Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 497: Is this considered a traditional art? You are indeed father and son.

Chapter 497 Is this considered a traditional performing arts? As expected of a father and son-

"It's finally over."

Vannas glanced at Honso after hearing this.

Now the two warriors were wearing newly repaired armor and walking through the ruins and rubble being cleared south of the Indomitable. The fortress was tilted askew during previous attacks, but other basic life support facilities are being restored.

Two Iron Warriors passed by carrying a stretcher, and the Potion Master stopped to examine the remains of the body on it, even though it looked like nothing more than a mass of molten metal and burnt flesh. "Send it to the lower level of the central church as well," he told them.

Some time has passed since the end of the entire battle. The outer fleets have been swept away, captured or destroyed. Tens of thousands of prisoners and slaves have been taken. The control of the Indomitable has also fallen into the hands of Honso. War Blacksmith The remaining ships in the fleet are now all docked at the Indomitable's dock for maintenance, and the walls between the fortresses are being re-erected and reinforced.

They continued walking forward until they passed through the city wall that was beginning to be repaired and came to the central cathedral, which was also the command center of the star fort.

The lower part has now been hastily transformed into a multi-purpose room, built of gray exposed cement, steel and stone in iron cages beneath a golden marble floor that celebrates the heroes of Ultramar. In the rooms and fortifications, the burned cables were pulled out, repaired, and arranged again.

Experimental water tanks were erected one after another, and a new temperature control system lowered the temperature here to a level that inhibits biological activity.

What makes the slave workers and prisoners who built this place even more uneasy is that many new steel operating tables have been installed here, and there are drainage troughs underneath for discharging liquids and cleaning. Some of them are too large in size compared to mortals. Fear and suspicion of what the Warsmith was about to do permeated the Starfort.

"I thought it was impossible for an Iron Warriors warsmith to grow weary of war," the Raven Guard said as they began to descend into the newly built elevator, descending to Honso's new laboratory.

"No." Honso replied, looking at the approaching laboratory lights. "The current situation is such that war is inevitable, so we can't get tired of it. Even though many of us have been programmed with war in our genes from the beginning. ...Like, but, Vanus, human beings cannot be formed by pure war-unless everything about themselves as human beings is abandoned, leaving only the sharp edges of weapons."

The Raven Guard mused, "Are you referring to someone?"

The Potion Master shook his head, "I didn't name anyone."

The elevator reached the connection point of the platform and stopped with a clang.

They stepped out of the elevator door, and frost immediately began to spread upward from the ground, condensing on the surface of the power armor.

"This is our new control center. It's a little rudimentary now that we're pressed for time."

Hong Suo led him to stop in front of one of the tanks near the center. The light inside illuminated a suspended head. The burnt marks still remained on the scalp, which had been soaked white and the bones had been reshaped in many places. It has been repaired, and a spine is connected underneath. The surface of the spine has been etched with new circuits and interfaces using delicate surgical techniques, and more cables are connected. If any member of the Fifth Company of the Ultramarines were there, You will definitely be surprised by this.

The face shown by the remaining flesh on this head is clearly that of the technical sergeant, Hestian.

The technical sergeant's head is now with his eyes closed, and his eyeballs are moving behind his eyelids. The panel data shows that his stress level is within the normal range, but he is still frowning slightly.

"Is he dreaming?" The Raven Guard frowned and observed the Ultramarines carefully. The fellow Astartes couldn't help but feel a little sad when he saw such a scene, although the body that was put into the Dreadnought might not be the same. It's not much better, but there is still some difference between facing the modified fragments naked and being separated by a thick armor plate and amniotic fluid chamber.

"Yes." Honso replied, and at the same time he woke up other lights in the room, and the bottom lights in the rows of experimental tanks began to gradually light up. "He is working hard to adjust the flight of the Indomitable for us in the scenario I provided. Posture. You can also think that he is now half of the machine soul of the fortress under our feet, and there is an advantage to using him to create an interactive interface. He will subconsciously respond to any communication from the empire using the codes and passwords he knows. , I don’t have to specify and discover.”

There are dozens of transparent tanks in the new laboratory. Some of them only have one or several lumps of flesh connected to electrodes and cables, while some of them have an almost complete body. Vanus glanced over them. Among the faces in the water tank, as expected, Sergeant Olanto and Inquisitor Sibbia were found. The former was suspended in the amniotic fluid, his facial expression seemed full of doubts, and his fingers were curled up to hold a weapon, and then The reporter's face was full of vigilance. Next to her experimental sink was a fully enclosed black rectangular cabinet with thick ice on the surface.

"How dare you directly link her to this assassin."

"Otherwise?" Honso shrugged, "The bodies of the Iverson assassins cannot be studied directly. I am trying to find ways to replicate the potions they used. Some of the materials are really...well...very enlightening. I'm very excited. I wonder how many of the people who established the Assassin Court were human. The special and fragile internal drug balance and self-destruction characteristics of this kind of assassins allow them to be in a stable non-death state... Although I do not lack theoretical information, I can It's always good to see firsthand how a trained Inquisitor would activate and wield an Iverson Assassin in their mind."

"What if she wakes up and activates him to start killing people right here?"

"I set up targeted brainwashing content and monitoring measures, as well as emergency throwing devices."

"What a reassuring answer. How many recovered? Are they all dreaming now?"

"Yes. All in the arranged dream, Grendel did a good job when he really wanted to work. The devices and medicines he left behind saved many of the most seriously injured or those who were injured by me. Once the technology has been restored to the point where it can be implanted, it is easy to accept brainwashing suggestions, while when it is more completely connected, it needs regular adjustment and control.”

"What about the Fearless?"

Honso shrugged, "He is old and confused. He has very typical neurodegenerative symptoms, and the protein denatures very quickly. He thought he was a soldier of the first company, fighting against Tyranids on the Macragge Arctic Fortress." If I hadn't come, his condition would have deteriorated rapidly within a few months, his memory would have been eroded, and he would have been completely unable to recognize other people, becoming a being who only relied on instinct and biological electrode stimulation to fight."

"...Then he and they have to thank you."

"That's right." The Potion Master nodded without shame, "This is a galactic-level problem that has lasted for hundreds of centuries, and I have a way to stop the progress and even make it start to recover. Just with this Skills can allow me to win the dominion of several habitable galaxies from those who can afford the price. Really, Vanus, you don’t need to show that distrustful expression. Anyone who knows the value of this skill will do so. explain."

"Okay, okay." Shadow Master nodded in agreement, "Since extracting a single organ can make your brainwashing program run more stably, why do you still keep the shells of these Ultramarines?"

"Of course it's because of the gene seed," Hongsuo said. "Their bodies are basically intact, so they all still have a complete and pure gene seed. Of course I can extract it immediately, but I want to try and see if I can..."

Vanus turned back in horror, staring alertly at the potion master who was about to speak the terrifying words of the devil.

The approval of two, no, three gods came from the highest heaven.

"Since the initial gene seeds all come from the same sample container, it itself is a type of cell that requires epigenetic directional catalysis to promote differentiation and growth..."

"Throne!" the Raven Guard cursed.

"Grendel happened to be seriously injured." The Potion Master said shamelessly, "We always want to give our brothers the best, so I used the gene seeds of the Ultramarines to make different organs with targeted cultivation, and then used them to treat his Injury, the effect is very good, the mutant genotype of the Ultramarines has been proven to help faster recovery.”

"You madman! Do you know what you are doing?! Confusing the genetic bloodline of your legion?!"

"Far from crazy." Honso said nonchalantly, walking up to Grendel who was also suspended in the tank. Half of the Arms Commander's face and facial bones disappeared, showing how horrific he had been. One blow - Artorion's powered battering ram just grazed his face and caused such an injury. If Grendel hadn't been a dead horse, he had slapped the potion in his hand onto Dreadnought's face before he passed out. On top, I'm afraid all he has left floating here is a pile of meat.

"Let the title of madman be given to others. In this crumbling galaxy, there are many people who are more suitable than me. Aha - look at Grendel, his bones and muscles have regenerated after combining two genes. The growth rate is more than 11% faster than when he only had the Iron Warrior gene seed. This is an advantage that cannot be ignored. It will be very useful in the future... but the specific impact on memory or other places will have to wait until he wakes up. observe."

"Grendel hates your mixed-race identity very much... If he wakes up and knows what you have done to him, he will definitely want to kill you immediately!"

"I don't think so." The pharmacist carefully adjusted the amount of medicine to be infused.


"Because the old warrior used a hammer to smash his frontal bone and half of his frontal lobe. Out of appreciation for his excellent martial arts skills and my kindness to help him not become drooling, I used cultivated... The Ultramarines organization is integrated..."

"You are a madman. A complete madman," the Raven Guard said with certainty. "So where is Muka? Why haven't I seen it in all this time?"

Honso looked sideways at Vannas, "You were calling me a lunatic just now, and now you're asking me why I can't see a demon appearing in my laboratory?"

"I thought one of your main reasons for going to Moliana was to come here to find and free M'kar, wouldn't you? It's well known that it has a bad blood with Calgar and the Ultramarines. And you want to attack the Ultramar sector To gain military exploits and a position beside the Black Heart King."

"Well, you think so too?" The warsmith sneered, "Wrong. My goal is the Indomitable. The Indomitable itself, apart from something as powerful as the Mountain Array, nothing is more suitable than a Ramirez-class star fortress as our long-term base at this time - even Huron himself only has one 'Hell Iris' of the same level, right? Can't the ability to capture the 'Indomitable' intact prove part of my ability?"

"But...but?" Vannas was speechless. Hong Suo's enterprising spirit was sometimes terrifying, and sometimes he was unpredictable when he saw the good, "But just one Indomitable as a trophy can't satisfy your other fleet members...they...right...?"

The Raven Guard fell silent. Many of Hong Suo's previous actions that seemed subtly unreasonable but hidden in the fog were now reasonably explained.

"So the Berserkers of Uluventa and most of the aliens have actually all died in the war of attrition, and you will not recycle their remains like you did the Ultramarines," he said bitterly, "and Vosser Tucker, under your promise, used up most of the resources he had and could find around him for mechanical flesh and blood transformation at once. His forge ship is now leaderless and doing nothing, and he himself is recuperating here because he is said to have been damaged in the final explosion..." The master of medicine shrugged and pointed to a simple life support tank in the corner of the laboratory, in which a mass of tissue and brain soaked in amniotic fluid was suspended. "I didn't make him like this on purpose," he explained. "He didn't have much meat to begin with, and the amniotic fluid tank was always hanging like this under his mechanical spider."

"When Nosa Atasiya quietly retreated in the rear, he also took away those in Katya Salongba's team who were more willing to listen to you... The rest were used by you to line up at the forefront of this attack..."

Hong Suo shook his head, "You are wrong. It was their own greed, desire and desire for malicious killing that prompted them to stand at the forefront. I just provided a target within reach. You said that they were not the most obedient group of people. How could I convince them to rush to the front for me just by giving orders?"

"Are your wines and promethium mixed with laboratory products really okay?"

"Those are just fine wines that make people more impulsive. Isn't that the case when drinking alcohol leads to mistakes? So you and I were designed to have a physique that alcohol doesn't work on. And what's wrong with promethium? They have their own way of testing, and if they think it's qualified, then it's qualified."

The light blue eyes and the purple eyes stared at each other for a while.

"Okay, then how did you arrange it, M'ka?"

"How else can you arrange it?" This time it was Honso's turn to be a little surprised, "Our Iron Warriors' traditional custom has always been to use demons as the core energy source or equipment engine of the foundry. - I'm trying to solve the problem that we lack navigators and cannot make warp jumps - really, in the end those impulsive guys didn't leave a navigator for me!"

The Raven Guard stared at the Master of Potion, who had an expression on his face that said "Don't you even know that we have been using demons to work?"

Finally, he showed a tired expression.

"Where is my room? I think I need to rest for a while."

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