Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 504 So, are you my doctor?

Chapter 504 So, are you my doctor? -

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha——————!!!!!!!!! You actually did it!!! You actually did it!!! Nothing can hurt the Ultramarines more than this!!!!!! Well done you little bastard!!!!!! I will take you away just for this! Look at my demonic power from the highest heaven!!!!"

When the Indomitable Star Fortress opened its stance and ran at full speed, with M'Ka's half-joyful and half-angry Warp psychic laughter, it fled behind the curtain at the fastest speed, the confused but loyal Macragge fleet and other ships in the orbit did not know what was happening on the ground.

They looked at the huge Ramirez-class star fortress in confusion as it "jumped" into the Warp in place in a way that absolutely did not conform to the laws of physics and safety regulations, and began to discuss and speculate whether this was a performance test of a new engine or a precursor to its installation.

And what had happened in the Hera Fortress and what happened later were quickly suppressed by the Ultramarines officers led by Calgar.

This was thanks to the presence of several of the main senior officers of the Chapter at the time and witnessing everything that happened: including Chapter Master Calgar, Chief Librarian Tigris, Chief Priest of the Holy Lord Cassius, Chief Apothecary Helix, First Captain Agman, Second Captain Sicarius, Fifth Captain Galenus, and members of Calgar's Honor Guard.

This luxurious and impeccable lineup was enough to convince the rest of their peers with some amazing content, or suppress any doubts and curious voices inside and outside the Chapter.

So dozens of orders were quickly voted on at the shortest Chapter meeting in nine thousand years, and then issued and implemented vigorously.

All the Imperial citizens who bought the one-day pilgrimage to the Temple of Rectification and the seven-day tour of Macragge or similar local products were politely but firmly told that the Hera Fortress was currently closed indefinitely. They either chose a full refund or chose to postpone the tour. As for the extension period? I don't know. What happened? No comment. Want to complain? Please fill in this complaint form and submit it to the Hera Fortress guard room.

The members of the Inquisition, who were originally treated politely by the Grand Lord Macragge, at least on the surface, found that they and their spies who had been planted in various places in the fortress for many years were uprooted and kicked out. Before they could react to what happened, they were "politely" escorted to the "new" official residence at the foot of the mountain by a team of Astartes armed with live ammunition.

Even the mechanical sages sent by several forge worlds in the Ultramar sector, who have always cooperated well with Macragge for ten thousand years, were now told that they needed to return to their mechanical temples temporarily and not go out at will without any reason.

Anything that intends to leave the sky above Macragge in the near future must be approved by Lord Calgar before it can be released, and any information sent must be reviewed by the Hera Fortress before it can be sent. They were told that the defense fleet and the Astartes' combat ships were given the authority to open fire first and destroy any ships that dared to violate these temporary martial law regulations in an emergency.

As a result, the administrative efficiency in the Macragge system and Ultramar, which was originally quite efficient, has now become comparable to that of the Imperial Military Affairs Department. A large number of personnel and ships that far exceed the carrying capacity are stranded in Macragge's orbit and on the ground, anxiously waiting for permission to leave the port, which has also brought great pressure to Macragge's material allocation.

In the oppressive silence of the Ultramarines and the panic of the mortal citizens, there is a righteous man, a businessman from the Far East colony planet who has been doing business in Macragge for many years. Seeing this situation, he couldn't bear it, so he ordered his merchant fleet to set off from their colony, loaded with a large amount of food and fresh water, as well as some urgently needed daily necessities, and sailed to Macragge to provide the people here with the materials they urgently need.

At that time, everyone praised him, and the reputation of this big businessman named "Kant Cratch", his high-quality and low-priced agricultural products and processed food and beverages, and his red gloves with cat claws holding a cute long-handled fork logo became popular all over Macragge. Citizens and even mortal garrisons received the timely supplies from this businessman.

And Mr. "Kant Cratch"'s face became longer and longer as he received more and more gratitude and praise, and people even worried whether he would go bankrupt because of this good deed. Everyone was very worried about him and full of gratitude. They had already discussed secretly that as soon as the Hera Fortress returned to normal order, they would jointly recommend this big businessman to the great lord and his royal court as the "Honorary Citizen of Macragge" and strive for the reward he deserved.

In this regard, Mr. Kant Cratchit or His Highness Konrad Curz commented on the fact that he received more praise than he had received in his entire life for doing good deeds despite holding his nose because of some inevitable omens, saying, "Stupid! Mortals are always so short-sighted. They can only see what is beneficial to them in front of them, and they don't consider what will happen after the sun rises the next day!" Of course, if his teacher heard this, he would definitely tell him, "If mortals don't consider how to survive until the next day, then they won't see the sun rise at all. Who will care about the things that happen later?"

However, since Mr. Lamizane Carosini is now far away on the other side of the galaxy and time with his far-reaching fourth brother, and His Highness Konrad Coates has unfortunately been held captive by a certain librarian. After enlightenment, reading, knowing the rituals, receiving sincere tribute from his descendants and the people, and living a life of a "normal person", even if he still has his own set of judgment standards, he can never do anything that goes against his current principles. Matters of the heart come.

Therefore, despite all his dissatisfaction, he could only squat in Magna, the capital of Macragge, and grumble, listen to the bard's hymns, and try to help this "gloomy but down-to-earth, reliable, and well-off man" "The Bachelor" introduces the loud chatter of some professional matchmakers for local girls from good families outside the walls of their residences. ——By the way, I will patrol the Hera Fortress for my abducted brother every day, catch the blue birds and pink tentacles that suddenly appear in the corners from time to time, and finally wait and see what happens——This matter is still far away It’s not over yet.


The Hera Fortress itself and its derivatives have been expanded hundreds of times in the past nine thousand years, and in the process countless Gothic fortresses, fortifications, and rooms and buildings for various purposes were added.

These later buildings were so layered and complicated, and had gone through so many battles, aging, demolition, temporary appropriation and reconstruction, that Robert Guilliman himself actually served as a museum when he was a child and later. The house where Archon Lage lived, along with those memories and records, have long been lost in the long river of time.

Therefore, the fastest, most reasonable and safest place where the body of their father's "suspected saint" can receive care and treatment is undoubtedly the only private residence of Manius Calga.

A team of Honor Guard members carefully but quickly carried a heavily covered medical cabin, surrounded by many servitors holding medicine bottle holders, surgical instruments, and other sundries. In front of the chief pharmacist Under the command, the three company commanders and the Lord Priest were personally escorted, and the people among them were sent to Calgar's residence, and the chief think tank director personally arranged the surrounding psychic defense measures.

As for the High Lord Macragge himself, he also entered this place after handling the necessary administrative matters and issuing orders. Then the place was closely guarded by more Space Marines and no one was allowed to approach.

"Helix, Tigris, Maxim, how's the situation?" The Lord of Ultramar stepped into his private room. His steps were slightly longer than usual, showing that this person always had more than his age and experience. The calm commander felt uneasy at the moment.

This empty and simply decorated room has the same unpatterned but soft and flat stone floor. The flames in the huge fireplace on one side are smoldering quietly. Because the servants responsible for taking care of it are now temporarily prohibited from entering, the room is already sparse. The tables, chairs and furniture have now been pushed aside, leaving a clear space in the center to place the huge medical cabin.

Now, Calgar's remaining biological eye glanced around the room. At least the atmosphere was not as bad and tense as expected. The situation of "that person" might also be a little better than he estimated - of course, only A little bit - that traitor! That madman! The thief who deserves to be smashed a thousand times with power fists! Iron Warriors! The Ultramarines are at odds with you!

He forced himself to calm down and regain his breathing - at this critical moment, as the highest authority holder here, Manius Augustus Calgar must not lose his calm judgment because of anger. He is not alone, he must be responsible for the entire chapter and sector - he has already thought that the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs (and the High Lords Council behind them) will expel the Imperial Secret Service due to Macragge's unexpected martial law. , the behavior of members of the Inquisition and sent them vigilant questions, and will definitely send envoys to Macragge to investigate the matter.

But that is all for later. The Ultramarines must seize this time gap and focus on judging the current situation and... the identity of "this person", and whether he can wake up. After waking up, all the Ultramarines - and How should all the Astartes of their sub-order treat "him".


"Can you really cure him? I mean, this is..."

"Shut up. Otherwise I will let you sleep too. Hand me the reagent bottle on your right, yes, that one. If you spill or drop it, you will be killed by the Ultramarines and them Let’s pursue the sub-group to the end of time and space.”

Adalik Vannas shut his mouth obediently, and carefully and steadily used his gauntleted hands sprayed with a sterile protective coating to extract a small piece of cerebrospinal fluid from a mixture of alien creature's cerebrospinal fluid extract and dry ice. He took out the reagent bottle, used the utmost caution when sneaking and sniping, and delivered the bottle to Hong Suo with breathless concentration.

"Not bad." The Potion Master grabbed the only test tube he brought out from the Iron-Blooded and whistled, "It's all up to you, little darling, come on, let me see if you can get Robert Geary Remove those toxins from Man’s veins.”

Grendel glanced at the command center that had been temporarily converted into an operating room through the thick observation window. At the same time, he stood outside the door and monitored the biochemical conditions of all living people on the Indomitable. In order to prevent things from going wrong, the ruthless pharmacist master All the Iron Warriors and others on the ground floor were heavily sedated, and the same was done to the Fifth Company members and the Inquisitor's life-sustaining tanks.

Anyway, now they have jumped out of the warp again, sailed into an unknown asteroid belt at the edge of the Great Vortex and hid themselves.

Once they were sure that no one could find them for the time being, in order to avoid more trouble, Honso decided to immediately start the necessary emergency surgery for the 13th Primarch sample - anyway, the power armor wrote how to do it, although he regretted that he could not deviate from the standard operation in many situations - because even a proud and reckless person like Honso had to admit that the structure of the Primarch's body alone was beyond common sense, and any existing biological and medical knowledge could not explain it. He had no chance to try and make mistakes, so he could only follow the instructions.

But in order to avoid the chain of unknown consequences that might be triggered by Robert Guilliman being witnessed by any member of the Fifth Company during the treatment process, he simply set Hestia's brain to maintain only the most basic physiological activity, and at the same time reduced the power of the star fortress to the minimum, and Grendel manually controlled the shield and direction during the operation.

Fortunately, he had performed a frontal lobe tissue transplant on Grendel before, and now the former champion warrior can barely complete this task that should not belong to him.

In short, there are only three of them who can still stand, talk and work on this star fortress, and Wannas's uneasiness is obviously related to this.

Honso has been working here for eleven hours. It is a long operation for mortals, but it is indeed "first aid" time for a dying Primarch.

The reagents from the Iron Blood laboratory were pushed into the blood vessels at a uniform and stable speed, and the stasis position was released at the same time.

Robert Guilliman's stiff body took a rising and falling breath for the first time in ten thousand years.

He sighed low from the depths of his chest, as if sighing.

The two hearts of the former Raven Guard almost stopped beating.

Is it really okay?

He is very familiar with this sigh.

This is...

The unique... sigh that only the dead can make when they sigh their last breath.

In the terrible silence, only Honso remained calm.

The master of medicine carefully observed the readings on the medical auspicious instrument. At first, they did not change, but slowly, with imperceptible fluctuations, the indicator curves began to rise in the right direction.


A strong and powerful sound broke into Wannas's highly nervous and sensitive ears, almost making him jump.


He looked around and finally stopped his eyes on the chest of the thirteenth Primarch, which began to rise slightly.


The blood that had solidified on his neck for ten thousand years dripped onto the operating table along the edge of the wound that began to scab.

The master of medicine took a long breath and stood up straight. The Astartes-enhanced lumbar and cervical vertebrae made a crackling sound deep in the power armor.

"Okay... Next, we should just wait for him to wake up."

"I can't believe it! You saved a Primarch! You really succeeded!" Even though he had been expelled from the Raven Tower, the Dark Raven was still inexplicably excited at this moment. "Great! Honso!"

Grendel also walked in, reluctantly but earnestly congratulating the half-blood on his success, patting his chestplate.

Then the former Iron Warrior Blood God Champion, now with a calm and calculating mind, asked his two delighted colleagues a soul-searching question.

"When he wakes up, if he finds himself on a star fortress belonging to his offspring that was stolen by the Empire as a traitor and apostate, are you ready to go to war with a Primarch?"


Hunso calmly raised the empty tranquilizer syringe in his hand to his two colleagues.

"Huh..." Vannas breathed a sigh of relief, "I knew you wouldn't fail to prepare. After all, what we are going to do and where we are going are too exciting for a noble prince. Let alone the Red Pirates, this lord has probably never seen this mixed black market..."

"Black market?"

A voice with an ancient accent sounded behind them, unexpectedly clear, with the anger and grief that had not yet faded away since ten thousand years ago, and the ending tone was more confused.

The baby blue eyes swept across the red positive spiral logo of the pharmacist on the Hongsuo power armor, which had not changed much in ten thousand years.

"Where is this...? So, are you the doctor responsible for treating me?"

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