Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 445: Lieutenant Colonel Leonid's Experience



Liquid drips.

White lights.

Blurred vision.

The smell of medicine and disinfectant is like a world away.

How long had he been unconscious?

Lieutenant Colonel Leonid's fingers groped, and the pads of his fingers touched the sheets under him. They were not made of the material of the fortress infirmary, but they might even be woven from plant fibers, with a reassuring dry texture.

He was saved...? No, no, maybe he was just attacked by the dark demon in the Iron Warriors' attack, and then was injured and fell into a coma. Maybe new reinforcements arrived later, defeated their enemies, avenged the dead, and saved the world. Got them off, and then he had a long, bad, febrile nightmare in a medical coma...?

It would be great if that were the case...God-Emperor bless!

After the death of the supreme commander of the rock fortress named Tor Christo on the Heart of Hydra, Leonid became the de facto new master of the fortress. He had to get well quickly. Involved in work and battle, and his soldiers... Elad... who congratulated him on taking over as Lord of the Castle on the battlefield...?

A fresh and bloody horrific scene, accompanied by the sound of gobbling, suddenly tore away the warm and calm veil at the moment, and violently re-entered the mind of the Yolan man: He realized that he was panting, tired and sore, standing inside the fortress In front of the gate, they saw in despair and horror that the nameless Chaos Lord Astartes, who had almost lost his physical form, grabbed the dying Imperial Fist right in front of them and killed him alive - Captain Eshara The sound of sucking and chewing flesh and blood came from his tall body - that brave and respectable warrior did not scream or beg for mercy until his death -

"God Emperor!!!! Save us!!!! Save him!!!! Please have mercy!!!! Please!!!!"

The man lay in his position and screamed in despair with the highest pitch in his life. His whole body twitched, and then he began to have strong muscle spasms and joint stiffness. He was sweating coldly, clenching his teeth, his eyes were turned up, and his ears and nose were bleeding. The instrument started beeping alarms.

Someone rushed to his bedside.

"The original body is here, what should we do? Phil Hammer?" A pair of strong hands reached out and held down Leonid who was having a seizure. There was a faint smell of blood in the body of the owner of the hands. "He looks like he's turning himself inside out with so much convulsion! We need Brother Pharmacist!"

"You know there is no pharmacist here, Alnwick. It's me who holds the title of pharmacist now, and I really don't do this...forget it. Just be a doctor, I'll try my best. So, boy, please go to the cold storage and get me one... no, two sedatives. Anverk, press him tightly. I want to open his mouth first to prevent him from biting off his tongue. Choking to death with blood."

Then a few thick fingers that smelled of ceramic steel and gun oil clasped the patient's chin tightly, used a strange force to open the stiff mandibular joint, stuffed some filler into his mouth, and along with the sedative syringe The feeling of piercing the blood vessels, the rare peace and sleep once again came mercifully to the tired and frightened Yolan people.

"Will he get better?"

A younger voice seemed to ask.

Leonid then fell into complete darkness.


When the lieutenant colonel of the Yoland Dragoons and the last master of the fortress woke up in the same bed again, he felt that a clear rationality that had been rare in months had returned to his mind.

Leonid's stomach and intestines were still wrinkled from not eating properly for a long time, and he felt bad, but the quiet environment, adequate sleep, cleaner air than in the devil's factory workshop, and a suitable room temperature still made him feel better. Many times, and never before, he felt so clearly what the previous battles and slavery had brought to him: the painful wounds and lesions all over his body, as well as his chapped throat and lips that were in urgent need of water to moisten them.

He raised his arm and found that there were a bunch of tubes inserted into it, and many things that he couldn't tell whether they were nutritional solutions or medicines were slowly being injected into his body. This may explain why he was not so hungry and not in so much pain.

"Grrrrrr..." Leonid's intestines seemed to have been waiting for his awakening moment for a long time, and couldn't wait to make a loud noise like an empty millstone to show its existence, asking his brain for some serious food.

Yes, food, preferably from his homeland of the Yoland system.

Unlike many recruiting worlds in this galaxy that are full of danger, famine, toxins, or harsh environments, the home world of the Yoland Dragoons is very superior. There are three habitable planets in the system, among which Yoland Prime is the seat of the head organization, and Yoland III is an industrial world and is also the main recruiting ground for soldiers and non-commissioned officers. For example, Sergeant Elard is from there. As for the officer class, all of them come from the noble families of the main star and the large landowning families of Yoland V.

In Jorland, according to tradition, every family must hand over a child to serve in the Planetary Defense Force (PDF) for five years. During the service, if he is selected to join the Astra Militarum for his outstanding performance and go to other places in the universe, his name will be It will be recorded as an honor in the memorial books and memorial halls on the main planet.

As far as Leonid knew, the ancient military history of the Yoland Dragoons even tried its best to record the whereabouts and battles of every dragoon regiment sent away by the people of Yoland from thousands of years ago to the present.

After their battle failed, he would most likely be judged as MIA (Missing In Action) or directly judged as dead like everyone else. And then who knows how long it would take for the news of his death to be fortunately transmitted back to his hometown? Would his parents be proud of him or cry?

The lieutenant colonel sighed. He had never missed the juicy dinosaur steaks and buttered baked potatoes made by his mother so much - these good ingredients all came from the agricultural world of Yolan V in the same galaxy, and some water or Amasek wine mixed with ice water, just like what they often drank at the officers' meeting in the Tor Kristo Fortress.

The man couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Sure enough, when people really face battle and death, they don't think too much, but if they wait too long for death to come, it is easy to start to have some delusions.

He always felt that he should have fallen into some kind of carefully woven web or conspiracy of the Iron Warrior Chaos Wizard. Now all the tranquility was like a Grox beast that was deliberately fattened up and ready to be skinned and eaten enjoying in the animal pen.

He still remembered the last words he heard before he fainted. What did this wizard mean? Want to shake his piety? Tempt him to throw himself into the arms of Chaos? Who is their so-called father? Pfft! But this devil was so kind that he allowed him to lie here quietly and recall the evening breeze blowing from his hometown with his tortured soul?

... God Emperor bless his soul, it is better not to think too much, thinking will lead to heresy.

As for why the lieutenant colonel is now certain that this is not the situation when he woke up for the first time and thought he was rescued back to the friendly control area——

First of all, the whole interior here looks very, very forge style.

Gears, chains and hooks hang from the dark stone ceiling, thick, neat and dense exposed pipes, metal riveted walls and black rock floors - oh, he said why his hospital bed is so stable, it must be modified by some huge lathe or anvil, right?

Secondly, most of the metal surfaces are clean and bare in the original iron color, without the Imperial Sky Eagle, all are fucking Roman numerals "Ⅳ", silver skull mask emblems and yellow and black stripes decoration! The silver skull and yellow and black stripes together are the former symbols of these iron warriors. They still have this on the surface of their worn or mutated armor. Leonid, who has worked hard here for several months, has already recognized it.

He lay on his back, not moving for the time being, and allowed himself to spend the last second nostalgically recalling his relatives, food and scenery in his hometown, waiting for the final fate that would befall him... Bah! Yolan people never give up!

Leonid rolled his eyes and looked around carefully again. This seemed to be a single ward or a cell. There were no other living things around. The lieutenant colonel touched his body. He was naked, but someone had changed him into a pair of hospital pants with laces.

When he tried to use his arms to support himself and turn over, the dizziness and soreness of his muscles screaming in protest instantly swept through his nerves and muscles, making Yolan curse: "Fuck."

But at least he sat up.

Oh, look, the blood of the throne, these Chaos bastards even considerately put a pair of simple slippers by his bed! It seemed as if he was really hospitalized on this damn demon planet!


In any case, it's better to have slippers than not.

Leonid tried to put all ten toes in carefully and slowly - nothing happened. It was just a pair of cheap, simple slippers that can be found everywhere in the industrial world. The sole and lining were sewn together at the edge with needle and thread. The sole was very thin and the edge was very fragile, but it was enough for indoor activities.

So what is going on? They took such great pains to treat the captives, there must be some evil purpose.

There was a sudden movement at the door, and his nerves suddenly tensed up, his eyes rolled around and began to look for anything that could be used as a weapon at hand -

The door opened.

"Are you awake?" A boy in a simple gray attendant's tunic appeared from the door with a tray in his hand.

Lieutenant Colonel Leonid's desire to attack stopped the moment he met the storm gray eyes that were still full of enthusiasm, innocence and hope.

This is still a child, a human child, a child whose hands have never been stained with blood.

The lieutenant colonel realized very sure.

God Emperor, please forgive my leniency.

He thought.

The boy was calm and composed, showing a kind of well-informed calmness, and was not frightened at all by the adult soldier who was a head taller than him and tried to attack him.

"Oh, I was worried that you would not wake up or go crazy. It seems that you are very strong. Drink the nutrient solution first to replenish your physical strength. Otherwise, you will not have the strength to follow me."

"Follow you? Where to? Who are you? Where is this?"

"I am Samokan." He shrugged and stuffed the test tubes filled with liquid on the tray into his hand, "Drink it quickly. After drinking, I will take you to eat something and find your companions at the same time."

The answers to these questions were what he urgently needed at the moment and did not want to refuse, so Leonid did it.

At first, he thought that the liquid would be unpalatable, just like the weird broth he had drunk in the devil factory of the Iron Warrior slave master before.

But when he held his breath and poured the first tube of liquid into his esophagus, a cool feeling surged up from his stomach, followed by a faint fragrance and sweet and sour taste, as well as a slightly numbing and comfortable stimulation.

He couldn't help but drink the second bottle.


When Leonid reacted, he had already finished all the nutrient solution on the tray, which made him embarrassed and hesitant.

The boy who called himself "Samokuan" answered him before he asked with an expression of "see, I knew everyone of you would ask".

"It's sugar, vitamins, caffeine, diluted energy liquid and carbonated bubbles. The taste is because the old man insisted on adding lemon, mint essence and compressed carbon dioxide gas. He also kept saying that this was invented by his father. Although it is indeed delicious, he is the first one I have met who considers the taste of nutrient solution."

Okay. It is actually very delicious and refreshing, but this can only increase the doubts in the lieutenant colonel's stomach.

"Have you finished drinking? Then follow me. By the way, your hospital gown is behind the door."


A moment later, Leonid was led out of the corridor where his ward was located by the boy and walked into the pale skylight.


In front of him was a solid multi-storey circular building, which was "built" with thick black basalt with incredible growth joints, showing incomparable solidity and heavy defense. As for whether it was used to defend against internal attacks or external attacks, it seemed to make no big difference.

There were multi-storey corridors around the building connected by stairs and huge elevator platforms. Individual doors could be seen in the corridors, some of which were open and some were closed. The lieutenant colonel noticed that there was a business card inserted in the card slot next to the closed door, which might mean the name or position of the owner of the room.

In the center is a huge atrium with a dome. The translucent dome filters the dazzling white skylight. The floor of the atrium is paved with slate made of gray stones common on this planet. The gaps are filled with black gravel, and there are even some scattered tables and chairs. It must be said that if the Yolan people were in a different place, they would think that this was a resort hotel in his hometown, but there is obviously less green plants and color decorations here.

There are many mortals moving around in the atrium now. Leonid is very happy to see that his deputy, Sergeant Elad, is also standing there. There are several figures around the strong sergeant. He is talking to them. The lieutenant colonel thinks that these people should also be Yolan soldiers. He is somewhat familiar with them.

"Elad!" he shouted, waving his hand at the same time.

When his loyal and strong adjutant raised his head to see him and trotted towards him, Leonid felt a surge of moisture in his eyes.

But soon, the sergeant running towards him showed obvious anxiety on his face, and at the same time a dark shadow enveloped the lieutenant colonel.

He turned around in horror——

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