Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 486 Black Swan Hongsuo (4K6)


As Honso said, this was a showdown that all the spectators present would never forget.

Even years later, Honso's name was still used in some whispers as a traditional slang of the Maelstrom Sector.

The phrase "Victory of Honsou" is used by local residents to refer to a very unpredictable and unusual event, which usually causes a large number of chain reactions and even exaggerates the situation that subverts common sense.


The skull harvest feast that kicked off four days ago on New Badab started with the heart of a captured Red Scorpion Chapter Astartes being ripped out of the chest by Huron himself and thrown into the Arena of Thorns. It started on the sandy ground.

The bright red oxygen-rich arterial blood of the loyalists splashed out like spring water, dyeing the vast sandy ground red, like a bright red carpet rolled out for the Chaos Warriors entering the arena.

The battles before this were quite exciting and fast. The leaders of various warlords either sent out champions or fought in person. As long as they could kill the opponent's leader or force them to surrender by killing enough champions, they would be able to obtain All the property and leadership of the team, except for this, regardless of origin, past, or any taxes.

Carrying the power ax he had modified and blessed in Medrengard, Kadarath Grendel led the Iron Warriors down the field, and in the subsequent battle rounds, he personally beheaded eight people from different tribes, warbands and clans. heads of their respective champions, which earned him the title "Crown Winner".

And his blood-drinking ax also won about 2,500 warriors for Honso's warband, including Kroot, mortal pirates, several warbands of varying sizes, a dozen armored units and several A void ship.

According to reliable sources, Pushtok Uruvent, the favorite of the Blood God, is very fond of the Iron Warriors champion's wonderful performance on the field, and has sent envoys several times to try to contact and win over someone who seems to be his equal. Like-minded champion executioner, Grendel always tells the other party that he already has his allegiance and has no intention of changing his family.

And Adalic Vanus has given full play to his killing skills as Captain of the 4th Company of the Raven Guard and Shadow Master of the Raven Tower - maybe with a little other blessings? In short, after he was thrown into the Arena of Thorns, every killing he made with his claws was as precise and efficient as a sniper rifle. Their eyes and equipment could not accurately capture him, and the corpses of the dead were like art. The body was cut apart smoothly and lightly. It took a second or even a few seconds after the black figure passed by to take two steps forward. Blood splashed from the thin lines on the body, leaving pieces of torn flesh on the ground. . His eye-catching pair of lightning claws have achieved great results this time, including a Dreadnought-modified Daemon Engine captured by the Chaos Cult.

When it comes to the killing scene where Vanus appears, the side of the arena will always attract the largest number of Dark Eldar pirates and blade dancers to watch and cheer, and his precise throat-slitting and cutting skills will also bring down the six in the final settlement. The team and their equipment and vehicles bear Honso's name.

In the end, only the Blood Skeleton warband of Uruvente, the darling of the Blood God, the blade dancers of Etasia, the beloved darling of the Prince of Darkness, and Honso's simple Iron Warriors team were left.

These three teams will compete to the death in the final arena. The winner will take all. The loser's head will be presented to the Black Heart King and become the latest layer of skull decoration at the bottom of the throne - which is now filled with many. Fresh heads, some seriously injured warriors will even dedicate their heads to the tyrant's throne as their last honorary death memorial.

Although Honso did not personally end the fight during the entire previous battle, everyone has noticed how he was able to win almost the same spoils with only two champions as the other two warriors with a larger team, and a little too young Some people even have some expectations to become his subordinates: the abnormal treatment speed and recovery level of the wounded.

For example, Grendel was actually plotted by the cunning mercenary leader when he fought against a huge Kroot chief. Although he finally hacked him to death and included his two hundred men into Honso's army, Everyone saw that one of Grendel's legs had been hit by the opponent's spear and was completely shattered. Even if the stump was sawed off overnight and a mechanical biochemical prosthesis was installed, it was of no avail - just as everyone expected, Their game that afternoon was played by Vanners - until they were stunned to see Grendel re-enter the next morning, full of energy and seemingly unscathed, using his The ax successfully chopped off both heads of an ogre wizard and won over all the monsters in his tribe.

Another example is when Vannus was backstabbing a cunning Dark Eldar cabal leader because the opponent was wearing an unexpected protective ornament and failed to hit him with a single blow, causing the poisoned blade to pierce his abdomen. Although the former Raven Guard endured the pain of his muscles and bones being melted alive and threw out the Lightning Claw, he swung the final blow at his opponent, and the decomposition position of the claw tip swept across the neck guard and cut off half of the neck of the Dark Eldar who was smiling triumphantly. Honso's team won this battle, but everyone thought that Adalic Vannus's name would be crossed out from the list of participants. After all, when he was carried in front of his employer, people saw that his pale skin and flesh rolled up scarlet lines, and his abdomen had been melted to the point that the thick spine unique to the Space Marines could be seen. Some people have already begun to make a move and challenge Honso.

But this time, even half a day later, the purple-eyed shadow master of the Iron Warriors appeared in the arena again, and began to stroll in the shadows and harvest heads for his warband.

The two guys who issued the challenge, a pirate captain used his head, ship and a large number of crew members to add bricks and tiles to the warband's void combat power, while the other reptilian alien who was extremely good at lurking hunting had a stealth duel with the Shadow Master after reluctantly performing tribal witchcraft divination - well, obviously, in the end, only Adalic Vannus's smiling face, a heart and a severed head appeared in the light.

Since then, everyone can't help but notice the ability of the Iron Warriors warband leader. After all, let alone in the Maelstrom or the Eye of Terror where crazy doctors, perverted pharmacists or Black Mechanicus gene sorcerers are everywhere, it is rare to find a doctor with normal techniques and normal surgical results; even in the corrupt territory ruled by the false emperor, it is rare to find a pharmacist who can quickly heal the seriously injured and does not seem to have any sequelae or malignant mutations.

Regardless of which side of the veil they are on, both sides clearly prefer to use machinery or prosthetic implants to repair the injuries of their soldiers, rather than carefully repairing the original bodies of the wounded. You can say that this is a subtle influence of the Omnissia sect for thousands of years, or it may just be because of some cruel efficiency requirements that mechanical replacement and implantation are cheaper, require less surgery, and can return the injured to the tragic battlefield to continue fighting faster.

In short, although some people only see the surface phenomenon and think that someone like Hongsuo who has both superb medical ability and blacksmith skills will be an extremely excellent technical warlord, some people have seen the deeper meaning: he may have incredible bioengineering technology, and can achieve pollution-free high-speed limb cloning and surgical recovery under such simple conditions-that is, he may have the ability of a true Astartes pharmacist and find the possibility of fighting against Chaos pollution in this ubiquitous place in the subspace.

Although the Tyrant Badab sat high on his throne of thorns, stepping on a fresh skull pierced by black iron, and did not express any opinion on this matter, since the fourth day when Vannas recovered, besides his psychic witchcraft advisers, there were two figures who rarely appeared in such occasions: Valserx, the master of the Red Corsair Furnace and the master of alchemy, and Garen, the master of the Red Corsair Corpse and the master of the pharmacist. These two officers, who were crucial to the continuation of the war group and Huron's own life, also did not express any opinions after they appeared, but whenever Hongso appeared, they would definitely be there, and would carefully observe the war blacksmith's treatment of his subordinates' injuries.

And now, they dismissed the attendants around them, leaving only space for the three of them to talk on the viewing platform.

"Very... pure." Garen narrowed his eyes when he spoke. The pharmacist who helped Valserks save Huron's life and is still saving his life now has a pair of extremely dark eyes with almost invisible black pupils, an extremely thin face and an extremely tall skeleton. If it weren't for the genetic surgery that made his skeleton stretch in a wide direction, he would definitely look like a huge and straight antenna. His face is full of the kind of expression that only a true genius would have, but the madness in it always shows the terrible cruelty caused by the incomparable desire for taboo knowledge.

"Clean? What do you mean?" Valserks asked this sentence on behalf of his master, "He may not be one of us? A lackey of the false emperor? The Iron Warrior is just his disguise? So, catch him or kill him?"

"No, no." The Lord of the Corpse shook his head, his long straw-like hair was messily scattered outside his neck guard, mixed with strands of gray and silver, indicating the exhaustion and old age of the owner of the hair. "It would be unwise to kill him before we figure out the source of his skills and knowledge... After all, if wizards have not been able to spy on his mind until now, then killing him and then reading his brain may still cause us to suffer unbearable knowledge loss-"

"Then you plan to dissect him yourself?"

"No, no." The pharmacist grinned, his teeth exuding a unique smell of the dissection room, "I mean, clean, in all aspects, his surgery is not only not affected by the energy of the subspace, but his surgical posture and movements are also very good, very good, yes."

"In my opinion, his technique is still quite immature. He may have never cut open a hundred people under the scalpel. Not to mention you, even your incompetent apprentice's skinning technique can't compare."

"Ah, little Valer, sooner or later we will catch him, and I will remove his steady hands and brain to make my operating room assistance servitor. But there is no need to mention him now, Valserx, I It means a kind of talent." Gareon's dark eyes shone with a kind of crazy excitement, "Talent, Valserx, skills can be honed, but talent can be encountered but not sought. What a waste of his skillful hands and intuition as a war blacksmith... He definitely has the talent of a pharmacist. I was not very happy when His Majesty called me! Praise the Black Heart King! Excellent apprentice."

"What? I thought you had no plans to accept disciples after Valier's defection."

"How can I save the genetic seeds of our battle group from mutating with my own efforts? Here, even the plundered seeds cannot be preserved for too long. Unless they are used immediately, the chance of mutation can be slightly reduced. , even if we have only stayed here for decades or hundreds of years, the degree of mutation of our gene seeds is not much different from that of those thousands of years of black legions - my Lord, there is not much of our own Star Claw gene seeds left. , now half of the replacement personnel must be supplemented by the prisoners we captured. "

"Then use their seeds to replenish it first." Huron finally spoke. His voice was somewhere between mechanical and fleshy, because most of the breath was actually under the pale, stretched and sewn skin of his throat. , swallowing and other actions are all completed by bionic devices. Now he has just been repaired by Galen and is in pretty good condition. "If you plan to accept him as your disciple, Galen, I'm afraid it won't be exactly what you want." Yes, because I promised him that as long as he won this final game, he would work for me as an apothecary in my court."

The master pharmacist had an unpredictable look on his face, "That means a new colleague, Your Majesty."

"Yes." The Black Heart King's throat vocal piston made a sigh that sounded like a gurgling sound. He raised his huge metal power claw and patted the loyal pharmacist's hand reassuringly. "First of all, let's wait and see what this showdown is like. Aitasia's swordsmanship is gorgeous and sharp, and he is also the champion of the Prince of Darkness, but his blessings and determination are far inferior to Uruwente, and the rules of this game are that the captains of the three teams fight alone. If Honso Only if he can defeat Uruvent can he be said to be half sure of winning——"

There was an overwhelming cry of surprise on the field.

The people on the auditorium went out in sequence.

I saw the War Blacksmith lifting his leg from the Blade Dancer who fell gracefully and poignantly while holding his heart. From this distance, it seemed that the sternum of the Champion of Slaanesh might have collapsed a large amount, and a large amount of it passed through his mouth and nose. The blood-pink foam that spurted out could also indicate that his lungs were probably pierced by a large number of bone fragments.

"How could it be-? Is Aitasia so vulnerable? Didn't they just reach fighting distance a few seconds ago..." Valserx said in surprise.

The champion of the Blood God roared and charged towards Honso, his blessed brass vampire sword screaming with joy (?) to drink the blood of his opponent, and then——

Honso's right hand grasped the blessed magic sword.

The supernatural power of the blade neutralized the protective stance on his power armor. Uruvente's face twisted and grinned, and the reinforced muscle bundles and servos roared with overload. The thickness of the ceramic gauntlet was only so thick. When the stance was neutralized, At this time, the champion of the Blood God was ready to shake off the cut palm of the sword blade and launch a final blow to the enemy in front of him.

But when he lifted the sword, he found that his blade was broken silently, and the demon in the sword also lost its voice. Although as an experienced warrior, his shock only lasted a short moment. That, but his hasty muscles and combat reflexes allowed him to swing the sword before Honso's other hand grabbed his neck - but his sword was broken, losing both length and sharpness.

Then an unexpected voice that often passed by on the battlefield sounded in his ears as a fallen son of the Twelfth Legion, when he was fighting for the empire and honor thousands of years ago.

"Then...accept the 'Emperor's Mercy'*." He heard a slightly sarcastic voice say.

The Apothecary's special drill drilled precisely and almost painlessly into a specific spot in the Astartes' skull.

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