Fu Yue took a sip of tea and answered Qi Chen's question: "It's temporary. How do I know what will happen in the future? How can I be sure that I will be with him for the rest of my life?"

Fu Yue is the one who picks up the words to pierce the heart.

Of course she knew that this person liked her.

She said this deliberately, just to make her feel sad.

The red man's exquisite eyebrows sank, and for a long time, he whispered softly: "Absurd."

Fu Yue shrugged: "The freshness of a person will pass sooner or later. If I don't feel anymore for him, why should I force myself to be with him? If that day, it will be for everyone to choose to be separated. it is good."

She said this very chicly.

It's like... Never take this feeling to heart.

Qi Chen was a little angry: "Gu Yuning, you are simply—"

Fu Yue interrupted Qi Chen's words. She raised her delicate eyebrows, resting one hand on her chin, and narrowed her eyes slightly. Looking at it from Qi Chen's angle, she was inexplicably charming and affectionate.

"Master Qi. I have never been a good woman. I like beauty, but no matter how beautiful people are, there will always be a day of boredom. I don't think there is anything wrong with my thinking.

Besides, aren't you men all like this? There is no shortage of Yingying and Yanyan in the morning and evening. Why is it absurd to think of me as a woman? "

Qi Chen lowered his eyelashes and said, "That's not all men are like this."

……like me.

Fu Yue's eyes curled a little further, and her tone of voice was a bit seductive.

"Actually, I am very interested in such a big beauty as Jiaozhu Qi. How about, are you interested in having a relationship with me?"

Although the mouth is waved.

Fu Yue was laughing wildly with her arms akimbo.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

It feels so good to be a scumbag!

Especially cuckold Qi Chen in person.

In Qi Chen's view, Fu Yue didn't know that Ji Qinglin was him. Now, Fu Yue is seducing him again.

Isn't that the same as cuckolding him? !

How could Qi Chen never think that Fu Yue would say such a thing.

Unbelievable, consternation, and a bit of unnoticeable sadness flashed through his eyes, although it was fleeting.

Qi Shen quietly glanced at Fu Yue.

"Gu Yuning, you have no heart."

"Are you worthy of Ji Qinglin like this?"

Fu Yue smiled: "Heart?"

"Why don't I have a heart, it's just that my heart is divided into many petals, and they fall in love with different people."

"As for sorry Ji Qinglin..."

The girl in a snow-white robe stood up, noble as the holy snow lotus eyebrows, and drew a few glamorous seduce. In just a few steps, she walked to Qi Shen's side.

Fu Yue raised her soft hand.

Putting it on Qi Shen's shoulder, and then slowly moving up, the touch of the starting hand was like cool jade, Fu Yue gently brushed the man’s neck with the apple knot, and gave it a prankster.

Leaning in Qi Chen's ear, exhaling like blue.

"As long as you don't say it, how can he know? Then how can I say that I am sorry for him?"

"Does Master Qi really plan to have a lingering love affair with me...... Huh?"

Fu Yue was frantically tempting on the edge of death, to be precise, she kept poking around on the bottom line of Qi Shen.

Seeing that Qi Chen was like a wood, there was no reaction at all.

Fu Yue retracted her hand in disappointment and said, "It's a pity."

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