Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 424 You don't deserve the honor of being killed by the Primarch himself (2-in-1 4K3

The faint singing continued to linger in this dilapidated and strange place.

The tune that changed from the humming ballad to the mourning song came from farther away, and it seemed to be right in everyone's ears.

But no matter who the singer was, they were wandering and hesitating. In their careers of always giving riddles to others, they rarely felt the puzzles in front of them.

This made them not show up and not take action, because the script was not changed in the usual sense - to the extent that it could be corrected by their efforts.

It was the first time in hundreds of centuries that someone unreasonably overturned the entire script - even the table on which the script was placed.

But showing such unconfident doubts in front of the mon-keighs was indeed contrary to the behavior of the elegant troupe members, so they chose to wait and see.

Although they were given the script to guide the Feather King, and he was now killed here, this was not the result of their fear of action or cowardice.

Because the Feathered King will always be resurrected from a new body again and again...

Of course, no one in the Iron Hands team cares about the complex and contradictory thoughts of these hidden guests.



The tall silver figure with the golden bird on his shoulder is now standing in front of a pile of red and white, too fine, so that from a distance, it will appear pink [Self-Regulation] wreckage.

The Iron Hands officers surrounded him, and Malkan looked at Lavus with his remaining naked eye with some reproach - the latter's two-handed power sword was still covered with filthy biomass, and his black power armor was also emitting a layer of red reflections of the liquid that was splashed on it. These reflections squirmed, then merged and flowed along the gaps in his power armor, and then dripped onto the ground, forming small puddles of deep rose-colored water.

Fabius's blood, which was sticky, smelly, and had a strong smell of chemical synthetic agents, was slowly seeping out of the pile of residues and flowing through his feet, which made the clean-loving Fearless Phoenix slightly give way in disgust - this small action made a certain Iron Father want to say something, but he exchanged opinions hundreds of times in the communication thought collection of the Iron Hands in a super-fast thinking discussion, and then calmed down.

- After all, they also smelled a lot of painkillers, stimulants, flesh repair potions and antiviral potions from these liquids. Although they couldn't distinguish the specific types of many drugs, some basic ingredients could still be analyzed - and some of these drugs were "a lot" in that the blood drug concentration obviously exceeded the recommended dose - specifically the recommended dose for Astartes - ten times or even dozens of times.

In the super-fast thought collection communication dedicated to the Iron Hands after the furnace was transformed.

+ Statement: This Fabius smells no different from the scum of the Third Legion we defeated, or even worse. +

+ Agreed. I am amazed at how he can maintain a basically intact appearance, clean body, stand upright, and speak clearly under such a level of drug abuse? Perhaps it is necessary to collect some samples for analysis by the pharmacist brothers. +

+Disagree. The level of warp contamination in his body has reached an extremely dangerous concentration. We currently do not have a container with sufficient hazardous protection level to ensure that it does not escape during transportation. +

+Agree. +

+Agree. +

+Agree. +

+Agree. Then how to deal with this place. And, we also need to do a comprehensive standard warp energy purification and biological cleaning after we return. +

+Agree. Regarding the second point, the automatic beacon has been input: we have started the countdown to return to the clan hall for 500 seconds, and will open the signal to notify the transport room to increase the warp and biological protection level. +

+Agree. +

+Agree. The standard procedure after this place is to summon the clan hall for more than three rounds of salvos and use the auspex array to confirm life signals, or overload... etc. +

+Ah. +

+The reactor overload program of this ship had been activated before he arrived here, and it was in the delay process. +

+A mean and selfish guy, it fits my impression of a betrayer. +

+The overload program reverse cracking calculation began to connect. +

+Also inform my father quickly. +

+The above matters have been executed. +


After receiving the signal from the Iron Fathers, the Hall of the Rakuan Clan, this huge and proud flying fortress that has now regained its youthful vitality, quickly rushed from the back of the asteroid where it was originally hidden.

More members of the Iron Hands Chapter were sent to the Vesalius, including several very flexible Iron Hands Dreadnoughts.

They have full magazines, strong firepower, and firm will. Their power gear axes split the walls and iron doors of the filthy cabins, and used flamethrowers and storm bombs to clean up the power decks and lower decks that were like ruins but still able to perform their missions with the careful service of the mutant tribe who worship machines.

In particular, the ecological situation of humans and mutants near the "Meat Market", "Kennel" and "Big Meat Tank" deep in the lower deck obviously angered more than one Iron Hand.

The huge bombardment that exceeded the necessary limit was endless, so that Ferrus deliberately asked about the advancement and cleaning situation on the lower deck, and paused for a while to look at the content of the images sent back by the descendants.

Then he told them that they could apply for two more Eradicator squads, and he approved it.

Fulgrim Ishtar's angry curse immediately drew His Highness Ferrus Chuchu's attention back to where they were.

Now they were standing in the Apothecary's Laboratory where they had just chopped down a group of Chaos Apothecaries and Gland Hounds.

The corpses and captives had been dragged away neatly, and only blood, bullet marks and armor fragments could indicate the fierce battle scene at that time, like a storm of swords.

All the secret doors had been fully opened, and a whole wall of transparent glass culture tanks covered by a layer of movable armor was exposed in front of them.

The first Iron Hand warrior who discovered this place had been ordered by Fulgrim Ishtar in the name of Ferrus, forcing him to be accompanied by Malkan for a period of time to do psychological counseling.

Then the other Iron Hand warriors received a new order that they were not allowed to enter any discovered Apothecary's Laboratory. Once similar facilities were found, they must be sealed immediately and then wait for the Primarch to come and inspect them in person.

——After all, the various ages and completeness of Ferrus Manus floating up and down in the preservation fluid in the transparent culture tanks on a whole wall are indeed too unsuitable to be seen by any inheritor of the bloodline of the Tenth Legion.

"I really think there is a very perverted and disgusting hobby in his behavior."

Fulgrim Ishtar frowned tightly, and the golden Garuda answered his dear friend in the data loop they shared while flying.

"It is more likely that he has lost most of the genetic cloning materials related to our other brothers. Come and see the log I found, my friend, it is well hidden, but it is also obvious. It took me a little effort to crack it."

"What?" Fulgrim walked over, and a main thinker panel in front of him was shining. After some fragmented deformation and noise, the picture gathered again into a readable text state.

"It looks like an experimental log or some kind of pharmacist's diary."

"It's Fabius's, I think. There should be something useful in it."

"Although I don't like reading any works of fallen traitors, you are right, my friend."

Fearless Phoenix stretched out his silver fingers and deftly operated the Thinker without any instruction, extracting more complete sentences and log records from it.

Fabius's log seemed very colloquial. Obviously, the chief pharmacist had a good habit of recording and converting it into text while working and persisted to this day.

...What year is today in the thirty-sixth millennium? Maybe three hundred, or five hundred... It doesn't matter. Living in the Eye of Terror or its tides means getting used to the fact that time does not pass at the same speed for everyone. Demanding a normal chronological order will probably lead to a crazy result. Moreover, after I made the "key", we often rely on the abandoned "door" to travel in the subspace or even stay in it...

... Therefore, it is more important than figuring out the time. It has been 144 standard hours since the twins' guided differentiation experiment started again...

... The planning project of reusing the culture chamber instead of natural reproduction to produce the third generation of mutagenic twins was successful. Now I can produce twins with the same organs but different genders from the same cell and implanted in the same organ... Although I don't understand the principles of these strange processes that trigger cell division... But sooner or later I will crack them...

... I named the two twin hounds that have just left the chamber. Their work efficiency and specialized search ability are very good. Today they tried to track down my "surgeon" according to my orders... Oh... It always does this recently, running away like a disobedient cat... I don't know where it went, but the hounds obviously found it...

... It came back after I was resurrected by Horrag's transplant surgery... Oh... The feeling of my spinal cavity and neural interface being tightened and supported by it again is so familiar...

... Maybe it would be wise to perform a live dissection on it, and if it produces an organ similar to the brain, it can be removed to prevent further corruption or other mutations... But do I really want to do this... I am curious about what it will become in the end... And... It has never been so useful... There has never been a surgical assistant as considerate, useful and without worrying about betrayal as it is...

Seeing this, the readers paused reading these logs in disgust.

"What do you think, old friend?"

"The work record of a mad scientist who thinks he is very important. He has... well, he obviously doesn't realize it... angel investors. (- This word is so appropriate, where did you learn it from? - From the Iron Blood database. - Oh.), and the time point, Fulgrim, the time point."

"We are definitely in the end of the 41st millennium now."

"It is definitely. Neither we nor the Hall of Clan Lakuan have entered the Eye of Terror, so obviously, their time, according to the previous log description, is affected by the Eye of Terror's subspace, and may also be affected by the alien subspace tunnel. There are too many possible influencing factors."

The golden Garuda hesitated for a moment, "...Actually, it is not impossible to encounter a battleship from another point in time. I have encountered it once myself." He thought of what he saw at that time, and then thought of today's The heirs looked like they were sighing in a rare way. "But unfortunately, I was so confident at the time that I didn't believe what I saw and I didn't anticipate what happened later."

"No one can believe that something will happen until it actually happens. My friend, it is not a mistake or a bad thing to trust a brother. It is not your problem. Don't completely abandon the possibility of love and trust just because something bad has happened. ”

"You are right," Garuda's tone became more emotional, "Besides, there is obviously one item that is very important to us at the moment. Resurrection, he mentioned his own resurrection surgery."

"Indeed, this word concerns me very much. Then we should see who the person he mentioned is and whether there is enough quality left in this person for us to find some usable information."

After continuing to restore and search records for a while, they found relevant records of the person corresponding to this name.

"Death Guard Apothecary... I must say that this result was far beyond my expectation. I thought the worst was just the nailed war dog - how did he stay calm? There was something strange on this ship. The phenomenon is really increasing..."

Then Fulgrim Ishtar suddenly paused when he said this.


"What happened, my friend?"

"Ge... Garuda, remember that while we were busy dealing with the two difficult women in front, the one behind was insidiously shooting alien crystal darts and bullets at us, a modified creature of flesh and blood that looked like a female human? "

"Remember, fortunately our metal shell and protection are in place, and we have extra resistance. Otherwise, the soul poison might be able to bring down any flesh and blood body, so I guided the crystal fragment and 'returned' it to It's her fault. She deserves it."

"That's true. But you see, she or her body wasn't there, there was no residue, but there were very shallow, covered up drag marks - so maybe someone came quietly and took her away."

"It may be that one or a few hungry ignorant mutants dragged away the body. But don't worry, old friend, when we finish the search and leave here, we will completely destroy this ship. Everything based on it will The sin has come to an end, it’s over.”

"No, no." Fulgrim, who lived in the heart of silver Ferus, murmured softly.

He raised the metal palm of Ferrus Manus, and the huge silver palm pressed against Phoenix's own heart in Fulgrim's amniotic fluid chamber.

"After noticing this, my heart beat very fast and my soul became throbbing. Gorgon, there must be something here, this thing that took away her body. I felt that it was very painful to me. Important. Must be very important.”

"In that case, let me find it for you."

Ferrus Manus answered calmly in his mechanical body, and then connected the eyepieces and communication beads of all his descendants.

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