Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 369: How courageous can a wandering trader be?

Tick ​​tock.

what sound?

The sound of water?

Another click.

Ta-ta, tap-ta.

Wait, these are footsteps.

The sound of footsteps approaching from far away.

The prisoner blinked.

He found that one of his cheeks was pressed against some kind of cold metal floor, which felt and looked like a precious adamantium alloy.

Where is this? Wait.

He seemed to remember what happened before.

Terra's throne is above, this can't happen, right? Isn't that what he thought?

Ridiculous! Why me? Why am I... again?

I know, it must be because...

A basin of cold, salty-smelling water was splashed on his face, interrupting his thoughts and bringing back his calmness and smoldering anger.

He blinked again and tried to stick out his tongue and lick his lips - his tongue was cleverly controlled because someone inserted a special gag into his mouth.

Oh... This design is even very specific to the use of Astartes acidic salivary glands. It seems that the person who made this has considerable professional knowledge.

But the small amount of liquid that flowed into his mouth was actually enough.

Even if he is bound and imprisoned here, his taste monitoring nerve (Neuroglottis) can automatically start to operate and analyze, and the gene detection nerve (Omophage) has also made some basic judgments in advance - it seems the first good news At least this is not some kind of human body fluid, right?

Well...the bad news is that the amount of mold, heavy metals, illegal drugs, corrupted blood and other things in this bucket of water exceed the legal limit.

The reason why it is not human blood but corrupt blood is because his genetic detection nerve has faithfully analyzed... gene sequence fragments of at least more than six different races.

It seems that the place where he is now is very crowded.

He shrugged, but the adamantium alloy rune chains that tied him tightly made a crisp and subtle movement, attracting the attention and action of the person who woke him up in the first place.

A slender electric whip surrounded by dangerous red arcs of lightning struck his naked skin without warning.

The abnormally severe pain from the nerve endings to the cerebral cortex caused the captive to tighten his body muscles with aggressive and beautiful lines. His huge body was like a fish thrown on the beach. Due to the inevitable physiological The nerves bounced in response.

"Oh, haha, it seems that even the great Angel of Death, who is our God Emperor, can feel pain. It will be much easier to handle if he can feel pain and respond to pain. I was a little worried before."

A woman's voice had a habitual condescension, an indifferent attitude towards the living, and a harsh and demanding tone unique to those in the military.

how? Imperial Navy? Home Office? Legal department? Or the so-called Tribunal or the State Religion? Are all the jobs people do nowadays so rough? Or has the name of Warrior Astartes become so meaningless after ten thousand years that mortals act so irregularly? Oh, by the way, maybe he really doesn't adhere to it... considering that he and his companions were surprised to realize that the richest and most powerful among mortals began to regard cherubim's deformed things as... A symbol of status...

"What are you thinking? Are you distracted? How dare you ignore me?!" The woman's voice sounded again. The prisoner didn't even bother to raise his eyelids to look at her, and was still wandering with his thoughts.

Obviously, his behavior of not taking her and his current situation into consideration greatly angered her. The strange thin electric whip fell involuntarily, whipping the prisoner from one side of the small cage to the other. Until the person who cracked the whip feels his hands sore.

She snorted coldly, and the metal stilettos of her high heels stepped on the alloy floor, "You actually still find ways to escape my punishment on you. Is this how the angel warrior of the God Emperor shows his piety and loyalty?"

The prisoner opened his bleeding and cracked mouth and shook his head, revealing his shackled mouth covered by his hair, indicating that he could not answer her words like this.

A heavily modified servant stepped forward silently and used pliers and a key to open part of the cangue. At the same time, he opened a device between the captive and the mysterious woman, and a light red stand separated them.

"...If you ask me, ma'am." His unexpectedly sweet and soul-piercing voice made the woman visibly stunned, and then she showed a subtle look of satisfaction, "First of all, the only person who has the right to punish me is my superior. And my master; secondly, in my opinion, your whip and your position are not very loyal. "

"This is one of the holy relics of the state religion discovered by my fleet in a deserted temple world." Lady Elspeth Gorda, the pale-skinned and gorgeously dressed lord colonel, replied coldly, "And they Already certified through baptism by the Expanded Church of Kronos.”

"I noticed that you didn't say you were certified by the 'Bishop of the Calixis Sector'."

A silence fell between the two of them. The dynasty's mistress scowled sternly in displeasure at this little taunt, then replaced it with an expression of indifference.

"Stop talking nonsense," she said simply, "you're mine now."

"So far, my memory tells me that I have not heard of my identity being handed over to a mortal woman."

"Of course," she told him, "because I am Elspeth Korda, mistress of the Korda Dynasty, the God-Emperor's Angel of Death, do you know what kind of trade I am famous for in the Kronos Expanse?"

"I don't know, but I can see that you have courage and determination, lady, in all aspects."

"You sound much better when you talk like this, and if you can keep doing this from now on, you will get less punishment."

"Excuse me, what have I done or what crime have I committed that deserves the punishment that can be used to punish someone like me?"

She narrowed her shrewd and cold gray eyes.

"I started out as a cold trader, you know? If you don't know, then another way of saying it is that I sell some rare technologies and products that I have dug up to those who are interested and willing to pay a high price for them."

"So the business scope includes Rogue Traders who deal in aliens and illegal products," the captive on the floor pointed out bluntly, "I guess these products also include living products, that is, the slave trade, right?"


"So I guess I did nothing wrong, but I became your prey or a commodity that is ready to be sold at a high price?"


"Can I ask why?"

"Because you are the most beautiful among them." Lady Elspeth Gorda said bluntly, "I like beautiful and gorgeous things."

"Oh." Lucius, the former captain of the 13th Company of the Emperor's Children, showed his first real smile in this conversation from his restraints.

"I knew it would be like this."

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