Chapter 494 Attack-

"The Losatl hunters are not very willing to come back."

When the first batch of torpedoes that survived the barrage penetrated the alloy shell of the Indomitable star fortress, and began to release hundreds of crows toward the interior of the flying fortress, shouting "Blood sacrifice to the blood god! Skull sacrifice to the skull seat!" A few hours after the Luvente berserkers, Adalik Vannes, who was in charge of infiltration operations, sent this message back to Honso, who was cleverly hidden behind the fleet, through the relay transmitter installed at the landing point.

The war blacksmith's assessment took less than a second, "Have you cut off the supply line? How many of them are unwilling to come back? According to your observation, why are they unwilling?"

Vanus's reply came quickly, "Loot loot, I think the Ultramarines are too well supplied and they want to transport more loot to the rear."

"Mark the guidance coordinates, and then start retreating with those who are willing to come back. In two minutes, the positions in the dock area will launch a saturation bombardment here and other locations."

"In this way... we can probably withdraw at most half of the Losatl hunters."

"That's half." Honso told him, "You just need to tell them clearly that if they don't retreat, their lives will be in danger, and those who are willing to follow you will not die. The rest is for them to fight with their own hearts. "

"I've finished it." Adalic Vanus was wearing black armor, crouching in the shadow at the intersection of the ventilation ducts inside the Indomitable Star Fortress, frowning, diagonally below him was the Cathedral of Valor, It is also the location of the command center. He placed the neurological medicine boxes handed to him by Honso at the intersection. According to the medicine master, these medicine boxes will be opened "when necessary" and the medicine inside will be released from The liquid evaporates into a thin mist, which quickly spreads throughout the fortress along the air circulation system.

Although the former Raven Guard expressed doubts about the feasibility of this operation - the Starfort has its own air monitoring and purification equipment, and the Astartes armor also has internal circulation breathing devices, the last line of defense is the third line of defense of the Space Marines themselves. Lungs and pebbles and kidneys, these are hurdles that are difficult for ordinary medicines to overcome, but he also admitted that in a battle that still retains the combat traditions dating back to the 30th millennium, few people would use their advantages like Hong Suo. To arrange a battle plan, he felt uneasy about the possible consequences of such a battle plan.

Although when the Potion Master heard that the Shadow Master and his brothers had never done this, he expressed a certain degree of restrained ridicule at the Raven Guard's waste of talents, but he also had to express his gratitude to Vanus. Guaranteed, "This is definitely not an Extinction Order-style poison that will liquefy instantly after contact. It will only serve as an insurance. After all, we still have to recover this fortress." Only then did the Shadow Master agree to place it for him. These kits.

Of course, Vannas would not have heard Hongsuo’s soliloquy, such as [I also want to try the effect of the Extermination Order-level potion. After all, I don’t even need to consider the follow-up arrangements, but my armor shows my father. The warning label left behind is nothing more. The Lord of Iron is always so kind, and I will let the glory of his mercy spread throughout the world. 】

"You are so cruel, Honsou. You have scared me since the beginning of the war. You let the berserkers of the Blood Skull go to die one after another just to open up a landing field that we will never really use, and you are fighting between mercenaries and pirates. They started deploying shelling and bombing before they retreated - you did the same to your genetic brothers. Tell me, in your eyes, do the soldiers who fight for you just a collection of data and tables? "Wanna? Si held the last box of potions in his hand and asked, "What do other people mean to you?"

"The battle is at its hottest. Every second you delay, the variables of this battle will increase dozens or even thousands of times. More people may die because of your hesitation, but you will only choose Is this the time to start asking me to explore my own spiritual world?" The pharmacist's reply became stern, "Don't be here, mother-in-law!"

"I have to know." Although his tone had softened, the Shadow Master still demanded an answer. "The act of placing these boxes for you makes me very, very disturbed!"

"First of all, they are not fighting for me. Who am I? I have a clear understanding of myself. They gathered under my command at first because of the power of the Black Heart King and the pressure of the game, and now because of them I believe that I can lead them to find the resources they need, defeat the enemy, and win. If I can't win my first war, conspiracy, murder, and desertion are all foreseeable things that will happen. You know that very well, don't you? ? The crowd is like gravel, and gravel can never be condensed into a powerful fist."

The Raven Guard raised an eyebrow on his pale face.

The Potion Master continued, "The deaths of these people now only please the dark powers, but I don't care about that, Raven, you never understood the meaning of what I said many times, did you? I said it. , only victory dedicated to my father is what I want, and I will not follow any dogmatic way of war that people have recognized in the past. When I say dogmatic, I am not just mocking the Holy Astartes. Only the victors will write epics, while the defeated will remain unknown until they are quietly forgotten. In this universe, silent oblivion is more terrible than death for many people."

A trembling electric current passed through Murkrow's spine, and he dived deeper into the black shadow. Only the fingers holding the last nerve potion were still exposed, "I don't know if I should still follow you and listen to you. Honso. I now know that a commander like you will subvert many battles and even crucial wars." His Adam's apple rolled up and down, "Your battle plan is unpredictable... You don't really belong to any genetic lineage that's been encoded from the source."

"Then you should be lucky, Adalic." Honso replied, "I now consider myself a descendant of the merciful Iron Lord. If you don't complete your work, you won't have to come back."

The last potion box was taped to a hidden part of the ventilation pipe, and the figure of the Raven Guard completely melted into the shadows.

"It's done," he said.


The guarding troops of the Indomitable are now concentrated in the invaded fourth quadrant, while the pirate fleets harassing them in other directions can only cause some less critical damage from a distance. The defense system of the Star Fortress assists the three frigates in driving them away. Like seals and dolphins, they are constantly chasing away various ships trying to get closer. The remaining supply fleet and navigator ships have made an emergency stop under the fortress, relying on the fire network and the fortress's automatic defense system to avoid being attacked by sea beasts. The fate of being destroyed or occupied is like a hunting school of fish.

The pirates seemed to enjoy this hunting game, and after Katya Salomba announced her reward for anyone who could accurately target weak points in the starfort's defenses with missiles and other weapons, even more small ships ventured to harass them. On several occasions, bold pirate ships even came close to jumping distance, and their attacks made it completely impossible for the frigates to support the raided dock area from the void.

Even though the Indomitable's well-designed cross-bastion had sufficient firepower and the auxiliary troops had sufficient physical strength and fighting will, the reckless killings of hundreds of Astartes berserkers still created a landing site here, and then, more Personnel, machinery and heavy equipment were delivered here, and trenches and huge positions began to be built.

The people on the defensive side had to be divided into two groups. One group was here to deal with these pirates who did not pose a particularly big threat but would greatly increase the number of distress calls. The other group consisted of fifty extreme people who had been fully awakened and equipped. The Space Marines of the Fifth Company of Warriors and their auxiliary troops went to the fourth quadrant dock area to concentrate on dealing with the Chaos Space Marines who had joined forces.

Sergeant Oranto waved his sword, and after helping a group of Ultramar auxiliary troops to defend one section of the city wall, he hurried to another section. His armor had some scratches from the fight with two berserkers just now. Cracks, and although he ultimately prevailed with the defender, the rupture of the hose section left him breathless, but fortunately the emergency repair foam inside the armor came out as expected and immediately blocked the cracks.

The air in the dock area was now heavily leaked from the bombing and random fire from various weapons, almost a vacuum, but the gravity field was still functioning due to the undamaged core of the starfort itself, allowing the auxiliaries to defend, but It also allowed the attackers to build fortifications.

He glanced at the light screen of his eyepiece, which showed that besides himself, there were seven other brothers left on this side of the city wall. The priest brother Sabatina had already gone to the other side of the fort that had endured more offensive pressure. Helping them with her scepter, song and force, the Inquisitor is not here. It is said that she has something very important to confirm, but because she has sent all her auxiliaries, wearing scale armor, with Datian A brave warrior named Lizard came to help them guard this place, so Olanto thought that she really had something important to do.

"The Blood of Guilliman." He nodded towards Brother Decimus walking towards him, who brought him his own ammunition box and stood beside him looking towards the opposite position, " Their construction speed is too fast. "Although the ground here has begun to show a piece of flattened ruins and rubble, there are already two trenches, stone walls and other structures surrounding the artillery positions. Fortifications, "Are these really the same group of people as those lunatics we just killed?"

"I don't know this, but I don't like the gun barrels I saw. The caliber of those guns is too big, and there is a risk of destroying the place after a few salvos." Olanto assessed, "It can make The artillery on our bastion bombarded their rear positions to destroy those unpleasant cannons, Brother Decimus." He stared at the fortifications that were rising rapidly on the ground behind him, "I estimate that they will be able to do so in ten seconds. The next wave of suppressive attacks will begin.”

As a veteran, Olanto's judgment is undoubtedly quite correct.

In order to achieve his tactical goal in the shortest possible time and impress the Ultramarines guarding here, the Warsmith ordered the Dark Forgers in his fleet to forcibly remove several bow guns and use a large number of their demon engines and other dark mechanical creations as the chassis of these weapons. He only asked them to be used in this attack instead of carefully maintaining the weapons. His wasteful or generous behavior impressed all his men.

Under this cost-free request, the leader of these dark mechanized believers, Tucker, was happy to make some twisted behemoths of flesh and metal fusion, which he personally commanded to be transported and hoisted to the position. The flesh and blood of demons and the wailing souls of mortals entangled the muzzles of these heavy artillery. Now they are under the command of the excited mechanical warlord and his construct troops. They began to fire at the last high wall of the fortress, while more attackers rushed up along the slope formed by the collapsed rubble of the top building.

All the Ultramarines stationed on the Indomitable have arrived here. During the interval of the battle, Orlanto saw the tall blue figure of the elder brother of Altorion appearing on the gap of the opposite wall. The Dreadnaught was roaring and punching a smaller demon engine off the top of the city wall, while stepping on the torn body of a huge alien.

Although the other defenders on the wall did not fail to see the threat of these artillery, the number of people was very different. Their firepower was accurately allocated by Hongsuo from the beginning to suppress the troops. Some smaller artillery was arranged on the flanks, specifically used to suppress the shooting of the defenders on the wall. At the same time, the mixed war gangs and tribal troops deployed here launched more frequent attacks and charges on the wall. The dense firepower almost made the defenders' shooting unable to show up.

But the defenders also have advantages. They are well-equipped and well-trained. Relying on the advantages of the terrain, the situation was deadlocked for a while until a series of cannon fire began to illuminate the faces of everyone in the dock area.

The heavy artillery began to fire at the same point.

The walls of the Indomitable were very strong, but they were not designed to withstand such high-intensity close-range firepower, so it began to emit a rumbling sound, just like the first section of the wall of the Kalan-Gol Fortress collapsed, it began to peel off from the weakest place, and the enhanced vision of the dark mechanical priests would never miss any such small signs. The second and third rounds of artillery fire fell more accurately, and the people on the entire Indomitable felt a clear vibration.

Then, with a thunder-like muffled sound from the inside, a wall separating the quadrants cracked, like a brick wall repeatedly hit by a hammer, only the thick steel bars inside were still barely maintaining the shape of the wall, and people scrambled to flee this section of the city head. As a small light spear that had finally completed the energy storage began to shoot, that section of the wall and everything within a radius of dozens of meters were submerged in the white light of material vaporization.

The call channel of the command center was full of panic damage alarms and communications requesting confirmation of the survival of personnel in various parts.

The attackers waved their weapons and praised loudly on the battlefield, excitedly waiting for the wall to cool down and rush in to start the carnival of killing, without thinking that the star fortress actually had three intact and equally powerful quadrants.

Hong Suo watched this scene calmly on his bridge, and then issued the next order.

"Keep attacking."

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