Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 462 It seems like there is no way to get it back, so why not launch a missile? (4K4)


Thortann wo Bron had stood beside, in front of, or beside the throne of the predecessors and predecessors of Kalan-Gol many times.

Although his reputation was not as prominent as that of other lords, the Scarlet Fist Kayama of the previous Renegade Assault Team knew this Stonecaller of the Fourth Legion. Being able to live on Medlengard for so many years, Thortann was definitely not an incompetent person. Therefore, although the news that he came alone surprised Tolamino, it was not very unusual. He was just a little annoyed that he could not take the opportunity to kill one or two of Thortann's servants to establish his authority.

What the Stonecaller said to Tolamino was not a lie or a bluff: although there is an eternal struggle on Medlengard and they have been exiling others over the years, or some more thoughtful Iron Warriors will seek to "rise" and leave to form their own warbands - such as the previous owner of this fortress, the "Warsmith" who devoured the Imperial Fist on the Heart of the Hydra and rose to become a Daemon Prince, once one of the Tridents named Barban Falk.

And now the two Iron Warrior Lords who are attacking and defending Kalan-Gol have served the Legion and their fathers ten thousand years ago.

As for their resumes, the former was once the lieutenant of the 45th Great Company, but he was loved by the Primarch for his talent in getting along with rocks. He had served as the Primarch's consultant on engineering technology for wall demolition and siege warfare for a long time, and commanded the battle against the Ultramarines when he was away looking for Angron; while the latter began to lead the famous "Siege" troops of the Iron Warriors before the Great Heresy. This troop originated from Olympia and was famous for its powerful, advanced and unique siege terminators, heavy vehicles and weapons.

If there is anything in common between the two sides for a long time, it is that they are just stuck outside the three names of the Trident, always close, but never become the Trident.

However, the reasons why the two sides did not enter the Trident are exactly the opposite, and both of them know it well: Soltarn is not interested in the intrigues and power struggles between the remaining two seats in the Trident to obtain that position, while Tolamino is just the opposite. He dreams of becoming a Trident and can even order shooting at friendly forces.

In view of this, it is easy to understand why Tolamino wanted to give a warning to this old colleague who had made him look quite embarrassed in the whole process even though there was no direct conflict.

The intimidating lock of the demon titan weapon on him was only the first step.

Tolamino sat on the silver throne that was polished and glittered by the slaves and changed the style overnight to inlay his favorite gold and onyx, thinking proudly.

Then he arranged a full set of humiliation packages for this little lieutenant who dared to attack him without knowing the consequences. He imagined that Soltarn's soul would be separated from his body, and then let him watch his ridiculous and lowly body being made into a culture medium for the amniotic membrane farm by the barbaric undertakers in the cage that imprisoned the soul - no, no, this is still too cheap for him! Perhaps, this guy's talent for rocks can be used, and it would be a good idea to make him into a living shield, isn't it?

Tolamino licked his lips excitedly for the picture he imagined. The feeling of extreme desire made him grab a soul stone from the golden bowl held by the kneeling slave beside him, and drink the sweet pain in it. Only then did his emotions return to the line of reason, and he waited confidently for the minute before the final climax.

Ah, it was a really hard minute, but for the most gorgeous climax of the music, it was worth it, and Tolamino could wait.

Look! Father! I am the only one who laughed at the end in this 10,000-year competition!

Only me! The greatest war blacksmith - Tolamino!

Stand out!

Except for Barban who ascended to the devil - Kroger who hatefully took away the trident seat that should have belonged to him, Berossus who was always too impulsive, and even old Felix who was dejected and finally got a death that was neither glorious nor in line with the identity of a warrior, ha! Now! They! All are dead! Dead! All the annoying obstacles have been cleared by the wise god of death!

In this legion, on this planet, in this galaxy, no one loves my father more than me! Oh! I am even willing to die for him! As long as he gives the order, every drop of steel in my blood will belong to him! Our father, the most powerful tyrant in Olympia! Why, why don't you always keep your eyes on me? !

Ah, such a powerful, handsome, and majestic father... No one is more qualified than me to stand beside the Primarch and serve him! Felix is ​​a Terran, so it is natural for him not to compete with him, but is it allowed for a country bumpkin like Soltarn, whose voice is so broken, to stand in my father's command room? ! It's outrageous! If this lucky country bumpkin had not been selected into the legion by luck, he would not even be able to touch the wall of the city-state of Rokos once a year in Olympia!

Wait a minute, wait until he comes in, and after I have humiliated him enough, I will ignite the magic circle on the ground and sacrifice this vulgar bitch to my lovely advisors! They told me that they have long wanted to suck his abundant psyker soul!

Ha! Only I, the greatest Tolamino, will be the final winner! In the end! Father can only choose me! Choose me to be the head of his trident!

The obsession with "I must become the trident of the Primarch" has lasted for ten thousand years, turning into a fanatical and convinced gaze that radiated from the golden irises of the wizard lord's milky white eyeballs. It even covered up the traces of conspiracy, pain and resentment that were deeply etched on his face.

From outside the throne room door came the sound of the iron boots of power armor walking on the rock and iron ground, as well as the sound of Toramino's personal guards who were deliberately placed outside the door drawing out their weapons and clashing swords - - This is a very ancient "welcome ceremony" for warring parties. Let the opponent walk through a corridor formed by lethal weapons above his head. It is designed to make the opponent bow down and be shocked. Power and chain saws and axes can make this The level of intimidation was once again raised to a new level.

Although the principle is simple, this kind of welcome for an old rival he despises is very Toramino's taste.

The door of the inner hall was pushed open - this was also the special order of the wizard lord. Do not arrange for slaves or servants to open the door for Soltarn. Let this guy who is only qualified to smash stones under the city wall push the door open by himself so that he can be trusted. Ramino can loudly taunt his supposed old rival as he walks through the door.

Like now.

"Ha! Look, who's here, Soltarn, that little shack of self-pity you and Flix built has finally collapsed so you come to me begging for mercy - what is that?! You How dare you?”

Toramino's triumphant voice, which deliberately carried the accent of an ancient Olympian noble, suddenly rose sharply, like a steep cliff rising into the sky from the plains outside the city of Lokos.

“What is that?! You bitch!!!! What are those you’re wearing?! What’s that around your neck?! Why do you have those?!!!! How dare you?!!!! !”

The Iron Warrior Wizard Lord lost all his grace, jumped up from the gorgeous new throne he was proud of, trembling all over, and pointed excitedly at the Stonecaller who walked leisurely into the hall.

Soltarn was, obviously, very different from what he had been accustomed to for the past ten thousand years, and the visitor had obviously dressed up for their meeting.

His silver armor is as shiny as Toramino's Olympian unprinted power armor. His black shoulder armor is as black and shiny as onyx, and the golden ribbons, tassels and various logos mark his past. The honorary badges and medals of merit are proudly displayed on his breastplate, and a black gold-trimmed cloak with a silver-white skull mask emblem hangs from his shoulder armor. The respirator mask was taken off, revealing the face that had been repaired by exquisite bioengineering surgery and mechanical implants. That was the face of the officer in the 45th Dalian Company ten thousand years ago in Toramino's memory.

Soltarn watched him silently.

The most important thing is that a chill gradually rose in Toramino's heart - he immediately thought of some clues: there had been no movement from the palace where the original body lived in seclusion for a long time, and the Iron-Blooded was seen leaving Medren in a hurry earlier. Gard's orbit also took away Honsou and a few Iron Warrior Lords, which is why he took advantage of the opportunity and obtained the Kallan-Gol Fortress...

"I come from the royal court of the Primarch. I accept the will of the Primarch." Soltarn said at this time, his voice was like a yellow bell. "I will repair you for our reborn father, Tolami No, if you are so immersed in darkness, you will not need to embarrass your father again. Medlengard is not our hometown. The void fleet of the Fourth Legion will once again sail to the place where the original body is as it was ten thousand years ago. Set sail with pride, eagerness, and hope, and the defiled do not deserve the love of a father.”

Lost my father's love! Medlengard who lost his father! What's the use of becoming the master of this fortress! ! ! !

Without the Primarch's legions... What are we without the Primarch's love... What on earth was I working so hard on...

The psychic energy on the verge of overload shot out from the gaps in Toramino's power armor. His white hair was blown away by the strong wind formed by the energy vortex. There was ridicule and joyful laughter from the highest heaven, and a line of purple lines were mixed with it. Blue bloody tears flowed from his cracked eyes.

What puzzled the other Iron Warriors present was the way Toramino immediately lost his temper just because he saw the other party's "very imperial" dress and the speech that made them feel extremely uneasy.

"I don't believe it! This is impossible! Primarch! How could the Primarch do it! This is impossible! It is impossible for the Primarch to create it for you...! Even the mark on Berossus' Dreadnought is not so... ahhh Ahh! I don’t believe it! Father! Tell me you didn’t leave us on this damn planet!

Soltarn smiled and watched as Toramino screamed and pulled his hair, his psychic energy escaping, and he looked like he was going crazy.

The Stone Caller knew exactly why Toramino lost his composure when he saw him, because this was exactly the effect he wanted with his careful dressing.

Obviously, Soltarn was familiar with Toramino, and the latter's wizard subspace vision really saw the aura of the mark that no one else could see at the first glance: this set of power armor exuded Perturabo's all over the body. The psychic forging traces show that their beloved father truly made it with love for his offspring(?).

Before Soltarn set off, he used the manuscript he wrote and the small pendant that his father asked their spiritual consultant Master Ma'atla to bring to each of them (yes, only the pendant without the rosary, so Soltarn En didn't lie to Seraphas, he only had a small pendant! ) made a sincere prayer, asking for his father's blessing to fall on him - in this regard, Tolamino's psychic level and his The degree of respect for the original body is indeed very high, but he really doesn't brag too much on these two points, right?

Very good, this shows that, first of all, his prayers to the fathers outside the Eye of Fear are really effective, so... the fathers are safe, and the power is definitely not diminished... it is very likely that it has increased, really Good news! It made him slightly relieved and his confidence doubled; secondly, the manuscript he wrote was proved to be indeed a medium for prayer; finally...well...he originally thought that Toramino was cunning, boastful, vain, self-righteous and... The extremely jealous guys are already hopeless, and 80% of their souls have been devoured by the giant demons of the alien gods that they had seen in that dead world.

In Soltarn's original plan, this guy was blasted by the missile swarm and his superficial face turned into a plume of smoke in the magma. This was considered a waste of missiles in order to end the battle quickly and save manpower that would be valuable later. behavior, but now it seems that, in the words of the kind and food-loving father, maybe "the trash that has been placed in the wrong place can be turned into treasure...?"

"...So, Toramino, do you also want to become a powerful person like me? Do you also want to obtain the gift of the primarch? You want to know how to be allowed to see your father again and accompany him on his new journey that will An expedition that will shake up the galaxy?"

Soltarn's originally unremarkable voice seemed to be the whisper of the Great Keeper of Secrets coming from a distant palace. It penetrated in a low voice to the man who was about to activate his psychic spells and order the guards to fight with the opponent. Ramino ears.

The white-haired Iron Warrior Wizard Lord froze.

The muscles on his face, full of the aristocratic style of ancient Olympia, were twisted, and the golden irises were blazing with evil eyes, and two lines of bloody tears flowed down his cheeks.

"You..." "An earth-shaking expedition? Really?!"

When the second impatient voice suddenly sounded from the crowd next to the throne, Soltarn narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, and Tolamino raised the staff in his hand angrily——

"Who gave you permission to speak while your master is speaking?!"

The face of Kataras Grendel, who not long ago was the Arms Commander of the Berossos warband, was now filled with savage passion and yearning, covered with old scars.

"You are not my master, Toramino, who doesn't know who? Expeditions, battles and blood." He licked his lips longingly, "Is father finally planning to dye this galaxy red with blood?" He laughed wildly. , "Soltarn! Please let me join! I've been waiting for a long time!"

The Stone Caller looked at the two former colleagues in front of him, one who was exuding an overflowing red aura and the other who was emitting a faint blue purple aura. They were at war with each other and were about to bite each other. They couldn't help but think.

To reconvert such a guy to the glory of the Noble Primarch...

...How about informing the headquarters to activate the death-strike missile group?

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