Every night in his mind, he repeated everything from that year. With such a tragic scene, he became more and more unable to control himself, and more and more people died in the palace under his sword.

In the beginning, Ji Rong would still be in pain, or hate such self.

Until later.

Slowly numb.

Ji Rong has become a veritable tyrant, cruel and bloodthirsty, and the things of that year have become a devil he will never break.

He became what he hated the most.

A tyrannical king.

Damn it.

Ji Rong had also been assassinated many times, but none of them was successful. In the previous days, Ji Rong was even waiting, whether he was really able to kill him.

He is tired of life.

But think about it carefully, if this is the case in this life, it is really a shame.

When he came to the world, he lived a mess.


Ji Rong recovered.

He stretched out his hand and touched Fu Yue's face very lightly, his eyes were gentle and he was also cautiously tentative.

"Could God send you to save me when I was so pitiful?"

Muttered softly.

He laughed at himself again suddenly.

How can it be? ... He has long been called the wicked one, the kind that should go to hell, no way is worthy of being redeemed.

Although at first it was because the old emperor gave him medicine.

But later, his hands were covered with blood...All that was his own choice.

It is the devil who is not firm enough to succumb to his heart.

Fu Yue closed his eyes at first.

However, she suddenly felt a gaze staring at her, as if to stare at her.


Fu Yue opened her eyes.

He faced a magnified version of her beautiful face and her dark eyes.

Fu Yue was taken aback.

It seemed that the dog emperor Ji Rong didn't realize how evil he was.

Fu Yue pushed him away angrily.

"Go, go, it's late, go up, don't trouble me, I'll go to sleep again."

Ji Rong hugged it up sticky, put his arms around the thin waist, pressed his chin against her neck and rubbed softly.

"Stay by my side and don't go."

"good or not?"

Fu Yue, who was half asleep, groaned, "...Hmm."

Ji Rong glanced at her and continued: "I will only like me in the future."


Ji Rong made an inch of progress: "You are not allowed to talk to Yu Li again."


The man's beautiful thin lips gradually evoked an arc of joy, and he was happy: "You are not allowed to leave me within ten meters in the future. You must follow me at all times."

The answer to him was an oncoming hammer.

Fu Yue rubbed her eyes, her delicate red lips were slightly shrunken, her voice was soft and hoarse: "I think you have to make a big difference. Give some color to open a dyeing workshop, which is owed."

Ji Rong: "..."

Drooping thick eyelashes, pursing lips slightly.

"You murder me."

It's a pity that Fu Yue is a dead straight daughter who is incomprehensible. She drove Ji Rong out: "Go go, go up, and quarrel with me. I'm not purely murdering you. I'm going to hit people directly!"

Ji Rong: "..."

He went up angrily.

Seeing that his Majesty was thrown out, Laifu was shocked.

Fu Yue was awakened by the maid softly.

Said that Empress Shu came to see her.

Just waking up, Fu Yue's mind was still a little dizzy.

Sophie... sanitary napkins?

Oh, no, it's Concubine Shu.

After his mind gradually restarted from the dead state, Fu Yue also frowned, and his eyes were full of malice towards the Dog Emperor.

Concubine Shu?

Ji Rong's former favorite concubine?

Whether it was true or not... he was dead.

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