Warm Dragon

Chapter 151 The Difficulty of a Socialite

"Are Roland and Russell brothers?" In the guest room, the eldest cousin Nela asked curiously while sorting out the clothes she would change tomorrow.

"Yes." The eldest cousin Cessel was changing the diaper of his little daughter.

The family only brought two servants to serve Lord Seth Ro and Lady Melinda, so the young couple had to take care of themselves.

"But they don't look alike at all. Roland does look like a member of the Fluorescent Mushroom family, but Russell is more like a member of the Yujiuka family." Nela said, "And...Russell is much closer and gentler than Roland. "

"Yes, cousin Russell is a very good person." Cessel sighed, "much better than Roland."

He could feel that cousin Roland was smiling on the face, but in fact he was extremely arrogant. There was no respect for him in the eyes. He didn't regard him as a cousin at all, but only regarded him as a country boy.

Cousin Russell is much more friendly. Although he is a little unfamiliar because he rarely meets him, his eyes are gentle and equal, and he does not mean to look down on him.

"Well, Roland is the heir to the baron after all. My dear, don't think about him." Nella comforted him.

"I didn't miss him, I just... didn't like Bluebird Castle."

"I know how you feel."

"If I wasn't afraid that my mother would be sad, I wouldn't even want to come here to...congratulate that person on his birthday." After changing his little daughter's diaper, Sethel said angrily, "He never regarded me and Sethewe as his." Grandson, why should I regard him as my grandfather?"

"It's okay. After celebrating my birthday tomorrow, we can go back to our own Meishan Manor."


"My dear, don't be angry. Come on, try on this tuxedo. I brought two bow ties. You can wear this blue bow tie in the morning and put on this red bow tie in the afternoon." Nella gestured Wearing clothes.

Cessel smiled and said: "You should also try on your own dress... It's a pity that I can't customize a new dress for you, so I have to use my mother's dress for you to wear."

"It doesn't matter. Besides, the material of mother's dress is very expensive, and it is much more advanced than a custom-made new dress."

Both of them are handsome. Even if they put on decent tuxedos and evening dresses, they don't stand out, but at least they smile warmly.

The next day was Lord Merlin's birthday.

There was an endless stream of guests at Blue Bird Castle. Not only did the Grand Duke send envoys to celebrate his birthday, but other earls and barons also sent their best friends to celebrate his birthday. Moreover, a large number of lords and vassals from the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy also came to celebrate his birthday.

Ten years of rule brought great prestige to Earl Merlin, and many knights benefited from him.

Viscount Merlin and his wife, Cousin Mel, were busy from morning to night.

Baron Roman and his wife also had to help, greeting the many guests, and even Roland and Russell were pulled into adulthood.

The eldest brother Roland is okay, he is keen on this kind of communication between nobles.

Russell had a headache, and the fake smile on his face never stopped for a moment, and his face was almost stiff with laughter. During the buffet banquet at noon, he couldn't even bite the food with his cheeks.

The key is.

He had greeted countless guests of the Lord all morning, but when they met again at the buffet banquet, Russell suddenly realized that he could not remember many of them.

In particular, some lords chatted enthusiastically with Russell, but Russell forgot what the other person's name was, so he could only mumble.

The kind of embarrassment that can dig out the floor of three rooms and one living room with your toes.

"Communication is also a skill!" Russell couldn't help but sigh in his heart. "It's not easy for the second son of the family... I can probably understand that Uncle Rosen may be sincerely expecting me to take over from him!"

"Are you tired?" came a familiar female voice.

Russell turned around, and the smile on his face became natural for the first time: "Sister, you and Cooper can help me greet the guests. I'm almost exhausted."

The person who came was none other than Russell's sister Rowling Fluorescent Fungus. She and her husband Cooper Tianzicao, representing Baron Kuris Tianzicao of Black Court, came to congratulate Earl Merlin on his birthday - Rowling was naturally the granddaughter of Earl Merlin. .

"That's not okay. This is your mission as the social butterfly of the family." Seeing that there was no one around, Rowling reached out and punched Russell.

"What are you doing, so unladylike?"

"I want to see if you have gotten stronger. I heard from mother that you have penetrated the main meridians in both arms."


"Okay, you have practiced hard." Luo Lin smiled and asked with shining eyes, "Where is your mushroom bird Rosie? Isn't it the one I gave you?"

"No, it's another one."

"I don't care if you don't believe it. In short, next time you come to Heitingshan to see me, you must give me a better gift than pearls." Rowling said, taking out the pearl necklace from the collar, "It's best to have A gift with whitening and beauty effects.”

"Okay, since when did my sister start to love beauty?"

"Nonsense, what girl doesn't love beauty? I feel angry just looking at your face. Why did my mother pass her beauty to you instead of to me?"

"Maybe it's fair. After all, your father passed on the talent of fighting spirit to you."

"Although the fighting spirit talent is good, I am willing to exchange it for beauty... Cooper is good at everything, but he doesn't allow me to go to the snowfield. I hunted a snow ghost on the way, and he complained all the way. He really looked like the foul-mouthed butler in the castle. "

"He is also doing it for your own good. Of course, hunting a snow ghost is really no big deal... Well, sister, are you pregnant?" Russell discovered a blind spot.

Rowling raised her eyebrows and laughed: "You kid, you are really smart!"

"Congratulations, haha, sister, take care of your baby and take good care of my little nephew or niece." Russell said happily.

Then he asked: "How many months has it been, does mother know?"

"Three months, I haven't had time to tell mother yet, by the way, you guys don't talk nonsense, I will share this joy with my father and mother."


Russell calculated the time, ten months of pregnancy, Rowling is now three months pregnant, which means that there are still six or seven months before giving birth.

That is, in March or April next year, you need to go to Black Court Mountain to visit Rowling and the newborn nephew or niece.

Before the two siblings chatted for a few words, Mrs. Meryl's personal maid Meijin came over: "Master Russell, the master and his old comrades are having a small gathering in the side hall. The master and the lady asked you to go over and have tea with the master's old friends."

"Okay..." Russell replied helplessly.

Then he went to the side hall with his sister Rowling to socialize again.

Fortunately, after a busy morning, most of the guests were here, so there was no need to greet them warmly in the afternoon.

Just greet the guests who have a good relationship with the family.

"The dinner starts at five o'clock and ends at seven o'clock." Cousin Mel found Russell, pulled his bow tie, and said breathlessly, "When the dinner is over, come to my side. I asked the servants to customize two tuxedos for you."

"I have my own."

"I saw your tuxedo. The tailoring is not good. The tuxedo I customized for you is made by a master tailor."

Cousin Mel had someone measure Russell's body in detail before: "Dress nicely. There will be a dance at eight o'clock. All guests will bring their families to attend. At that time, we two brothers will make a good show!"

Russell couldn't help but hold his forehead and lament: "No way, I just want to be a low-key handsome man, why is it so difficult."

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