Warning : Providence the Beauty is Driven to Villainy

Chapter 1035: Goodbye, the marshal, I'm going to climb the wall tonight (24)

Bo Si stretched out his hand to cover his head, bowed his head and cursed an swear word, his pale face became more and more ugly.

How could he have such a dream?

When his mind was slightly awake, he raised his head again, and then the same picture appeared before him——

The back of a woman.

She was sitting in front of the dressing table, and her crow-green hair fell like a waterfall, soft and beautiful.

Holding a comb in her hand, she was combing her hair slowly, slowly but with an unspeakable sense of elegance. The fingers are white and slender, beautiful like a jade carving.

Bo Si Jin: "!!!"

Once again, he must be scared of a heart attack.

His dark eyes stared at the woman not far away, waiting for her to slowly turn her head—

Bo Sijin's breath was held, he unconsciously squeezed his fingers on his side, and his heart also mentioned his throat.

How could it be exactly the same as the scene in the dream?

The more he thought about it, the more frightened.

I even thought I had encountered a ghost hitting the wall.

Fu Yue turned her head and revealed her original face, a face similar to that of Bo Sijin's first love, Ye Chuyan. Plus Fu Yue's specially painted makeup.

Her face now is almost exactly the same as Ye Chuyan.

After Bo Sijin saw her, his eyes widened, his pupils contracted, and his pale thin lips trembled, "...Chu Yan, is it you?"

He was obviously very excited, struggling to stand up.

Then, in Bo Si's unbelievable eyes——

The woman's beautiful face gradually distorted, her eyes stretched, her mouth grew to an incredible degree, and then she revealed Bai Sensen's sharp teeth, like a monster.

Bo Si Jin: "!!!"

The woman laughed like a silver bell again: "Chuckchchchchchchchchchchch... Am I beautiful?"

Bo Sijin nearly rolled his eyes and fainted.

He pinched his thigh and twisted it hard.


Suddenly woke up.

Bo Sijin was lying on a small cave with a white ceiling above his head. He was panting like a fish out of the water.


He raised his gaze, and not surprisingly he saw Fu Yue who was standing not far away, as well as her face that was six or seven points similar to Ye Chuyan.

Her black hair hung behind her head, soft as silk and satin, her small face was white and delicate, her hair was extremely dark, her eyes were extremely dark, her complexion was as snowy, and her lips were pale.

This is a girl who is so beautiful that it is frustrating.

Although the facial features are similar to Ye Chuyan, on the whole, because of the great difference in temperament, Ye Chuyan is like a bright sunflower, while Fu Yue is a snow lotus that cannot be touched. The similarity is actually only three to four points.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether she looks like Ye Chuyan or not. Bo Sijin can't forget the scene when she was just dreaming now.

The first love suddenly becomes a terrible monster.

This is a huge blow, let alone a proud person like Bo Sijin.

At this time, Fu Yue was holding his arms in both hands, looking at him with a faint smile, and saw that he was awake, slowly preparing to step over.

Bo Sijin's eyelids twitched, he raised his hand and made a blocking gesture.

"Don't come here."

His voice is still a bit hoarse.

Bo Si felt a headache.

He was really scared.

Fu Yue: Hahahahahahahaha

She was laughing crazy in her heart.

System 677: [Hahahahahahahahahaha! ! ! Host, you are too cruel, Bo Sijin is almost broken by you. 】

Dream in a dream.

It's still a nightmare.


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