Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 478 The Second Person (4K5)


(Warning: This chapter contains a lot of gossip) -

Honsou was now strolling beneath the palace of the ruler of this place, which proclaimed his majestic authority and unabashed cold malice toward the entire universe.

When he looked at this place from the camp he walked out of before, the impression was still different from actually walking in this mountain city - he later discovered that the "Hong Suo" he replaced did not spend too much on building materials for the camp. Instead of thinking about it, he directly chose to build the camp on a promontory with cliffs on three sides far away from the main mountain peak. It was safer and easier to defend but not close to the core. It showed a kind of caution for newcomers - quite like what he would do. Things to do, he thought.

His shiny ceramic boots stepped on the winding, crowded, noisy and steep steps of the mountain city. The sides of these steps were mixed with dirt and dust left by countless years and races, but the center of the steps was because of It looks much cleaner and smoother after being repeatedly stepped on by people who come and go frequently.

Obviously, even among Chaos Lords, there is a huge upper and lower limit on the management ability of each Lord.

The lords here obviously have no problem with allowing alien and mutant mercenaries and prostitutes, thieves, liars, robbers, and murderers to fill the streets here, considering that this place provides all those who believe in Chaos with a place that is at least decent, There is also a certain regular trading area. This alone allows commerce to grow spontaneously immediately. Commercial and service facilities have indeed prospered under this loose management environment. There are docks, mobile vendors, and missionary areas. , fighting cage, trading area and bar area, it can be said to be half a paradise in a place where chaos gathers.

He raised his head, and in the sky he could see countless large and small transport boats and void ships higher up, coming and going, busy working like a swarm of bees bringing honey here.

Compared to the noise and crowds here, Medlengard was terrifyingly barren and barren. Honso felt like a country bumpkin lord who had just come to the city from the frontier countryside, but fortunately, he also proudly believed that everything here In total, he was not worthy of licking a toe for his father and his father's Iron-Blooded Horn, which suppressed the trace of nameless anger he had just aroused.

When the anger that made him want to kill an alien prostitute who was flirting with him on the side of the road was suppressed by the thought of the Iron Blood and the lazy warmth brought by his father, Honso was keenly aware that in this company, In a mountain city where the sky is full of chaos, the influence of the dark power is open and ubiquitous.

Anyone who is unable to calmly balance his emotions and reveals a crack in his emotional shell will be immediately taken advantage of, and an originally inconspicuous inner curse in a soul will quickly evolve into a bloodshed, a murderous act, or a huge... The beginning of the conspiracy.

And its specific performance depends on which powerful player has more eyes on it.

Therefore, in addition to slaves and fanatics, the lost humans here range from Astartes who still bear various emblems of fighting for the Emperor, to mortals wearing shabby Imperial Guard uniforms. The eyes of the adventurers and mercenaries who had not yet lost their minds were gleaming like hungry wolves.

Obviously, the lord here received blessings from multiple gods. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the colorful species ecology he saw here and the different temptations he felt here. Moreover, he only believed in a single god. Worlds often have very obvious characteristics of the dark powers they are dedicated to. For example, the worlds favored by Slaanesh are very different from the worlds praying for the arrival of Nurgle. They are easy to distinguish from each other.

Although Medlengard is known as undivided chaos, on the contrary - something seemed to flash in Honso's mind. He wanted to catch it, but unfortunately he failed, so he had to put this unimportant doubt aside. Put it aside and think about it again.

As for when and where this place was, who was the lord of that palace, and whether there were other rulers - before he walked out of the camp, he had already asked some indirect questions from the Iron Warriors under his command that would not make him suspect that he had changed. (although they all seemed confused as to why his armor suddenly looked so new and intact), including but not limited to:

First of all, he, the war blacksmith Honso, is still the master of the Kallan-Gol Fortress. Judging from their words, it seems that "the Lord of Steel left the palace and then the iron-blooded" did not happen in the time when this "Honso" was. No. 1 suddenly ran out of the Eye of Terror with the selected Iron Warriors.

Secondly, he finally asked where they were. It was indeed not the Eye of Terror, but it was indeed in an equally ancient and huge subspace storm: the Maelstrom.

As a large subspace anomaly that has existed permanently and stably in the center of the galaxy before the emergence of humans, and has been explored many times in the past, and can fly out and into at will dangerously but at will, the Maelstrom is likely to be entirely natural. A phenomenon produced during the development of the universe.

In other words, although it also possesses the evil and polluting properties of subspace storms, its degree is slightly more "mild" than the Eye of Terror, and due to its "stable" and dense material accumulation compared to other large subspace storms Mass, at any time there will be no less than thirty green-skinned orc marauding warbands, Dark Eldar pirate pocket kingdoms, pirate groups formed by human exiles or lost people, etc. in this area of ​​hundreds of light years. activities in the whirlpool of the star field, of course, the ancient heretical traitors are also indispensable.

Based on Hongsuo's limited life and the little information he learned in the Eye of Terror on the other side of the galaxy, there is a large Chaos warband that is doing well, the "Red Corsair" warband, which is entrenched here, and it is the time when their master is holding the "Skull Harvest" feast. The original "Hongsuo" was allowed to enter this area as a contestant of the Skull Harvest and has the right to set up a camp.

So, who is the lord of this place is obvious: the tyrant of Badab, the former guardian of the Great Whirlpool, the original commander of the Star Claws, and the current Lord of the Red Corsairs, "Black Heart King" Huron.

After knowing this news, Hongsuo put down a little bit of his heart - unlike some legions or Chaos warlords he did not trust, the reputation of "Black Heart King" is obviously much more reliable in the eyes of calm bystanders like Hongsuo - although Chaos itself is unreliable, knowing that this is the capital of Huron, then at least he can hang around for a while to continue collecting intelligence and decide on the next plan.

Then, not only do they have dozens of people stationed here, but the Iron Warriors came on an ancient warship, which is now waiting for him in the orbit of this planet, which means that Honso now has the first option available to him: announce that he suddenly received some kind of revelation or remembered that there is something he has not finished, and immediately return to the Warbreed with these men and run away before any trouble or character starts to find him.

But obviously, this kind of thing that is infinitely close to running away in the face of battle is not something that can be done among a group of Chaos Iron Warriors, especially when you are a half-blooded war blacksmith with half Imperial Fists blood, rather than a respected Iron Blood Potion Master who can "point fingers" and "open his heart" to the Imperial Fists First Company and their captain.

He had no doubt that if he really announced and executed it, even if he could explain it well as "this is a tactical retreat", his already precarious authority and leadership would be questioned more, which would put him in an extremely disadvantageous position when he was on a void ship or he would be shot in the back before flying out of the whirlpool.

Especially when he asked which confidants he brought this time, the other party only had one name in his answer, and the person represented by this name made him deeply uneasy - if it was really the warrior he knew on the Iron Blood, then no matter what the situation was at this moment, he should have been in the camp when Hong Suo woke up, instead of not seeing half a shadow of this person when he wandered out. There are some problems here, but he doesn't know what the specific problems are.

Moreover, based on the weapons and equipment of the entire camp, he inferred that their ships were in general condition, and no matter what the quality of the supplies they carried, the quantity must be quite bad, which is not friendly to supporting long-distance sailing.

Suddenly, the strong sense of contrast and doubt came to Hong Suo's mind again: since everything on the Iron Blood, which is now called the Destiny Steel, can be so powerful, well-organized and beautiful, then in this world where "Hong Suo" is, does the Iron Blood actually have very powerful strength?

He stopped in front of a bar on the side of the road and stopped to think.

The abilities and things his gene father showed on the Destiny Steel were far more than what he saw. Just the equipment he had now and everything he could experience in that place exceeded the technological level of any place in the current universe, and the control of the chaotic power was even very stable.

He suddenly realized where his long-standing resentment came from: Hong Suo had always had a vague intuition, and it was especially clear at this moment.

If Perturabo wanted to, he could lead the Iron Warriors to conquer more worlds, break through more Imperial defenses, and allow warriors like Honsou to follow him to create more great deeds, realize their own value, and prove that they are as good, as strong, as cunning, and as tough as steel as any Olympian or Terran Iron Warrior.

In just one day, he had no doubt that if he exerted all his strength, in just one day, within one day, his father could lead his sons from the other side of the galaxy to fight through Terra and tear down all the defenses and walls in front of him - now that the Empire has lost Rogal Dorn and other primarchs and has continued to rot for ten thousand years, if Perturabo is willing to reunite the Fourth Legion and vent his resentment for all the unfair treatment he has suffered on the Empire, he can do so, and no one, no one of them can really stop him.

But he didn't do it, he just stayed there, alone, for ten thousand years.

A strong feeling of sadness, resentment and anger suddenly occupied Honsou.

Look, look at the end of Perturabo believing all the lies of those who betrayed him and even his brother, and paying everything for trust, and living in seclusion!

His father was trapped in a palace on a lifeless dead planet, imprisoned for 10,000 years by his unspeakable pain and resentment that had nowhere to go!

So, if this is one of the purposes of God sending him here, to rescue the Lord of Steel, his father, from this ultimate bondage, and this requires Hongso to complete a great feat of turning the sun and the moon upside down, reversing the vortex of the galaxy, and millions or even hundreds of millions of lives may die in order to obtain enough power -

Potion master or war blacksmith, grinning in the shadow cast by the black-hearted king Huron's powerful fortress palace like a crown: Then let this happen.


"Hey!" A harsh voice sounded from behind him, "You're blocking the road! You have to pay with your blood for this!"

The war blacksmith came back to his senses and found that he was indeed standing on the side of the bar door. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the person in front of him.

Apparently, saying that Honso was blocking the way was just an excuse for the warrior to prepare for the kill.

The visitor wore mainly black battle armor, with yellow occupying the main part of his torso. The ancient glory mark awarded by the emperor was damaged but still hanging on his body, and the crossed twin scythes were still looming on his shoulder armor.

But at first glance, Honso immediately understood that the soul of this once loyal warrior had been lost in killing and fighting, and was being gnawed by the Blood God here.

His black and yellow battle armor was like a dark red battle robe, spattered with the blood of the killed. His face was covered by the helmet, but two long fangs stretched out from under it, which was unusual. It was difficult to tell whether they were connected to a living body, but Honsou's biological goggles immediately told him that this was a tooth mutation in the form of a dog-like demon. What made him think that this person was hopeless the most was the forehead brand on his helmet. mark. The red skull and eight-pointed star are eye-catching.

The person who came was holding an ax that was still dripping with sticky blood, and his low roar sounded like a harsh roar, "I am the servant of the Skeleton Throne, Wosok Dar, tell me your name, you this Cowardly insect whose armor is polished to a shine, then I will sacrifice your head to my master!"

"Oh. Scythe of the Emperor," Honso replied politely, "I understand that you hate bugs, I heard that your chapter and homeworld have been eaten by the Hive Fleet. But you are here, Obviously, it’s a surprise that there is an Emperor’s Scythe that is not dead, but it’s a shame.”

The former Potion Master smacked his lips.

"But perhaps contaminated samples also have their collection value and are worth a try."

"Stop talking nonsense! Hand over your skull!" Dahl snapped, his ax slashing at the melee who didn't even seem to be carrying anything at the breakneck speed without losing power typical of Khorne's beloved warriors. Weapons of war blacksmith.

The Iron Warrior didn't even dodge or move. He raised his arm and firmly grasped the ax blade that was coming towards him.

The servo of the customized power armor made a soft whine, and the power supply level of the reactor increased slightly. People in the bar and on the roadside raised their heads from their plots of revenge, murder and destruction, from the excitement of about to see blood. for whispering in surprise.

The decapitating ax blessed by the Blood God began to spread from the part that came into contact with Hong Suo's palm like a drop of acidic lye, losing its dark red luster like smoldering coal, and soon turned into an ordinary axe. Weapon, Dahl made a sound similar to shock, "This power, you are His..."

"No, I am definitely not a servant of the false emperor."

Honsou smiled. There were many things he could do at such a close distance, such as pulling out a pistol and blowing away half of the opponent's head, and then reaching into the exposed flesh to pull out his gene seeds.

This last behavior made many onlookers who paid attention to him frown, but some people understood it very well.

After he got up from the corpse and put the two aberrant gene seeds into bottles for preservation, he turned to a corner aside.

"How long do you plan to watch the show?"

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