Ning Jiang proudly said: "If you say it, I'll listen, don't say it."

Luo Hanshang turned over, lying on his back with his arms resting on his head: "Have you heard me tell you about my parents?"

Ning Jiang shook his head: "No, you never mentioned the second elder in front of me."

"My dad and my mom have been a pair of enemies in their entire lives. What they are best at is quarreling. In my impression, they have a small quarrel for three days and a big quarrel for five days. My brother even suggested Yes, let them just get divorced, but none of them agreed."

Ning Jiang turned around, lay down on the bed, and turned to look at him.

"Aren't the two of them in free love?"

"They are not in free love. When my grandfather and my grandfather were discussing business, they both felt that each other was a gentleman, so they contributed to this marriage. At that time, my mother had a lover, and my grandfather and father didn’t know. Under the threat of my grandpa, my mother broke up with her first love and married my father.

I heard that in the first few years of their marriage, my dad was really kind to my mom. My mom was a person with a stubborn personality and joy was all over his face. Because she doesn't like my dad, she rarely laughs.

Until later, my dad accidentally learned the secret of my mom's past. How could my dad, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, be willing in that situation.

The marriage relationship between the two became worse and worse. Later, my father was suspicious, my mother was irritable, and my grandparents didn't want to worry about their nostalgia. Later, my father even deliberately became ambiguous with the supermodel outside to make my mother angry. But anyone can tell that he actually cares about my mother. "

Ning Jiang curiously asked: "The mother-in-law never fell in love with her father-in-law?"

"In my opinion, my mother also has feelings for my dad. At that time, when I was young, my mom took me to go shopping together. When she came to the men's clothing section, she would choose clothes for my dad and ask me for advice. Opinion, ask'Will your dad look good in this suit?'."

Ning Jiang nodded: "Well, if a woman really doesn't have you in her heart, then she won't always think of the other person and buy things for the other person."


"Yes, I also think that you feel right."

Luo Han Shang had a bitter face: "But my dad was a fan of the authorities at the time and didn't realize this. He was afraid he didn't know until he died. My mother loved him."

"Then... how did they go?"

"That time, my dad was outside socializing. After getting drunk, he went to the hotel to stay for one night, but because the woman who drove him to the hotel was a woman, this scene was captured by reporters again, so my mother misunderstood.

When my dad woke up the next day and saw the news, he called my mom and wanted to explain to my mom, but my mom was getting angry. She hid herself without answering the phone and refused to show up. My dad was anxious and looked everywhere, but because he was absent-minded at the time, he encountered a car accident while driving and passed away on the spot.

My mother learned from the news that my dad is no longer alive. She rushed home, desperate for life, but then, what use was it? People cannot come back from death.

Not long afterwards, Su Sanshu, who was drinking with my dad that day, told my mother about the day. It turned out that that day, my dad was sent to the hotel by a woman after being drunk, but that woman was Su Sanshu’s new secretary. , The reporters only photographed the secretary entering the hotel, but deliberately did not publish the picture of the secretary leaving five minutes later.

Knowing that I had misunderstood my dad, and remembering that my dad called her so many calls that day, she didn't answer it, and my mother was in pain and almost desperate for life. It may be because this incident caused too much harm to my mother, so within two years, my mother died of liver cancer. "

Luo Hanshang looked at her: "I said so much, not to tell you a story, do you understand?"

Ning Jiang looked at him, and understood what he had just said, why he was angry in his heart and couldn't stop answering the phone.

She nodded: "Even if I quarrel in the future, I won't stop answering the phone."

"Doubt, quarrel, and cold war are not the way to solve problems. I think the most important thing to do when there is a problem between two people is to sit down and communicate more. If my parents can understand these principles earlier, they will not hurt others. I hurt myself again."

Ning Jiang wondered: "Who else did they hurt?"

Luo Hanshang looked at her penetratingly: "Isn't my brother and I human? Your father has always been courteous to your mother, so you should rarely see your parents quarreling, right? Oh, I have seen it."

Ning Jiang frowned slightly, turned sideways, and hugged him.

Luo Han Shang raised his eyebrows: "Is this a sympathetic hug?"

Ning Jiang patted him: "It's a distressed comfort, we have said that, in the future, we will not fight in front of Chuchen, we will never."

Luo Hanshang printed a kiss on her forehead.

"I agree. Now that the serious business is finished, can we discuss the question of who is stronger tonight?"

Ning Jiang withdrew his hand all at once, and after retracting himself into the quilt, he held on to the quilt tightly.

"I am a victim, I have the final say, I forgive you tonight, and I won't force you."

"The lady is so generous, Xiaosheng is really touched, in order to express my deep gratitude, I must agree with my body tonight."

After he finished speaking with a smirk, he went to her quilt.

"Ah..." She screamed, protecting the quilt.

The two of you vie for me, and played around for a long time. In the end, Ning Jiang was defeated and wiped out, so that he could enjoy it.

Early the next morning, Luo Hanshang was in a great mood and drove Ning Jiang to the construction site.

Before she got off the car, he said: "I will pick you up early this afternoon. Remember to say hello to Jiang Shicheng."

"Every time I leave early, I feel embarrassed. I said I wouldn't let you deliver it. My car stopped in front of the Mala Tang shop. You just love it."

Luo Hanshang looked at her spoiled and said: "Others are looking forward to her husband to pick you up. It's okay for you to be afraid that your husband will pick you up. What's the matter, there are friends here, afraid that he will see me?"

"Luo Hanshang, your stinky mouth, you should get out of here." Ning Jiang closed the car door with a bang, turned around and ran to the construction site.

Luo Hanshang shook his head and smiled, this woman's temper...he liked it.

When did he still have this masochistic hobby?

Ning Jiang was busy with the work at hand, Jiang Gong asked her to help return to the company to get an important document, and gave her the keys to the safe.

Faced with such an important task, Ning Jiang couldn't refuse.

But when she walked to the gate of the construction site, she discovered that the two administrative vehicles sent by the company had been driven away first.

When she was about to call for a car, Luo Nanyi's car drove over.

He dropped the car window and said to her, "Are you going to use a car? Come up."

Ning Jiang bent over, "It's okay, you go first, I'll call the company to send a car to pick me up."

"Get in the car, I will see you off."

"no need."

Luo Nan said unhappily, "Get in my car, can I still eat you?"

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