Waste power? I can get stronger just by breathing

Chapter 87 The Great Demon King Sugu

The moment the two men disappeared, a turbulent wave of air visible to the naked eye began to impact outwards from the ring.

Those students who were close to the stage covered their eyes with their arms and stepped back.

These ordinary students seemed like weeds unable to steady themselves in the strong wind. They began to sway left and right under the impact of the strong wind.


"What the hell kind of power is this!"

After taking several steps back, they were able to stabilize their bodies, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

They never expected that Sugu and Feng Yan would break through the realm a few days earlier than them. The gap in strength between them was already so large that they were not even qualified to watch their fight at close range.

"Two monsters."

The mouths of these men muttered this.

Then, their eyes were on the ring again. Now the entire arena was shrouded in smoke and dust, making it difficult to see the situation clearly with the naked eye.

The air wave caused by the two masters attacking each other has dissipated, so it stands to reason that the battle is over.

In this case, there is only one issue that attracts the most attention.

Who won and who lost?

This question lingers in the minds of all those who are paying attention to this battle.

The smoke and dust gradually dispersed. Soon, a figure appeared.

It's Feng Yan!

At this moment, he still maintains a fighting posture. Has Feng Yan won?

Soon, these people noticed something strange. The tattoos that Feng Yan had inscribed using his superpower are now so pale that they seem to have dissipated. And he lost consciousness again, and now it was just his fighting instinct that kept him from falling.

Whoosh, whoosh!

A group of figures stepped onto the ring. They were members of Feng Yan's clan. The expressions on their faces were extremely complicated.

In this last moment of collision, all the doors of the Young Patriarch's technique were sealed, making it completely unable to use his soul power. Then the other party forced the young patriarch who was in a violent state, causing him to completely consume all the power of his supernatural powers.

How on earth did he do it?

Could it be that he had obtained the young patriarch's technique by some means? Otherwise, how could he know the location of the cover door so well.

This kind of opponent who completely saw through the young patriarch's skills made the leader of the Feng family who came this time feel a trace of murderous intention.

But the murderous intention quickly subsided. Not to mention that Cheng Ziwen and General Yin were here, he couldn't take action at all. Just for the other party to help the young patriarch further develop and awaken his abilities can be regarded as a favor to the Feng family.

Taking the initiative to offend someone who is kind to one's family is really the stupidest behavior in the world.

At this moment, the smoke and dust dispersed, and Sugu's figure was also revealed. There were a few more burns on his body, and his face showed some fatigue.

Obviously, this duel was a huge drain even for him.

After hesitating for a moment, the leader of the Feng family thought about the respect his young patriarch had for the young man in front of him and his help to the young patriarch.

He sighed slightly, then touched his fingertips and formed a triangle. He bent slightly and said to Su Gu:

"This greeting ceremony is for the young patriarch. Thank you very much, Master Sugu, for your help today. From now on, you will be the honored guest of my Feng family."

"If you need help from the Feng family in the future, I don't dare to say that I will help you desperately or try my best to help you, but I will definitely help you get it done within my ability."

After making this promise in front of everyone, the Feng family members retreated from the ring.

As these people left, Sugu was the only one left in the ring.

The students in the same grade as him stared at his back blankly. Even if the young patriarch of the Feng family broke through, they couldn't defeat him.

These people suddenly felt as if a large mouthful of bile had been forcefully poured into their throats, and the bitter taste spread throughout their bodies.

We have to study with such a monster for four years. In other words, we will be suppressed for four years!

After watching the battle that took place today, they already understood.

On the road of martial arts, with their talents, let alone surpassing Sugu. Even if you want to get close to him, you still feel out of reach.

They felt a sense of despair when they thought that they would have to face this mountain-like figure for the next four years.

"demon king."

Someone in the crowd looked at Sugu and muttered something.

These three words immediately penetrated the hearts of many people.

"The Great Demon King Sugu."

Soon, someone echoed.

"The Great Demon King Sugu."

"demon king."

In this way, Sugu accidentally got an inexplicable but deeply rooted nickname.

"Zheng Sheng, you saw the two battles Sugu fought today, right?"

At this moment, Zheng Xiaoyong, the head of the Zheng family, who had been watching the battle silently in the dark, said.

After hearing this, Zheng Sheng nodded bitterly. He never dreamed that Sugu could be such a monster.

"Then what to do next, do you want me to continue teaching you?" Zheng Xiaoyong said in a deep voice.

"No need, Patriarch, I will whip the body of Zheng Lu, the traitor of the Zheng family, a hundred times and upload it to the Internet to show that Zheng Lu has nothing to do with my Zheng family from now on."

Zheng Xiaoyong nodded and said:

"not enough."

"I have prepared a heavy gift. After the award ceremony of the freshmen competition is over, I will personally come to the door to apologize to Young Master Su Gu. I would like to express my apologies for this traitor in our clan who dared to assassinate Young Master Su. At the same time, I also want to thank him for helping our Zheng family get rid of pests like Zheng Lu!"

After hearing this, Zheng Sheng felt bitter.

He could never have imagined that Master Zheng Lu, whom he had watched grow up, would end up like this.

"The final champion of the freshman competition,"

"Su Gu!!"

It took more than a minute for Yu Cunxiao to wake up from the shock and remember his duties as a referee.

He pointed at Su Gu's back and loudly said the fact that everyone already knew.

Pa, pa.

The applause gradually sounded like raindrops.

Su Gu's strength made these people feel desperate, but now they still thanked him with applause for dedicating several wonderful battles for them.

"Turn off the screen for me!"

The five members of the Xingwu University Board of Directors who had been watching the freshman competition finally couldn't stand it anymore.

They directly used voice control to turn off the broadcast screen.

They could never have imagined that Feng Yan, who they had high hopes for, would end up like this after taking action.

"Let's talk about the new clothing styles designed by the designers on the moon." said the female school director in gorgeous clothes.

They wanted to divert their thoughts. At least now, they didn't want to talk about things related to Su Gu.


Just when they were chatting happily, a video call invitation was issued on the broadcast screen that they had turned off.

Looking at the name on the caller ID, the faces of the five school directors suddenly became ugly, but considering the identity of the other party, it was not appropriate to hang up the phone directly.

Finally, they pressed the connect button.

Then, Cheng Ziwen's big face appeared on the screen.

"Oh, five school directors. The last battle of the freshman competition is over. Regarding Su Gu, who finally won the first place, I have something to discuss with you."

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