Warm Dragon

Chapter 12: Shining Sword Technique

Old Hans couldn't stop being excited.

Although his feet were numb from being soaked in the cold river, he had fished out a magical pearl for the lord!

He knew clearly that his position as the foreman of the manor was already secure.

Didn't I see the lord personally order the butler to bring him hot milk tea? This is a delicious milk tea that only nobles can drink. It is said that it contains not only fresh milk and sugar, but also chocolate sauce, honey, cinnamon powder, and even brandy.

It is sweet and tempting. After taking a sip, I feel warm all over.

"Oh my God, praise the lord, it's so delicious. I have never drunk something so delicious in my life." Black Pete, the head of the barley village, groaned in praise.

"The master is really the best master!" The head of the wheat village next to him, one-eyed Boris, said happily.

"Of course the master is the best master." The fat cook in the kitchen came over with a kettle, "Not only did he let you warm yourself by the stove, but he also asked me to refill your cup of milk tea. The master is so generous to you serfs!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Moore."

The few people who were reluctant to drink milk tea saw that they could still refill their cups, and drank the milk tea in the cup without caring about the burn, then held out their cups and looked eagerly at the kettle in the cook's hand.

"Uncle Boris, you have caught pearls for the master, right? What are pearls?" The kitchen maid who was adding coal to the stove asked curiously, "Do pearls grow in river clams? Are they a kind of gem?"

"Ah, you are Barbara?" One-eyed Boris recognized the busy kitchen maid, "Old Barton's girl?"


"You have grown up so much. Old Barton said you were working in the fluorescent castle. I didn't expect you to follow the master back to the manor."

Barbara grinned, her freckled face was very lively, and her canine teeth were particularly dazzling: "I want to be closer to home, Uncle Boris, you haven't told me what pearls are yet."

"Pearls..." One-eyed Boris actually didn't know what pearls were. He had touched river clams all his life, and this was the first time he saw pearls in river clams, but this didn't stop him from bragging, "Pearls are gems in the water. I tell you, noble lords like pearls the most!"

Drinking milk tea and bragging, the boiler room was full of a pleasant atmosphere.

"Barbara, stop chatting, go get a bucket of water, we still have to clean a lot of clams and snails!" the cook called in the kitchen.

Barbara quickly stood up: "I'll go, Mrs. Moore."

"Be quick, like a person who gets things done."

"Okay, Mrs. Moore."

At the same time.

In the hall of the manor's courtyard, five silver-white pearls were placed on the table, and Russell, Charles, and Eric sat around.

"The magic power is not very abundant, it is worse than the gems. But compared to the overly violent magic power in the gems, the magic power in the pearls is more gentle, maybe it can be used to make magic potions." Eric gave his opinion.

He is the only great knight in the entire manor, one level higher than the armored knight, and his fighting spirit has penetrated all the meridians in his body.

He only needs to contract a fantasy beast to be promoted to a fantasy beast knight.

"It's a pity that there are only five pearls, Russell, I think it's better to treat them as jewelry and keep them as gifts." Charles said.

The gem mines nurtured by the dragon can produce a large number of gems, which can generate huge economic value.

An unexpected large river clam produced five pearls, which is indeed rare, but the real value is not high.

Russell thought: "Two teachers, since river clams can produce pearls, do you think that pearls can be cultivated artificially?"

"Artificial cultivation?" Charles shook his head, "Russell, this is a bit whimsical. Pearls are a gift from heaven, not a magic potion. How can they be cultivated artificially... The Baron sends people to the river to catch river fish every year, but he has never seen river clams produce pearls."

Eric nodded.

Russell was not surprised by this. Before, no river clams in the Youguang River produced pearls, so naturally no one would think of cultivating pearls.

But the experience of the traverser let Russell know that pearls can be cultivated artificially.

He didn't know the specific operation method, but he knew a little about the principle of pearl formation. When the soft body of shellfish is invaded by foreign objects, it secretes nacre to wrap the foreign objects, and pearls are formed over time.

"Perhaps pearls can be cultivated artificially!" He thought to himself, but did not say it out loud for the time being.

After all, this is a different world, and pearls are magical creations. It is hard to say whether pearls can be cultivated artificially.

And the most urgent thing is not to cultivate pearls.

He signaled Butler Morris to put away the five pearls first, and then he followed Eric to start today's knight morning class.

"The Shining Sword Technique is most suitable for adults to practice." Eric held the fine steel long sword with both hands, and the surging fighting spirit was infused into the long sword. The blade was visible to the naked eye, and faint ripples appeared on the blade like steam. "It has strong killing power, and it is most suitable for breaking through the barriers."

Russell also held the fine steel long sword with both hands, followed Eric, and learned every move of the Shining Sword Technique.

Eric is usually taciturn, but when teaching, he is very detailed and patient: "For every move and every style, we should not only pursue strength, but also feel the linkage between fighting spirit and moves with our heart, and then use the moves to break through the barriers with fighting spirit!"


Eric slashed with his sword, and a faint sword light like steam flew directly from the blade, flying more than three meters in the air.

"With this move, the fighting spirit will be pulled by the move and connected to the meridians in the hand. You can focus on this move today."


Russell nodded, and then continued to wave this move. The fine steel sword cut through the air, but no sword light flew out.

The desperate attack of the previous body did make the fighting spirit bloom, thus providing him with real fighting spirit.

However, the fighting spirit only circulated in the main meridians in the body, barely forming a small Zhoutian circuit to nourish the body and strengthen the physique. It could not be injected into the weapon like Eric to release the cool sword light.

Only when the fighting spirit continues to grow, and then hits the meridians of the limbs and bones, all the meridians are connected, and a large Zhoutian circuit is formed.

Can you use it as if you were using your arms and fingers, and release the sword light at will.

At that time, you will also advance from a knight in armor to a great knight.



Russell swung each sword seriously, and did not slack off even when sweating profusely.

Every time he swung the sword, a wisp of fighting spirit was drawn out from the main meridians of the body and hit the meridians of the hands, opening up new branch pathways bit by bit.

He did not feel tired, but only felt magical and refreshing!

"Practicing fighting spirit is really a bit like martial arts." Occasionally, he would be absent-minded and think about something else, "But in my case, I should open up the Ren and Du meridians first, and then open up the eight extraordinary meridians and the twelve regular meridians..."

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