Warm Dragon

Chapter 26 Wildcat Sisters

Since crossing over, Russell has never felt safe enough, especially after crossing over to such a world with extraordinary power.

Snow demons ravaged, dragons roared.

He was afraid that he would be killed by some unexpected power if he was not careful.

People who died once might be more afraid of death. When Russell found out that there was an assassin, he was really scared and broke out in a cold sweat.

Two slaps with all his strength finally calmed him down a little.

"You mean, Lone Wolf Lisbon is going to lure a group of snow ghosts to invade my territory to test my methods?" Russell sat down again.

After listening to the explanation of Wanderer Catherine, he couldn't help but look at Eric and Charles who was called later.

Eric said in a muffled voice: "I've heard of Lisbon. He's a great ranger. In the Xiangshui River Cave, they all call him the Lone Wolf Boss."

"Lone Wolf Boss Lisbon, well, I've heard of this name too." Charles' eyes kept turning around Catherine, "As for this wanderer, it should be the Wildcat Sisters. The elder sister Katie and the younger sister Catherine are both famous figures."

"Wildcat Sisters?" Russell asked curiously.

Catherine was still tied up and sitting on the wet floor. The black scarf on her face had been torn off, revealing her swollen cheeks.

But it can be seen that even if her face was not swollen, she would look average.

Pale complexion, sunken eye sockets, young age, but two deep nasolabial folds, a drug addict's feeling.

"My sister and I are not willing to accept the rule of the Lone Wolf Boss. The Xiangshui River Cave has always followed the principle of freedom. We can be rats in the underground world, but we don't want to be someone else's slave." Catherine looked at Russell and said seriously.

Charles snorted: "You bunch of lowly people, what principles do you have? The life of slaves is better than yours."

"You don't understand what freedom is..." Catherine's voice lowered, "Besides, we just don't want to be slaves in the underground world."

Hearing this, Russell raised his eyebrows.

But he didn't express any opinion on this.

Just asked again: "Lone Wolf Lisbon wants to lure snow ghosts to invade my territory, why did you come to send me a letter? Aren't you afraid that you can't get along with Lisbon after returning, or simply use my hand to get rid of Lisbon?"

"Baron Roman is standing behind you. We wildcat sisters just want to live well, and we also hope that your excellent neighbor can live well."

"Excellent neighbor?" Russell touched his chin, "Has my reputation for excellence spread to the Xiangshui River Cave?"

He hasn't even displayed his talent yet, how can he have a reputation for excellence.

Catherine's answer solved his doubts for him: "There are not many lords who hire serfs to work and are willing to provide meals."

"Hmm." Russell suddenly sighed.

It turns out that doing this is already considered an excellent lord. The serfs and freemen have really low requirements for the lord.

He looked at Catherine and asked calmly: "How can I trust you?"

"I have a letter written by my sister on me. I originally planned to put it in through the window, and by the way... meet the new lord."

Charles immediately took action and touched Catherine's body a few times.

"Don't touch it... There is an inner seam pocket at the knee!" Catherine blushed, and the slap marks became clearer.

"I want to make sure you don't have a weapon." Charles said righteously, and then he took out a folded letter from the inner seam of the knee of the tights.

Handed it to Russell.

After Russell unfolded it, he saw the wrinkled words on the letter: "Dear neighbor, be careful of Lisbon, he will lure the snow ghost to invade the Black Snake Manor."

The signature was: "Your neighbor, Little Wild Cat."

"Hide your head and show your tail." Russell commented that the means for this letter and the Wild Cat sisters were not very good.

Catherine defended herself: "We can't afford to offend you and Lone Wolf Boss."

Confirming that Catherine was not really going to assassinate, Russell suddenly lost interest: "Teacher Charles, untie her and pour her a cup of hot water."

"Thank you." Catherine looked at Russell deeply.

"Do you need to change into dry clothes?"

"No need to change, my clothes are close-fitting and velvet, and there is no leakage." Catherine pulled up the collar of her clothes and shook it quickly to shake off all the water stains on the outer layer. "Besides, I am a ranger, with fighting spirit to protect my body, so I can wear wet clothes."

Ranger is a wanderer, and different people have different names.

"Can you determine when Lisbon will lure the snow ghost to attack?"

"Probably in these few days, they are already preparing, and they must be executed as soon as possible, otherwise when the warm season comes, the threat of snow ghost invasion will not be great."

There are no distinct four seasons in Longmian Continent. The power confrontation between the snow demon and the dragon has caused the ice age and warm season to alternate in various places.

Snow ghosts are rampant in the ice age, but they are much more obedient in the warm season.

After all, the power of the dragon is spreading under the valley of the dark light. If the snow ghosts enter here in the warm season, their strength will be reduced by half.

"How many people are there in the Xiangshui River Cave?" Russell asked another question.

"About 500 people, there is only one lone wolf boss, the great ranger, five or six rangers, and some wandering souls, and the rest are poor people." Wandering souls are people who only breed fighting spirit seeds, similar to the Qi seed level of knights.

"I see that the attitude of you wild cat sisters does not seem to reject me, the lord, so why do you hide in the Xiangshui River Cave?"

Catherine lowered her head and smiled inexplicably: "No one can deny their origin. We have lived in the Xiangshui River Cave since we were young. As for why you asked me, I don't know. Maybe the cave is dark and damp, but that is where I was born and raised."

Russell did not comment on this.

All the questions that should be asked have been asked, so he stood up and said: "Do you need to arrange a room for you to rest?"

"No, if possible, please allow me to go back now. If I go back late, I may be discovered by the lone wolf boss."

"How to go back? Do you need me to send someone to send you to the border?"

"If the lord trusts me, I can go back alone." Catherine took a sip of hot water and was a little nervous.

I don't know how she will be treated.

"Russell..." Charles wanted to say something.

Russell raised his hand gently, stopped what Charles wanted to say, and looked at Catherine calmly: "When you go out, please go through the main door."


After a moment, the confused housekeeper Morris sent Catherine out the door.

Without accepting the umbrella handed by Morris, Catherine rushed into the rain and disappeared on the charcoal trail in a moment.

"Russell, you shouldn't let her go back like this. The words of the crypt pariah are not credible." Charles complained.

Russell smiled indifferently: "Killing her and locking her up is not very meaningful."

Then he put away his smile and said seriously: "The most important thing now is that no matter whether Catherine is telling the truth or a lie, we must be prepared for the attack of the snow ghost. Teacher Eric, can we cope with it with our current strength?"

Eric pondered for a moment and replied: "I'm afraid not, sir, it's best to notify the baron and ask Knight Commander Kendall to come and take charge."

Kendall, the Knight Commander of the Territory Patrol, is a fantasy beast knight.

With Kendall in charge, unless the snow demon invades personally, no matter how many snow ghosts there are, it will be difficult to shake the territory.

Charles nodded in agreement: "Yes, Russell, you can't be too aggressive about this matter. You should notify the Baron immediately."

When it comes to life safety, Russell will naturally not act on impulse: "Okay, tomorrow morning, I will send a knight squire to deliver a letter to the Fluorescent Castle."

"Send someone now, while the little wild cat hasn't returned yet, let Knight Kendall come as soon as possible." Charles shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows if that Catherine is the vanguard, what if there is a lone wolf Lisbon behind her."

Russell agreed deeply.

He immediately asked the butler Morris to call the two knight squires, Tom and John, and ordered them to rush to the Fluorescent Castle.

The knight squire rode away on horseback, and Russell and others had no intention of sleeping anymore, so they simply played chess in the study.

"Russell, do you want to subdue the untouchables in the Xiangshui River Cave?" Charles observed the words and expressions and had already seen some clues.

"It is such an immature idea."

"If you ask for my opinion, I will definitely oppose it. The untouchables are not a good breed. But if you really want to make such a decision, I can only advise you to be cautious and carefully identify who among the untouchables has the same blood on their hands."

Russell nodded, made a move, and then said calmly: "I will not act blindly, and... my goal is to completely solve the Xiangshui River Cave."

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