Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 483 War Blacksmith, you have aroused my interest


The wonderful appearance of Luft Huron now occupied so much attention in Honsou's eyes that he was only brought back to consciousness after being touched lightly by Vannes from a clever angle. Come, and find yourself staring at the broken lips of the Badab tyrant that open and close when he is speaking, and the droplets of acidic saliva inside that can't stop dripping as he speaks, and guess that he has been there for a long time.

——Mainly, in the hall where everyone knelt down on one knee and paid tribute to the owner of this place——Even the Blood God Champion Uruvent, who was at the most furious level of anger just now, used this to express his feelings for the black heart. The king's respect, although he didn't seem so happy.

And now, Huron's hoarse and broken voice was speaking the last sentence of this speech. "...I don't care who you are or what you did before arriving here. The Skull Harvest Feast competition only emphasizes the strong."

This voice was once full of power, even though its owner had been shot into a festering corpse by the composite melta gun of Captain Androcles of the Star Phantom Chapter. However, the experience of being rescued from death only destroyed his physical body, but it did not reduce the invisible instigation power of his posture, voice and words to others.

Relying on his impassioned speech, Luft Huron, who was once the guardian of the Maelstrom, persuaded the three Space Marine chapters of the Mantis Warriors, the Executioners, and the Lamenters to join the Star Claw War, which had already seriously expanded its strength. regiment, beginning the Badab War that affected the entire Maelstrom and its surrounding sectors.

This was the most serious Space Marine civil strife the Empire had seen in recent times until the Empire committed all or part of twelve other Space Marine Chapters to the battlefield, with three Chapters even disbanded in the process - and deployed the Inquisition and its It took the subordinate Stormtroopers, two Imperial Navy fleets, and countless mortal armies twelve years to finally stamp out the rebellion launched by the tyrant.

Considering that Luft Huron is actually only over 200 years old, has only been able to operate for more than a hundred years, and he has only launched one war against the Empire, how can he achieve this result? It's really dazzling.

Not to mention that after everyone thought he was dead, his loyal forging master Valserx took his body and more than two hundred remaining soldiers and fled into the maelstrom with almost nothing. Within a few decades, the Red Corsairs warband was able to withstand the harassment of large and small greenskin kingdoms, Dark Eldar pirates, and other Chaos Space Marines (such as the Word Bearers), and once again managed New Badab to the prosperity it is today. scale.

Nowadays, as this new Palace of Thorns shows, there are countless Chaos warbands, alien tribes or pirates willing to serve the Lord of the Red Pirates every day. They use the Maelstrom as their stronghold, attack everywhere, and hunt all kinds of things. resources, prey, treasures, weapons and equipment, and ships, and return here to pay tribute to the owner of New Badab.

But now, this extraordinary-willed hero has obviously become a little interested in Honsou and Vannas who are standing there in a daze.

Instead of uttering a lot of sarcasm, insults or simply launching a direct attack like the usual Chaos Tyrants, the Red Pirate King stood up from the throne with two attendants beside him, in a manner that a seriously injured and weak person could achieve. He walked towards them slowly with the most majestic gesture.

Wherever his huge body with pipelines passed, Chaos warlords and alien leaders saluted him one after another, expressing a feeling that was too contrived and purposeful to the point of being completely unfair to the organizer of the Skull Feast and the announcer of the lottery. Decent respect and flattery.

When Honsou's eyes collided with the tortured eyes of the tyrant, a feeling of rapid heartbeat and buzzing blood instantly hit the War Blacksmith. His power armor servos worked alertly and began to move from his spine. He injected the necessary medicine into him and automatically turned on the psychic purification device of the power armor - when his psychic protection was turned on, the thin woman standing next to Huron narrowed her golden eyes and turned on the unconscious His interested eyes withdrew from a certain point in the subspace and stared closely at this little space warrior who didn't seem to have much offensive power.

Honso blinked, regaining his composure, and found that the Black Heart King's almost lipless mouth was smiling at him like a friendly superior.

——It is more convincing and more soul-cleansing when the father's noble face reveals such a smile.

Only then did Honsou notice that the people gathered around him had quietly dispersed, forming a trend surrounding the two of them and the tyrant. He raised his arms on his breastplate and saluted the other party - the master was at home. He can still get some respect. After all, apart from letting him climb such a bad step, Huron's hospitality and palace environment so far have not made Honso find anything particularly objectionable.

Huron first glanced at Vanus. When his eyes glanced at the crossed red

"Adalic Vanus, you have been very active in various places under the mountain recently. I know you, the son of Krax who serves the Prince of Darkness. You once served me. Is this your new employer?"

"Yes, my lord." The Raven Guard bowed gracefully to his former employer, "I now serve the warsmith."

"Very well, but you have to remember that the Prince of Darkness is a master who is equally jealous and possessive, Dark Crow. Perhaps your master is not as worthy of your allegiance as the power you were originally loyal to."

"I will remember your advice, sir. Thank you for your warning."

If it were the mixed-race Hong Suo who originally came here to gain an opportunity to join an army to carry out his crazy revenge plan, he would no longer be able to restrain the tyrant's instigation of emotions and loyalty, but the current war The blacksmith just stood aside and took the time to study Huron and his demon pet with a kind of precise interest like an anatomical scalpel, while Yuvanus stood there with a slight embarrassment to deal with his former employer.

The weird animal jumped angrily on Huron's sharp and huge iron halo and his power backpack, showing a kind of primitive anxiety and helplessness. The look on Huron's face became even more unpredictable. , "Hamadriya is very interested in you."

Honsou raised his head and discovered that Huron's actual height had far exceeded his original physique due to the mechanical, bioengineering and black magic used to repair his body. Even though Honso was the height of a normal Space Marine, his head only reached Huron's shattered red breastplate.

He raised his head, glanced at the working tubes on the Blackheart King's jaw and neck, which had almost completely replaced the muscles and bones, and turned to the animal. He realized that Huron was referring to it, and his own medical augur told him it was a unique species of warp daemon, interesting, special companion daemon? It appears that part of Huron's recovery from his death was not entirely aided by human technology. Well, because of this particular concomitant... perhaps there is a greater need for research...

An invisible smile gradually clung to the corners of Honso's mouth, and Hamadria became even more uneasy. What originally looked like some kind of small, bipedal reptile with black eyes began to jump, flick its tail and keep changing. The base color of its skin and the colors of its spots are all kinds of colors, like a rapidly changing irregular kaleidoscope, which changes so fast that it makes onlookers dizzy.

But seeing that Honso remained unmoved and continued to observe it with unsettling interest, it began to hiss and at the same time rapidly changed its appearance: at first it was a snake (the medical biotag showed that it was King Spectacles) a snake), then a somewhat ape-like creature (the augurer thoughtfully pointed out that it was an ancient Terran Egyptian baboon), then a falcon, and finally it turned into a creature that no one expected. The creature: a huge colorful butterfly with two huge golden eye spots on its fragile colorful wings. Now these wings are slowly flapping towards Honso, expressing the most ancient biological instinct of the weak. His last resort: disguise, to scare away signals from natural enemies.

"A rare and impressively transformed... pet, my lord."

Huron's face sank, and the silent follower beside him took a step forward. He was a warrior wearing thick Terminator armor, with a pair of huge fangs pointing toward him from the chin of his unyielding helmet. Reaching forward, "How dare you speak to my master like this!"

"Who am I talking to? This..." Honso's slightly accented but polite voice once again made Huron's eyes full of evaluation.

"I am Targoron, one of my lord's attendants." The warrior who called himself Targoron made a rumbling sound from under his helmet. It was not so much a human speaking, but more like a distant voice. Hong Suo nodded as he heard the echo coming from the subspace.

"Is your body...the combination speed a little too fast recently? It will eventually start to affect your brain and heart. You'd better choose a master to sign a contract as an inanimate before you completely transform. Of course, I think you will choose your master first, right?"

Before Tagolon could think of how to answer this sudden question, another person beside Huron spoke.

She has an extremely tall figure and long black hair, which hangs down from her back like a waterfall, almost dragging to the ground. Although she is actually very beautiful, her too thin and sunken cheeks and other parts make the skin stretch tightly on her bones, seriously weakening this otherwise stunning beauty, and making her green robe look like It hung unfittingly from her shoulders like fluffy curtains. In addition to an ebony staff with a double-horned skull, she also had a pair of eyes shining with specks of gold, and now these eyes and the gold in the eyes were staring at Honso.

"Oh, Targoron, don't be hasty. This is a... blessed person." She said softly, but somehow the sound spread like a whisper on the breeze that carried rumors to everyone in the throne room. "But I can't see which god is protecting him." She slowly closed her eyes, "I can feel the extremely powerful... thread of fate, extremely powerful... yes... extremely powerful ...How could anyone...you be so bright...! So bright! With the brightest...your destiny is destined to be woven into the fabric of the greatest man and his deeds. The fate of the empire’s downfall is in the pattern!”

Honso raised an eyebrow calmly, "Thank you for your prediction, ma'am, although I think it's all nonsense."

The Black Heart King once again showed an expression of assessment. He stretched out his right hand, wearing a huge, sharp power claw on it. It was a weapon called the Tyrant's Claw, with the Eye of the Maelstrom inlaid in the center, and the surrounding Surrounded by the eight-pointed starlight, and under it, at such a close distance, Hongsuo smelled the strong smell of promethium fuel, indicating that there was an obscure flamethrower outlet hidden insidiously inside, and all the claws There is also an invisible and uncomfortable ghostly feeling on the sharp edge. Hongsuo guesses that there may be some credit for this such as the Chaos Forging Ceremony and the souls contributed by the defeated. A rough scan from his auspicious instrument also supported his conjecture.

The claws entangled with the soul now lifted the war blacksmith's chin, shining dangerously, turning his head left and right, observing him carefully, as if observing some rare new species, Honso Instead, he showed a calmness that everyone around him had to admire, allowing the other party to look at him so rudely until the claws left his cheek.

"Why do you say that what my prophet said is nonsense? Do you know that she was famous as a talented astropath and diviner before joining my camp. Even I am very happy to listen to her description of the future. ”

"Oh, as expected." Hong Suo nodded.

"As expected?"

"Her original identity - well, I say it's nonsense because this is what should happen, sir." The war blacksmith bowed again, "My destiny is to serve the greatest man and assist him. There is no doubt that his achievements have made this empire no longer exist.”

The Blackheart King undoubtedly smiled, "You have a pretty grand vision, Honso, and I'm impressed by your composure."

"My pleasure."

Tyrant Badab nodded, and then began to slowly return to his throne, climbing up the steps.

He raised the Tyrant's Claw and the Huron's Ax in front of the people who raised their heads again and stared at him. The power and dynamic stance of the subspace shined on the blades of these two legendary weapons.

"Any warrior who dares to step onto the Skull Reaping Feast arena and expose his neck will pull out his weapon on the thorn arena when the giant eye of the vortex opens. Fight, bleed, and sacrifice. The weak will only die and win. Those who win will receive all the power and trophies I have promised.”

Huron looked around at the people who were excited again and replaced the fearful and uneasy bloodthirsty and greedy people in this throne room. The sharp teeth of his missing lips seemed to be smiling, "The gods are watching us, everyone, cheers Let’s have fun before the harvest begins.”

Everyone cheered, calling out the name of their god or Huron.

Only Honso turned his head and commented with his companions in an incredible tone, "What did he promise? He seemed to have only provided the venue and the convenience of getting other trophies at once, but in fact the winner took all It’s all the troops brought by the losers themselves.”

Vanus looked at him with a pleading "I know you're smart but can you go back and be smarter" look.

"I will stay." Hongsuo nodded, "Except for this case, this technique that my father calls getting twice the result with half the effort is worth learning."

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