Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 460: Sudden Extra: Saving Mortarion (but 3K version) (Sudden ending)

So, while Felix was eager to return home and set off on his journey to refresh his visa-free time, the six primarchs discussed the operation to save Mortarion, and finally had a very abrupt solution that made the other brothers extremely dissatisfied but was indeed solved.

And, who would show up at the end of this whole thing?

*This chapter may be the most down-to-earth episode in Seris, please think twice before continuing to read.


When Felix Kadomo's feet set foot on the land of Seris again, it was already the evening three days after the dense forest meeting.

The dusty captain of the first company rushed to the residential area where the father of genes lived before putting down his luggage.

When he stood on the side of the road pretending to be a resting traveler, and his father of genes walked towards him briskly with beautiful steps and curled his tail, a huge sense of happiness once again swept Felix's heart.

Of course, the captain of the first company had a very personal preference and selectively ignored the fact that dogs must be leashed when walking on the streets of Seris. What rope, there is no such thing, the most beautiful thing on this street is the most perfect and majestic figure of the Lord of Steel in this world.

Apparently, Perturabo BC also saw his Trident Chief, and he nodded slightly to this son who was most like him in some ways. The eyes of both sides met, and then Perturabo BC pretended to walk over curiously and began to sniff Felix's suitcase.

Almost at the same time, the owner who was walking with Perturabo suddenly became alert from his blank expression from work to soul wandering in the sky but had to walk the dog. He seemed very experienced and began to grab the rope, carefully pulling his dog back, and apologized in advance to the passers-by who were disturbed.

Felix put on his most natural smile towards the current gene father's... uh... owner (fortunately it was not 38,000 years later, otherwise Felix would probably be half-kneeling to answer him) and waved his hands vigorously to show that he didn't mind the dog getting close to him - God, Iron Blood! The Primarch is using his wet and cold nose to push my arm! Ah, my father's mouth, the feeling of the short hair on his mouth...

I can do anything in the galaxy to protect these wonderful hairs now! !

Felix, who was almost completely overwhelmed by the joy, was still the chief of the Trident and the first captain. At least he was not completely overwhelmed by the bliss that came. He felt that Perturabo BC was actually pretending to push his arm but actually passed him a set of regular codes.

Under the enthusiastic words of the Father of Genes' owner, "He wants to play with you! He seems to really like you! You can touch his head! Don't be afraid! I'll help you pinch his mouth!", Felix boldly touched the thick and soft mane behind the dog's head, and watched the black and white dog and his owner leave and continue to stroll forward. After that, Felix immediately took out his notebook and used his memory to record the regular code that the dog had just passed to him with long and short symbols, and then looked at the written symbol group and deciphered it again.



This is a set of combat reference codes that the Fourth Legion often used when the battle on the front line was fierce before the Horus Heresy.

Felix found that he had held his breath without knowing when. He exhaled a breath of turbid air from deep in his lungs, blinked, and subconsciously stroked the corners of his eyes with his knuckles - it is not as easy to control the emotions of a mortal body as it is for a Space Marine's genetically engineered body. There is no power armor that closely monitors their psychological and physiological changes, and will not inject regulating drugs directly into their blood vessels through the interface on the surface of the body in a timely and direct manner.

He picked up the paper again to confirm. This set of combat codes concisely and clearly instructed him a time and a coordinate - although he didn't know how a sheepdog got the geographical coordinates, he thought that the great and wise Lord of Steel had his own way.

The captain took out his personal mobile communicator and looked at the time displayed on it.

It was enough time for him to go to the hotel to put his luggage and rush over. Very good.

He immediately hailed a taxi and then headed for the hotel he had booked in advance.

No matter what the Father of Genes was going to do next or what role he planned to let him play in it, carrying his large suitcase was obviously not conducive to any combat operations, but he would bring his wallet and personal mobile communicator.


Lorgar Aurelion successfully persuaded (?) his brothers at the jungle meeting, and then took the nearby squirrels who were moved by his speech and divided them into different tactical teams according to their living places. The furry little animals took advantage of the cover of darkness and headed towards their two action locations.

Of course, considering that the night is the time for pet cats and dogs to spend time with their owners at home, and it is likely that no one can come in to open the main door for them twice at night (this is the key point), the two teams can only rely on the more reliable Clarks and... uh... Magnus, who should become more reliable, to communicate and transmit the front-line combat situation, as well as the possible air support (slightly).

At the same time, the free, green-eyed, golden-haired Lord of the First Army, El'Jonson, could walk along the path trampled by the fishermen on the wall and under the river bank to the high-rise building where Mortarion was imprisoned, ready to watch up close the operations that the Great Word Bearer boasted to his brothers about.

--joke! Luojia can really train a group of squirrel warriors with just his sharp tongue! You know, they have already confirmed one thing - they are special animals with their own "self-awareness", and other cats and dogs are just ordinary animals.

So any other squirrels are just squirrels! Let him prepare himself today for Lorgar's crushing defeat and his post-war taunts. In the end, you have to rely on cats to win this action!

It has to be a cat! Just like the soldiers of his First Legion! Agile, independent, alert, and powerful, he can rush in when the door opens! Open all doors! Jump up to the chandelier and cabinet top! Push everything off the high ground! Jump on the curtain! Jump on the air conditioner! Let him cause a scene! Then he used his strong fists to knock down the abominable alien... no, the abominable mortal who enslaved their brothers! Finally he was able to reluctantly push Mortarion into the stairwell with his claws -

Just a little bit.

Going up and down the twenty-first floor is indeed a little too high for a cat.

Leon El'Jonson raised his head vigorously. At this moment, he really missed his Indomitable Truth and her fully packed Stormbird and Thunderhawk hangars, as well as the private armory and equipment loaded with all kinds of weapons and equipment. His faithful and loyal Seraphim.

"Meow~~~~?" A soft, sweet and melodious cat cry that could not be ignored brought the Caliban Lion, who was immersed in the glorious and great space navigation and galactic war, back to reality.

Leon left his little royal court tonight in order to have a glimpse and prepare to be the savior king after Lorgar's failure.

He has gone too far, and this place is no longer his usual range of activities, let alone his territory, so the owner of this building and the territory by the river actually has another cat.

It's just that Leon originally thought that his luck should be enough to allow him to complete all actions in a short time and then leave quietly. But obviously the god of luck did not intend to favor him today.

The leader of the First Army shook out his hair and turned around slowly, his mane majestically surrounding his head and neck like a cloak.

A tall, strong and beautiful calico tortoiseshell female cat appeared in his sight as she parted the grass formed by iris leaves on both sides.


Damn it. It's really her. Why was she by the river instead of going hunting today?

As the female cat approached with a smile on her face, Leon El'Jonson cheered up and raised his tail to meet her.

Anyway, I hope I can deal with her before the matter ends...


Under the gaze of the hovering Krax and Magnus perched on top of the tree below.

Lorgar Aurelion was giving a final pep talk on a shaded lawn, and then distributed his red-bellied squirrels in an orderly manner.

Although these chirping little stuffed animals cannot move as neatly as the Astartes, they can actually act separately as Lorgar said.

One team is responsible for guarding the exit of the passage they want to use and finding enough clean old clothes as a buffer. The other team is responsible for entering the building with him. Finally, there is the cutest and most beautiful gray big one alone. Squirrels are responsible for attracting human attention by making deliberate appearances.

"Do you think his plan will succeed?"

Clarks flew to Magnus and shook his head solemnly, "I'm not sure, brother, although it really sounded incredible when he said it at the time. We all felt like he was talking nonsense, but now I don't know. Definitely up."

Then they saw that while the squirrels were waiting, although there were many anxious and extra little movements, under Lorgar's command, the squirrels carried a roll of rope and a sack and followed him hiding behind the door steps. In the shadows, the cutest and cleanest squirrel then jumped up the steps and walked towards the target that Luojia had chosen long ago - a young girl who got off work late but was punctual and seemed to like small animals very much.

It came to sit next to her when she swiped her card and was about to enter, and then stared at her with its cute black eyes.

The kind lady's attention was immediately focused on the adorable squirrel. She let out a small cry of surprise at this cute and fearless animal, then quickly stopped it, then stared at the squirrel, and tiptoed to take out her mobile phone from her bag, preparing to take photos from multiple angles and post them on social media——

——Completely, completely, not paying attention to the steps behind him, a group of squirrels led by Luojia quickly slipped into the building one after another.

"I'm starting to think that Lorgar's plan is really going to work, brother."

Magnus turned to the Lord of Ravens, who also looked at all this with his eyes widened, "But how on earth did he convince these wild animals to do these complex actions?! It stands to reason that the intelligence of this species of squirrel... It is impossible to train such amazing mobility in such a short period of time! If communication alone could achieve this level, Perturabo and the others would have already contacted other pet dogs in this building!"

Krax jumped uncomfortably on the branches. "That's a good question, Magnus, and I'd like to know it too. Have I, like you, always underestimated his abilities in some way?"

The large red feather crest of the hoopoe opened and closed, "Perhaps, words are indeed more powerful than pure force in certain... circumstances."

They waited outside the building for a while, and Clarks flew up to the twenty-first floor, circled a few times, and swooped down again.

"We succeeded." He told Magnus, "Lorgar is leading the squirrels to pull the sack containing Mortarion towards the garbage dump. The strange guy is lying in the corridor and has not yet reacted - they Turned off the lights and took his glasses away and put them on the other side, I have to say, it was unbelievable!”

Soon, Mr. Felix Kedomo, who arrived at the appointed place on time, received a... sent by the squirrels led by Lorgar. It was dirty, very thin, and packed in a large sack. gray furry rabbit looking confused.

Based on the empirical inferences drawn from the other Primarch Highnesses, Flix immediately nodded cautiously to the Great Word Bearer Squirrel, picked up the sack containing the rabbit and quickly left the scene.


The next day.

In the dense forest.

Mortarion, who was rescued by his brothers, stamped his feet angrily in the cage held by Flix.

They have been waiting here for a while.

Mortarion grew angrier.

Of course, the first company commander couldn't understand the rabbit's scolding, but it didn't look like a behavior that showed anything like happiness or pleasure.

Chief Trident has been very careful and somehow experienced (?) to find a cross-district 24-hour pet hospital for examination and make an appointment for bathing services.

So now, Mortarion, who is about to appear in front of his brothers, has been re-washed, except that he is very thin - according to the doctor, his big frame should not be as thin as only 7 pounds. Xiang Xiangxiang had also been combed and trimmed. He was so different from the rabbit before that even his kind owner would not recognize him when he arrived.

"Squeak! Squeak, squeak, squeak -! (What's going on! According to the numbers I calculated, I was almost able to successfully escape from this body through meditation and the number cycle penance ceremony, and return to where I was originally supposed to be. How could anyone think of letting a squirrel steal a rabbit! I hate you!)

"What? Brother? Hate us?" Before Mortarion could finish his yelling, from the shadow behind the first squirrel that appeared with a smile, and from the depths of the trees, different animals walked out one after another.

Mortarion's voice faded, became surprised, and began to make strange noises.

Then when he saw Leon El'Jonson, who was full of glory (?), and Robert Guilliman (who had not yet had time to take off his costume), he finally couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha, you have today too!!!!"


Although it is difficult to evaluate, the result is that everyone is happy to solve the problem of Mortarion, allowing the Lord of Death to (not particularly happily) join his other furry brothers in the land of the mysterious country in the East in the third millennium. Later on at the reunion(?).

A blue-green snake carefully poked his head out of his lair and glanced at the lights upstairs.

The lights were still on in the Perturabo house, but the lights in the kitchen and living room had been turned off in the Dorn house. The owner of another family was watering the flowers on the balcony. Clarks had already flown into the distance, and Magnus was flying in another direction.

He hissed the message and retreated back into the depths of his secluded lair under the tree in front of their door.

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