zhao Sheng sends his cousin Zhao Xin into the city every three days to deliver the sulphur to a man named Yuan Duoyao. I guess the relic equipment is in Yuan Duoyao. There, as for how often he sends explosives to Fangbie, the time is too tight, I haven't observed it yet."

Chen Wangping nodded, "What strength does Zhao Xin have? Can he control it? Or will Yuan Duoyao doubt it after the delivery person has changed?"

Xiao Fang turned the page and handed it to Chen Wangping: "Zhao Xin's child is also in Huo Niu City. Leave this to me. I can control Zhao Xin and make sure that he will deliver the goods obediently and not talk nonsense."

Chen Wangping gave him a deep look.

Xiao Fang said calmly without flinching: "Over the years, I have learned a lot of methods that I shouldn't have learned. I just hope that I don't need to use these in the future."

Chen Wangping took the notebook, nodded and said, "Just make things better. By the way, does your brimstone ability help with stealth? Can you sneak into the brimstone hills to find your clan?"

Xiao Fang shook his head, "My ability doesn't help stealth, but my clansmen and I will be able to sense within 40 or 50 meters, and we can send messages through the shape of sulfur poisonous mist."

Chen Wangping nodded, "That's enough, we will start at twelve o'clock tomorrow night, gather at the No. 6 mine, and tell you the detailed plan after we meet."

This time it was Xiao Fang's turn to be surprised, "So fast? Then Zhao Sheng is at least mid-level 4 now, and may even be at the peak of level 4. After level 3, one step at a time, his strength is really strong."

Chen Wangping turned his head and said, "Give you another week, how much can you improve your strength?"

Xiao Fang was speechless, and then he felt a little excited again.


Finally got to meet the clan!

He also wanted to understand at this time, since Chen Wangping is so confident, it must be the power of the Lord's Mansion of Huo Niu City.

I don't know which general Chen Ge can call to help out.

Really looking forward to it!

After thinking for a while, Xiao Fang took out 200 pieces of sulphur ore from the space device and handed it to Chen Wangping, "Brother Chen, the 150 pieces here are the pieces of sulphur ore that Fang didn't give me two days ago, and the other 50 pieces are my usual pieces. What you have hidden in your practice, you can use it."

Chen Wangping smiled and put away the sulphur mine, "If you have your mind, go and have a good rest, see you tomorrow night."

Xiao Fang nodded, "No problem, what else do I need to prepare during this time? Weapons? Or what?"

Chen Wangping waved his There is nothing you need to prepare, just don't show anything. "

Xiao Fang nodded in response, got out of the car, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Chen Wangping weighed the sulphur ore and found that the quality of these sulphur ore was better than what he had dug out, both in terms of color and purity.

【Sulfur Ore☆☆】

【Use: smelting sulfur】

[Special effect - pure explosion: the sulfur ore contained in the abdomen of the extinct volcano is extremely pure, which can greatly increase the explosion damage]

【Remarks: It will bring you more surprises】

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping couldn't help laughing.

Thank you Fangbie for the two-star sulphur mine.

Go back tonight and build some stronger rockets.

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