Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 348 Some Chaos Gods’ favorite episode (maybe)

Hateful and shameful betrayer! Enemies of the God-Emperor who are willing to fall! The devil who inflicts suffering, humiliation and blasphemy on Holy Donne!

In order to fight against and ultimately destroy it, this must be the meaning of their presence here!

Sure enough, to complete the rescue of Holy Dorne and defeat a daemon primarch at the same time, an Emperor's Champion is indeed not enough to fully perform his own sacred duties——

It takes an entire company to stand firm in their beliefs like a champion, to gain a true vision that is not fooled by the outwardly harmless appearance displayed by any inanimate creature——


The Black Templars watched with grief and indignation as the only remaining part of the sacred Dorne in the golden humanoid coffin meekly delivered itself to the heretic traitor, allowing him to be covered with the new and blasphemous name he had given to him. He comes from the glorious name of the God-Emperor.

"Oh, little Magna, it's good to see you too—"

Magna? ! The name "The Great" was used by the Demon Lord to call their genetic father so playfully and frivolously at this moment. It sounded like the most violent way of making fun and ridicule of Dorne and the sons of Dorne.

When they heard Holy Dorn respond happily for the first time under this demon-given title, several believer brothers had to immediately activate the built-in calming potion injection of their power armor to stop themselves from attacking the demon king. The fury of the charge.

The tall and straight golden demigod curled up and placed his head and shoulders under the silver claws of his enslaver, listening carefully to the man who was leaning on the place sewn with countless human skins (?) and could be seen at a glance. The teachings of the Daemon Lord on his majestic and twisted throne are full of corrosive venom and blasphemous whispers, filled with the temptations of depraved pleasure.

"Um...really? Are you here to help me? But you can't leave for too long and you can't go alone. How can you help me? Oh? With them?"

The demon king, wrapped in the shining silver armor and the cables shining with blue light, turned his face with a false smile to the silent black temples - and then made a contrived expression. , as if he was really surprised.

"Damn it, what kind of costume are you wearing..."

Lamizane couldn't bear to look at the full battle attire of the leading black templars: the shiny black power armor anointed with holy oil, except for the surface (the most devout acolytes passed away) In addition to the pure mark strips made of skin and the bright red fire-paint red wax, which are densely covered with the edges, there are also several chains hanging down from their shoulder armor.

At the bottom of the chain hung several skulls that were painted white, with their mouths wide open as if they were roaring silently - oh, hell! The skull with its eyes covered by metal bands even had traces of a third eye on its forehead! You also use the navigator’s head as an armor pendant? What to use it for? As a talisman? !

I said you Black Templars really shouldn’t worship corpse bones too much!


... Your dark-colored power armor has the appearance of fat and red condensation dripping, human skin floating on it, and chains hanging from your head...

...Although he is clean, scented, and technically quite handsome, why does it look a bit familiar to the naked eye? Had I just returned from somewhere where I had some less loyal Astartes break their bad hygiene habits of hanging corpses? …

Magna gently patted Lamizane, who was lost in memories, and brought his thoughts back to the conversation in front of him. (And in the eyes of the Black Templars, the holy sufferer Dorn carefully touched the demon, as if his mind was completely dependent on it, which made each of their hearts tighten again. The champions tightened their weapons. )

"Well, well, you want me to ask them who is willing to go instead of you? Oh oh..." The demon king's face that looked fair and peaceful, almost not like a warrior, turned to them, and each one did not want to move. The eyes of the Black Templar monks who opened their eyes and succumbed to its evil were pierced by the dazzling light and shed physiological tears.

"Okay, okay, let me ask."

In the ears of Lord Kaleb and the others, the most evil words of the Demon Lord, filled with soft and corrosive tones, came.

"You also heard it. Now I need a few (voluntary/sacrifice) (Offering(Note 1)) in my affairs to go to Wandering Port for a... um... public display? Although little Magna volunteered, but I still feel uneasy, what do you think?”

Before the Black Templars could react, the Demon Lord with a disgusting smirk added, "I know you may not be good at doing things other than fighting, but if you can abide by the rules, then I can let you Several of them replaced..."

"We are willing." Before he could finish speaking, the priest immediately replied. He clenched his rosary beads, and his voice was sonorous and powerful. "Wait, demon! Never underestimate the Sons of Dorn and the Emperor's Warriors. lofty faith and determination to sacrifice!”

"...No one has (dared) to call me that for a long time. I still miss it a bit? What's your name?"

The Demon Lord approached Geratos teasingly.

It wasn't until he stood up from the throne of human skin (?) filled with unknown invisible blasphemy that the Black Templars realized how huge the Daemon Primarch was, and his huge shadow enveloped them with that scorching light. Their vision turned black, and the overwhelming power of reality almost burned their armor from their skin——

This suffering and pain from the demons will never crush them, but will only make them more resilient, in order to prove their loyalty, for the revenge of the Emperor, and for Dorne.

"Geratos, the Emperor's champion and the messenger of His words! Demon!"


"Let me go." Brother Atreus said firmly. "I am the first to receive the revelation, and of course, I should be the first to sacrifice for the holy Dorne. This is the blood contract between us and the Emperor, and you cannot stop me from completing my mission."

"We don't know what the blasphemer intends to do specifically."

"But we can't let the Holy Father serve or become a sacrifice, and we just sit here and watch? There has never been a coward in the Black Templars, and there will never be a coward in the future!" Geratos roared angrily.

"I remind you brothers that although the Emperor's Champion can ignore the orders of his former superiors and the Chapter, since we are all His warriors now, our command system can play its role again." Castle Lord Caleb is still the calmest among them - if you don't count the fanatical chains that are locked by iron juice on both of his hands.

"Indeed." The priest agreed, "You need to command here, Caleb. So let Atreus take the second and third initiates to the demon's altar to accept the malicious whipping of the secular eyes, and I will serve the hypocritical and evil enemy instead of the sacred martyrs."


"That's it," Gelatos showed them the hot melt bombs on his body, "Don't worry, if something really happens, I will never bring shame to my father and the emblem of the Black Templar."

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